Chapter 956

The leaders of the chambers of commerce around him kept talking to Father Zhou.

For a small chamber of commerce, being able to obtain the corpses of 100,000 beasts from the mayor’s mansion made them feel very unfair.

Why can you get it?

At this time, they are even more united to let the Zhou Chamber of Commerce take out the dead beast to feed the rotting crow.

This will balance their hearts.

“Okay, okay, everyone be quiet!”

At this time, the head of the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce waved his hand with a smile, telling them not to speak.

The heads of the other chambers of commerce immediately shut their mouths, waiting for his decision.

“Yeah, Xiao Zhou. Since everyone wants your Zhou Chamber of Commerce to take out more, then you should take out more. Just as President Song said, if you pay more, the road will be wider in the future. The Chamber of Commerce has just started, it is a good thing to pay more!”

Director Du of the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce said with a smile.

When Father Zhou heard Director Du’s words, his face changed, and he clenched his fists tightly.

“What if we disagree?”

Zhou Hanhan on the side almost exploded and said angrily.

“Our entire caravan should be united together. If you disagree, as long as most of the chambers of commerce disagree with you and join us, they will be eliminated!”

As soon as Zhou Hanhan had finished speaking, Xiao Lao of the Xiao Chamber of Commerce on the side said lightly.

“Haha, yes, you have to think about it. If you are kicked out in the Blackwater Marsh, it is completely impossible to get out of here!”

“That’s right, Chairman Zhou should consider it carefully. His life matters, or… hehe!”

Several heads of the chamber of commerce said with a face full of abuse.


Father Zhou’s expression was extremely embarrassing, and Zhou Hanhan and Jin Liuyan on the side trembled slightly at their behavior.

How can there be such a group of people in time?

“Okay, I’m out!”

Father Zhou said in a low voice with embarrassment.

This is simply trying to drive them into desperation!

“Then give out 50%, and the remaining chambers of commerce will be split equally!”

Director Du of the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce said lightly.


50%, just 30%, now it has increased to 50%, Zhou’s father’s eyes are a little red.

“Let’s go, you can go without following the caravan!”

At this time, Wang Xian, who was standing by, swept across them coldly, and patted Father Zhou on the shoulder.


Father Zhou was stunned, and looked at Wang Xian in surprise.

Zhou Hanhan and Jin Liuyan were also slightly taken aback, but followed Jin Liuyan with smiles: “Okay, let’s go by ourselves, don’t they want to get rid of it? Get out of the beast by yourself, let’s go by yourself!”

“Yes, let’s go by ourselves!”

Zhou Hanhan also pulled his father.

“Go by yourself, are you looking for death?”

The words of the two girls made the faces of the heads of the chambers of commerce instantly embarrassed, and said calmly.

“You don’t have to worry about it, you go you, we go ours! Humph!”

Zhou Hanhan snorted coldly, took his father and walked back.

The heads of the chambers of commerce looked at each other, their eyes widened, and their expressions kept changing.


The person in charge of a chamber of commerce looked very embarrassed. If Zhou’s Chamber of Commerce really went on its own this time, wouldn’t the fierce beast feeding the rotten crows be divided among them?

And if there is one less chamber of commerce, they will get even more!

“Are you going to die?”

Director Du of the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce and Xiao Lao of the Xiao’s Chamber of Commerce also slowly became embarrassed, staring at them stubbornly.

“Follow you, I want us to take out 30%, 50%, don’t even think about it, hum, you go you, we go us!”

Zhou Hanhan turned his head and said coldly.


Director Du stared at them coldly.

“This damn kid!”

Old Xiao’s eyes were on Wang Xian. If it weren’t for the kid from the hire group, even if they were asked to take out 50%, Zhou’s Chamber of Commerce would agree!

“Hanhan, if we go alone, we will be eaten by fierce beasts if we don’t get to Donghai City!”

Father Zhou looked at the daughter holding his arm, and said with an embarrassed expression.

“Dad, there is a fairy phoenix hire group, don’t worry!”

“Right uncle, now that Head Wang has spoken, we won’t have any problems next!”

The two girls said one after another.

A mercenary group that can destroy the extraordinary seventh-order powerhouses, has an extraordinary eighth-order formation, speaking of it, is protected by the fairy phoenix mercenary group, which is safer than following them.

“Sure? There is no extraordinary seventh-order powerhouse, it is difficult to return to East Sea City if you are not lucky!”

Father Zhou’s expression changed, and he said with a worried expression on his face.

“Don’t worry, we won’t make fun of our lives!”

Wang Xian looked at him and said lightly.

“This… okay!”

Father Zhou gritted his teeth, can only trust his daughter and Wang Xian, and nodded heavily.

Before returning to the carriage, Father Zhou explained to the horsemen, gritted their teeth and nodded under their worried expressions.

They can only follow the boss’s choice.

What’s more, the boss will not make jokes about his life.

“Damn damn, that bastard boy, now they are separated from us, what do we do next?”

Director Du of the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce said with an embarrassed expression.

“Then do it as soon as possible, the sky will darken soon, and within a few hours, they will not be too far away from us!”

Elder Xiao on the side also said with a gloomy expression.

“What’s wrong?”

The deputy head Ling on the side frowned when they saw the two approaching with a bad face.

“The prey must be separated from us and return to the East China Sea alone!”

Director Du said with a calm face.

“Separating from us is simply an act of seeking death!”

Deputy Chief Ling said coldly in his eyes.

“Do it tonight!”

Elder Xiao and Director Du whispered towards Deputy Chief Ling.

“Anytime, it’s easy to kill them!”

Deputy Chief Ling grinned, his eyes showing a cold color.

“What, someone stopped talking to the caravan?”

“It’s looking for death, which caravan is looking for death, but it’s not going with the caravan in the Blackwater Marsh!”

“It’s the last group of guys who are looking for death. If they don’t follow our chamber of commerce, they will soon become food in the belly of the emperor crocodile!”

At this moment, when the hire groups heard what the head of the Chamber of Commerce said, they turned their heads in surprise and saw that there were only more than 20 people in them, and said with sarcasm on their faces.

“Dare to leave the caravan, wait for death, you idiots!”

The head of a mercenary regiment located in front of the wagon of the Zhous Chamber of Commerce raised a middle finger to Wang Xian and the others contemptuously.

Originally, they didn’t need to be behind, but now they need to be behind, naturally they feel unhappy!

“If someone is looking for death, let’s just leave it alone!”

A mocking response from a mercenary group came from the front.

However, when the seven or eight holy sea towns’ employment groups saw Wang Xian and the others, they were slightly taken aback, with surprise in their eyes.

The Xianfeng Hiring Group has left the team unexpectedly!

This is not good news.

However, they didn’t say anything. Some of the hired groups here are from East Sea City, and the strength of these hired groups is much stronger than them.

Here, they don’t have much right to speak, and they have been silent all the time!

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