Chapter 972

Seeing Wang Xian walking out of the learning field, Duan Qingwen’s expression was extremely embarrassing when he ignored what he said.

In the Demon Hunting Academy, a class has a captain, and the captain is the strongest in the class, with great authority.

Similarly, being a team leader has many advantages. For example, it is easy to recruit members for the establishment of an employment group.

Duan Qingwen looked very ugly when he saw that Wang Xianniao was not a bird of his own.

“Captain, don’t care about that guy, he is probably going to hide, hehe, he provokes the son’s hire group, he can’t stay in the Demon Hunting Academy for long!”

“Yes, I bet he will leave the Demon Hunting Academy within a week at most. This guy is too proud. Now the Young Master Hiring Group has posted a message on the Academy forum, this guy is finished!”

Several young people in the class saw Duan Qingwen’s unsightly face, and they quickly spoke, flatteringly.

“Huh, let’s ignore this guy!”

Duan Qingwen said coldly with a gloomy face.

Wang Xian walked out of the learning field and walked straight to the outside of the academy.

He came to the Demon Hunting Academy because he was able to get some quests and news that were not available outside at the Demon Hunting Academy, which was of great benefit to the development of the Fairy Phoenix Hiring Group.

As for learning, some things can be learned, but most of them are of little use to him.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wang Xian to stay in the academy all the time.

Walking out of the school, Wang Xian looked around. A student from the Demon Hunting Academy was holding a weapon. Some walked towards the outside of the academy, and some came back from outside the academy.

Some academies are riding mighty beasts, wearing armor, and mighty.

There are also more than a dozen people together, including men and women, all of whom are senior students.

Wang Xian speeded up his pace and walked outside. When he walked to the entrance of the academy, he saw Father Zhou waiting by the door.

“Head Wang, all your supplies are sold, and all the spirit stones are in the space ring!”

Father Zhou also saw Wang Xian and walked over immediately and said respectfully.

“Ok, thanks!”

Wang Xian nodded.

“No need. If Mr. Wang has time, I will treat you to a meal!”

Father Zhou said politely.

“No, I still have something to do. Let’s have a chance to eat together!”

Wang Xian shook his head.


Father Zhou nodded quickly and waved to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and took out the key given by Teacher Ma.

He looked at the address on the key: “It’s very close, not bad, not bad!”

Wang Xian looked at the street in front, walked to the right along the wall of the Demon Hunting Academy.

After walking for about a kilometer, Wang Xian entered an alley with pieces of houses.

The house has a separate courtyard, which looks very luxurious.

“The houses that can be built near the Demon Hunting Academy are not cheap. This house is at least worth tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones!”

Wang Xian walked to a blue wooden door, looked at the house number in front, and opened the door directly.

A courtyard has at least more than one hundred square meters.

The small three-story building, open the door to enter, it is extremely luxurious.

Wang Xian looked around with great satisfaction, took out the communication stone plate and called Ao Jian and the others.

After checking the time, it was noon, and Wang Xian walked directly outside.

Not far away is the main street of the East District, Wang Xian casually found a restaurant and did it.

For dinner, Ao Jian and his group arrived, and Wang Xian asked them to find a house next to where they lived.

After handling the matter, Wang Xian walked towards the Demon Hunting Academy.

“Hey, that’s a freshman who doesn’t give the son a lot of face!”

“It’s really him, he’s so courageous, I don’t know how to hide!”

“Where can he hide? Tsk tsk, hit him is 10,000 middle-grade spirit stones, if I can beat him, I will beat him a dozen times!”

“He is at least an extraordinary third-tier strength, and he can rank in the top ten among freshmen!”

Just after passing through the shaded area, Wang Xian saw three or four young people pointing towards him.

Wang Xian looked at it, raised his brow slightly, ignored it, and continued to walk inside.

The Demon Hunting Academy is very large, and Wang Xian hastened his pace.

“In the afternoon, the instructor let us get acquainted with the Demon Hunting Academy, and everyone can walk around!”

“Hey, look, it’s him!”

“It’s really him. A freshman who just entered the school has become a hot topic in our college. Hey, he is really envious!”

“Envy a wool, this kid is going to be unlucky soon!”

At this moment, a hundred students walked out of the next learning field, and a young man standing in the front spoke to the students.

At this time, a famous student saw Wang Xian and suddenly said in surprise.

The young man standing in the forefront of the speech was taken aback for a moment, looked towards Wang Xian, and squinted his eyes slightly.

Although the freshmen have only entered the school for one day, most of the students in the Hunting Academy know Wang Xian’s reputation.

Especially the tasks issued by the son-in-law employment group in the communication stone pan forum.

“Beat this guy, not only can you get 10,000 middle-grade spirit stones, but you can also get a great reputation!”

The young man standing in the front flickered, and his figure suddenly moved and appeared in front of Wang Xian in an instant.


Wang Xian frowned slightly when he saw a young man suddenly blocked in front of him.

“Hey, what is the captain doing?”

“Is it? Is the captain going to beat him up?”

“Haha, support the captain and beat him. Not only is there only a reward of 10,000 middle-grade spirit stones, but it can also shake our first grade!”

“Yes, our eighth class is the strongest existence, captain, teach him a lesson!”

The group of students behind saw their captain’s action, with an expression of excitement on their faces, shouting loudly.

The young man smiled, looked at the group of students behind him, and raised his hand lightly: “Wait for me to earn 10,000 middle-grade spirit stones, please have a good meal!”

“Haha, support the captain and beat him!”

“The captain’s strength is definitely one of the best in our class, with extraordinary Tier 3 weapons, an extraordinary Tier 3 armor and auxiliary weapons!”

“Captain, let us also be famous in Class 3 of the first grade!”

Behind, a crowd of students gathered around excitedly.

“Ha ha!”

Hearing the words of a group of classmates, the young man raised his head slightly, the corners of his mouth cocked, and looked at Wang Xian in front of him: “Boy, the strength is good, come, let’s discuss it!”

“No time, get out!”

Looking at the youth’s provocation, Wang Xian said with a trace of impatience in his eyes.

“Get out. If you beat me, then get out. Why? You dare to play with the seniors, but dare not accept my challenge? Don’t you? It’s so boring. Why don’t you let me beat me and I let you go?”

The young man said jokingly, his face full of strong self-confidence.


Wang Xian flashed a trace of impatience, and slammed directly forward.

“Hehe, ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones, I’m going to order it!”

Seeing Wang Xian’s hand, the young man showed a smile on his face, clenched his fist, and rushed directly.


Wang Xian also stretched out his fist and directly greeted him, the powerful force violently slammed together!

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