Chapter 969

Get out, get out of your rubbish, right?

He actually said such things to the five members of the son-in-law’s hire group.

Not to mention that the five of them are the famous prince hire group in the Demon Hunting Group, but they are not, but they are also senior students in the Demon Hunting Academy.

You, a freshman, dare to say such things to senior students. This is obviously looking for death!

Wang Xian’s words made all the new students around him a little dumbfounded, staring at him one by one in astonishment.

However, his words made the faces of the five Jinyi youths in the Young Master’s Employment Group gloomy in an instant.

Their faces almost dripped blood.

Say they are rubbish?

And being a freshman in front of all freshmen, which is simply shameful.

After some people in the Demon Hunting Academy knew it, wouldn’t they want to mock them to death?

I was called rubbish by a freshman who has not yet enrolled!

Jin Gu Youth also looked at Wang Xian in astonishment, slowly showing a mocking look on his face.

“Haha, very good, no one in the Demon Hunting Academy dared to talk to us like this, especially freshmen, you are the first one!”

A cruel look flashed in the eyes of the young man in the center of the five, and he held a fan in his right hand: “I’ll help you get out!”

The fan on his right hand flashed with blue light, and slapped heavily towards Wang Xian’s body.


Seeing their arrogant appearance, Wang Xian showed a trace of sarcasm in his eyes and moved his arm.

An extraordinary third-tier youth, in Wang Xian’s eyes, could easily be pinched to death.

With a move of his right hand, he didn’t release any attributes, just relying on his powerful strength, he fell heavily on the fan.



A terrifying force fell, and the powerful force directly collapsed the fan in the young man’s hands.


The powerful force fell on the young man, causing his face to change drastically, and he flew directly behind him, landing heavily on the ground.


Everyone’s complexion changed slightly, and they looked at the young man who fell on the ground incredulously.

This is a senior, but a member of the son’s hire group was knocked directly to the ground by a freshman.

“With this strength, you can still pretend to be real? It’s ridiculous!”

Wang Xian looked at the young man who fell on the ground, very disdainful.

“you you…”

In an instant, the five faces changed dramatically.

Their strength is indeed not strong, the strength of the extraordinary third-order, but it is not too weak.

Unexpectedly, he was knocked directly to the ground by a young man.

This is simply a huge shame.

Being ridiculed by a freshman, and now defeated again, this made them lose face in front of the freshman.

“This… that classmate is so strong!”

“The strength of this classmate should be considered top in our place, but the strength of the five of them seems to be a bit weak!”

“This young man’s hire group is at least the top ten hire group in our academy. How can the strength be…”

All the freshmen around saw this scene, their eyes widened and they were talking in surprise.

And listening to the discussion of the surrounding freshmen, the faces of the five members of the five sons’ employment group became more and more embarrassed.

Their strength is relatively weak in the hire group, but being defeated by a freshman is still incomparably shameful.

“This… a freshman actually defeated Liang Chuan from the Young Master’s Hiring Group!”

“The strength is good, but the freshman is in big trouble!”

“It’s not just trouble, it’s estimated that I will drop out of school soon, or I will be played to death. His behavior this time embarrassed the entire son-in-law’s employment group!”

“That kid is pretty good, but he can do it a little bit. If he provokes the guys from the Young Master’s Hiring Group, it’s just looking for death!”

In a corner of the square in front of the Demon Academy, forty or fifty people stood there.

They are members of some hired groups in the Demon Hunting Academy.

According to their regulations, they hired groups to show up in front of the freshmen one by one.

It is not their turn yet.

Seeing Wang Xian defeated Liang Chuan of the Young Master’s Hiring Group, they shook their heads in surprise.

Being able to defeat Liang Chuan can definitely be ranked among the freshmen, but unfortunately, what he did just now completely offended the Young Master’s Employment Group.

The Young Master’s Hiring Group will definitely find its place and establish its majesty among the freshmen.

“Boy, you wait for me, if the demon hunting hired group has a place for your kid in the future, our son’s hired group will be nothing!”

Liang Chuan got up with an embarrassed expression, stared at Wang Xian with sullen eyes, and said viciously.

“The son’s hire group? Haha, trash, you still don’t want to be embarrassed here!”

The corners of Wang Xian’s mouth curled up slightly, and he glanced at them disdainfully, and ignored it.

“Okay, very good, let’s just wait and see!”

There was a trace of hideousness on Liang Chuan’s face, angrily shook off the fan in his hand, and walked directly to the front.


The surrounding students who were not too clear about the son’s employment group booed, making the faces of the five even more embarrassing.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, and looked at the Hua Fenghua on the side!

Hua Fenghua stood on Wang Xian’s left, her expression constantly changing: “You wait!”

After saying this, he immediately returned to his previous position in a desperate manner.

Wang Xian ignored it and stood there waiting.

“Brother, you have to be more careful in the future. If you offend the Young Master Employment Group, you will be in big trouble in the future!”

At this moment, a young man in front took a step back, turned his head and reminded Wang Xian in a low voice.

“Well, thanks for the reminder!”

Wang Xian nodded, not paying much attention.


Seeing Wang Xian’s appearance, the young man in front shook his head without saying anything.

He was from Donghai City, and he knew better about the Young Master’s Employment Group, and the young man behind him was going to die.


A student from the Employment Group of the Famous Demon Hunting Academy walked over and introduced it. After half an hour, the door of the Demon Hunting Academy suddenly opened.

Twenty middle-aged elderly people walked over neatly.

They wore uniform black armor with a hunting word on their chests.

A group of twenty people came over, like a mighty army.

The hearts of the new students were slightly lingering, and they stood up quickly, and the voice of conversation quickly disappeared.


Wang Xian swept away his eyes and found two familiar figures.

One is a middle-aged man who was directly grasped by his palm, and the other is a gray-haired old man.

Wang Xian remembered that the white-bearded old man was the dean of the Order of Order, with extraordinary strength of the seventh rank.

Vice President Xia was not among them.

“I am one of the four deputy deans of the Hunting Demon Academy, and vice dean Zhao. Now, all freshmen take out the admission notice and enter the college, and the college will randomly divide you into ten study fields!”

“There will be two teachers in each learning field to teach you that before entering the academy, worship the heroes of the Demon Hunting Hire Group!”

The old man with a black hat in the center looked straight ahead and said lightly.

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