Chapter 954


The deputy head of the spirit beast in the sky watched the actions of the mercenary group below, and when he saw the last, his brows suddenly raised.

Glancing his gaze, he moved his body and landed directly at the lowest position.

“Deputy Commander Ling, there is no problem with the alert, right?”

An old man asked cautiously.

“Don’t worry, Elder Xiao, there won’t be any problems with our spirit beast hire group!”

“Haha, we can rest assured that we have Deputy Head Ling!”

An old man next to him said with a smile.

“Haha, by the way, Director Du, I just encountered an interesting thing, that Xianfeng Hiring Group is in the last position!”

Deputy Chief Ling said with a smile on his face.

“That hired group? The last one? The last one seems to be the small chamber of commerce established this year by Zhou!”

The middle-aged man known as Director Du raised his eyebrows slightly.

“It should be correct, I remember that their commission for the hire group was only 50,000!”

Deputy Chief Ling said slightly mockingly.

“That mercenary group took on the task of 50,000 middle-grade spirit stones? Haha, it’s really interesting. I really can’t imagine that a powerful mercenary group will take on this kind of task!”

Director Du calmly said coldly.

“I don’t know why the hire group refused back then, but I can be sure that the Xianfeng hire group is a garbage hire group!”

Deputy head Ling said with a smile.

“Huh, if it weren’t for the hire group, our Qingteng Chamber of Commerce would not fail to hire the hire group!”

Director Du snorted and looked at Mr. Xiao beside him: “This time the little Zhou’s Chamber of Commerce has robbed half of our supplies, Mr. Xiao, when shall we do it?”

“You can’t do it openly, wait until the Blackwater Swamp, do it, there is more suitable!”

Old Xiao smiled and looked at Deputy Chief Ling.

“As long as you give an order, you can kill them at any time!”

Deputy head Ling smiled sorrowfully.

“Hehe, okay, I want to see how powerful the Golden Two-Star Mercenary Group is at that time!”

“Haha, it’s so good, then I’ll rely on Deputy Chief Ling!”

The Chamber of Commerce drove fast and orderly, and the dark night did not cause them much trouble.

Zhou Hanhan and Jin Liuyan sat in a carriage to rest, while Wang Xian sat in the carriage to practice.

Father Zhou glanced around, obviously this was the first time he came out.

“A few little fierce *** gave us!”

Within two hours, the voices of a few members of the hired group heard in front of them, which surprised many people who were resting.

There was a noisy voice from the caravan.

“A few little fierce beasts, don’t worry everyone!”

At this moment, there was a voice in front of them, and the crowd breathed a sigh of relief and continued to rest.

In the wild, but there will be danger.

The road was fairly flat due to the long walking time. By chance, one by one fierce beast was encountered, but they were quickly solved by the mercenary group.

Wang Xian and the others are in the back position, instead of using them to make a move.

Ten hours passed quickly, and the sun slowly rose.

“Have a rest for half an hour, feed the horses, eat, and be prepared. We are about to reach the Blackwater Swamp ahead!”

An order from Deputy Chief Ling came from the front.

He is an extraordinary seventh-order, he has the strength to command everyone.

“The area of ​​the Blackwater Marsh is very dangerous. It is the two dangerous places on our trip. There is a powerful beast Marsh Emperor crocodile. If you accidentally go wrong there, you will easily fall into the marsh. Once you get into it, It will be very dangerous!”

Father Zhou said to Wang Xian, and took out some food from the space ring: “Head Wang, let’s eat together!”

“No, bring food!”

Wang Xian shook his head.

“Hehe, Head Wang cultivates wood attributes, help us gather a table and chair!”

Zhou Hanhan and Jin Liuyan walked out and said to Wang Xian with a smile.


Wang Xian nodded and waved his arm. The grass on the ground grew wildly, quickly condensing into several tables and chairs.

“Awesome, Commander Wang’s control is so strong!”

Father Zhou gave a thumbs up.

Wang Xian smiled faintly, and sat down directly.

In other places, some people condense the tables and chairs with the properties of wood, as well as the properties of metal and wood.

For the extraordinary, it is very convenient to eat and rest in the wild.

After resting for half an hour, the caravan continued to drive forward.

Soon, a black water swamp appeared in front of them.

The entire endless area is full of puddles of black swamp water.

Various plants grow on it.

The whole area is so wet, there is no road at all.

The area covered by the Blackwater Marsh is very large. If you want to cross this area, the best way is to fly in the air.

But the caravan obviously couldn’t fly over, and someone was exploring the way ahead.

Moreover, in the Blackwater Marsh, the Blackwater Monarch Crocodile exists. This kind of creature is hidden in the marsh, and the whole body is dark, which is difficult to find.

“All the mercenary groups send one person over to explore the way ahead!”

Before arriving at the Blackwater Marsh, Deputy Head Ling’s voice sounded and said to everyone.


All the mercenary groups responded and sent a member, and Wang Xian also gestured to a golden swordfish.

“You are exploring the way ahead, and you must be careful of the emperor crocodile hiding in the swamp!”

The caravan entered the Blackwater Swamp, and continued on the road with a large capacity, but the speed was much slower than before.

It takes two days and one night to pass through this black water swamp.

The caravan drove without risk for four hours.


Suddenly, in the front position, a huge creature suddenly jumped up, and a terrifying black monster that was ten meters long suddenly rushed out of the black water swamp.

Sombra’s attack was so swift and violent that his mouth reached the size of a terrifying ten meters.


A member of the mercenary group hadn’t reacted before being directly beheaded.

“Fifth-rank emperor crocodile, come on, kill him, whoever kills him, who owns the corpse!”

“Let’s come, dare to kill the members of our hired group, I want to avenge my brother!”

Followed by more than a dozen hired groups directly flew over.

“Boom boom boom!”

The sound of horrible crashes kept coming, and Wang Xian got up from the carriage and looked around.

The body is ten meters, the whole body is covered with thick black shiny skin, and the huge head is extremely fierce.

It is somewhat similar to sharks on earth, but the difference is that this emperor crocodile has a huge black horn on its head.

The limbs are extremely strong, a slender tail, and the whole body has terrifying destructive power!

However, the extraordinary fifth-order emperor crocodile, under the siege of a group of members of the mercenary group, gradually appeared huge wounds.

“That is a silver four-star mercenary group in East Sea City, and the leader has an extraordinary Tier 6 strength!”

On the side, Father Zhou introduced to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian nodded and looked at the emperor crocodile, with a hint of surprise on his face.

The strength of this emperor crocodile is at the same level, very strong!

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