Chapter 981: Preparing to retaliate?

“Let us not bother you? Take the mission from Thunder Island?”

“Thunder Island’s mission, he also took over the mission from Thunder Island?”

All the girls in the Amethyst Hiring Group heard Wang Xian’s words and stared at him with twinkling eyes.

Wang Xian didn’t care about the gazes of the girls behind, took back his employment badge, turned around and left directly.

“Hehe, it’s a coincidence that we will also go to Thunder Island. When that time comes, don’t let us meet you, otherwise, although we won’t kill you, we will teach you a good meal!”

“Yes, you better pray not to meet us on Thunder Island!”

Several girls saw Wang Xian leave without expression, stared at him a little angrily, and said.

“At that time, I hope you can still say such things!”

Wang Xian paused, and gave them a mocking look.

“It won’t be long before I will defeat you and ask you to apologize to my brother!”

Qin Qing gritted her teeth tightly and said firmly towards Wang Xian.

He smiled faintly, and walked straight out.

Just now he looked at their good and evil values ​​with the dark and dark fire dragon eyes. They were all good people, and Wang Xian didn’t bother to care about them.

“Huh, kid, you wait!”

“What a proud, we want to take care of you easily!”

“That’s right, our deputy commander can easily beat you to the ground!”

A group of girls in the Amethyst Employment Group behind saw Wang Xian leave directly, and spoke behind them with a little disdain.

The burly girl standing in the center smiled faintly, without speaking.

“It seems that the new born King Immortal really offended the Amethyst Hiring Group!”

“That’s not it. The Amethyst Hire Group is famous for its unity, but I didn’t expect that Wang Xian would actually take on the mission of Lei Dao. He has this strength?”

In the hall, the students of the Demon Hunting Academy who saw this scene were curiously talking.

“That kid, go out of town to do a task at this time, I think, it’s so stupid to want to die!”

In a corner, suddenly a young man whispered to his companion next to him.

“Huh? How to say?”

Several companions looked at him suspiciously.

“Look at just now, the Amethyst Hiring Group is obviously going to teach him a lesson!”

“In addition to the Zijin Hiring Group, there are also Young Master Hiring Groups!”

He looked around, his gaze fell on a thin young man, and finally added: “That kid, he has been targeted, he may be over!”


Several young people’s eyes condensed slightly, and they fell silent.

The Demon Hunting Academy is a very special academy.

It does not belong to the Star-Moon Kingdom, does not belong to any forces, but is just a place to cultivate the employment group.

Even the founder of the Demon Hunting Academy is a mercenary group.

The Demon Hunting Academy is no different from outside hire groups except that it is closed alone and taught by instructors.

During school, if you die, the college will ignore it.

Even if the academy knows who you were killed in the wild, the academy will not avenge you.

Because this is a place to train an employment group.

This is the rule in the employment group world.

Therefore, in the Demon Hunting Academy, vendettas are not uncommon, and some of them are even public.

For example, the Baiyuan Mercenary Group, ranked ninth in the past, and the Black Wind Mercenary Group, ranked twelfth, are deadly enemies.

When these two hired groups met in the wild, they were basically desperate, even looking for opportunities to ambush each other.

The fight between the two mercenary groups killed dozens of people.

This is an open matter at the Academy, but the Demon Hunting Academy will not care.

As long as you follow the rules in the academy, no one asks except for the academy.

Obviously, at this time, if that young man goes to Thunder Island to do a mission, the Young Master Employment Group will definitely not let go of this good opportunity!


Wang Xian came out of the task and walked directly to the library.

He is going to find information on Lei Island, and prepare for Lei Island in two days.

“I want to check information!”

Wang Xian walked to the position of the staff and said directly to him.

“What information is inquired?”

The staff asked him.

“Thunder Island, and information on the thunderstorm area!”

Wang Xian said directly.

“There are a lot of information in the thunderstorm area. If you want to view it freely, you need half a million points!”

The staff said directly towards Wang Xian.

“So much? How are points and spirit stones exchanged?”

“One hundred middle-grade spirit stones, one point!”

“Really expensive!”

Wang Xian took a deep breath and exchanged 10,000 points.

This method of buying points is rarely done, it is too expensive, and it is completely unequal transactions.

But this is the rules of the Hunting Academy. Without points, you cannot view the information.

Ten thousand points, although it is not possible to view the information of the entire thunderstorm area, but the information near Thunder Island can be found.

However, just as Wang Xian was checking the information, something happened in the position of the son’s employment group.

“Deputy head, do we really send the information to the college forum?”

A young man in the son’s employment group frowned slightly and asked.

“Fat, that kid provoked us so much, then we have to let everyone know the consequences of provoking us!”

The young man with the communication stone tray in his hand smiled faintly.

“Anyway, the academy won’t bother, I also want to see if that kid will be counseled, we have time!”

A chubby young man next to him said with a smile.

A group of people were smiling and talking, and ten minutes later, a post from the Demon Hunting Academy caused a great sensation.

“Wang Xian, see you in Lei Island!”

A short line of words, the posted information shows Yun Hanhai!

The name Yun Hanhai is known to almost everyone in the Demon Hunting Academy, and is the deputy head of the Young Master’s Hiring Group.

The young master of the Yun family, a famous bloodline family in Donghai City.

The Yun Family is an extraordinary ninth-level bloodline family, a member of the family, inspires all bloodlines, and can smoothly reach the ninth-level extraordinary bloodline.

Yun Hanhai, now his strength has reached the sixth rank of extraordinary, is the top powerhouse of the Demon Hunting Academy.

His words can represent the son-in-law hire group!

The short line of words also means that the Young Master Employment Group will attack Wang Xian in Lei Island.

This is a stark threat and warning.

“Damn, that new born king fairy is going to Thunder Island for a mission?”

“Haha, I saw the goddess of the Zijin Hiring Corps in the mission area trying to teach this king immortal in Thunder Island. I didn’t expect that the Son Hiring Corps would also do it!”

“The Young Master’s Hiring Group announced it directly, so does Wang Xian dare to go?”

“For the freshmen who just arrived, some strengths should be kept low-key. Now, it’s over, and, with his strength, go to Thunder Island? Can you complete the task?”

One reply appeared below. When a freshman provokes the son’s hire group, everyone knew that the freshman was going to be unlucky.

Moreover, the bad luck this time is very likely to be death!

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