Chapter 945: Only one hand covers the sky (2)

“My lord, please capture everyone from the Xianfeng Hiring Group. We want to avenge our father!”

The two middle-aged eyes again said to the old man with blood-red eyes.

This time, their Lin family was in desperation.

The Lin family couldn’t imagine that disaster would suddenly fall from the sky.

A golden two-star employment group Xianfeng employment group.

A dragon assassin organization.

Directly subverted their Lin family’s hundreds of years of foundation.

The pillar of their Lin family was assassinated, and 70% to 80% of the strong were assassinated.

When they heard Lin Feng’s report early in the morning, they knew that the disaster for their Lin family was coming.

They knew how many enemies they had in Qiaolin Town, and they knew that many people wanted to destroy their Lin family.

But for a long time, no one dared to do anything despite the great strength of the Lin Family.

This time, they will never let go of this good opportunity.

Even if they don’t hire dragon assassins, they will suffer a tragic blow in the future.

So they can only break the boat and surrender to a strong one.

The mayor Lin Xiao is the best choice. Lin Xiao is the most powerful person in Qiaolin Town.

Lin Xiao’s back was leaning on the entire Star-Moon Kingdom. He was a minister of one party, and no one provoke him.

The killer organization did not dare to be an enemy of the entire kingdom.

Star-Moon Kingdom’s biggest assassin organization undercurrent has regulations not to accept missions from officials of Star-Moon Kingdom.

Under normal circumstances, small assassin organizations dare not offend a powerful kingdom empire.

Because if the kingdom really takes revenge, the killer organization will suffer heavy losses.

The killer organization is pursuing interests, and interests are paramount, and they will not do anything that is not in their interests.


Lin Xiao nodded with a smile on his face: “Don’t worry, they dare to assassinate Brother Lin, and I will help you with this grudge!”

“Go home and make preparations. In the afternoon, I will lead someone to bring all the members of the Xianfeng Hiring Group over, so that I can dictate myself and sacrifice the spirit of the old brother Lin in the sky!”

Lin Xiao’s face was full of confidence.

“Master Xie Lin!”

The Lin family said respectfully, and immediately walked towards the Lin family mansion.

They walked out of the mayor’s mansion with a calm face. After today, even if they could get revenge, their Lin family would also fall.

In the future, there will be no Lin Family of the Bridge Forest Chamber of Commerce, only the Lin Family of the Mayor’s Mansion.

“Hehe, God really helped me!”

In the mayor’s mansion, Lin Xiao looked at their figures with an expression of excitement on his face.

“Congratulations, sir, in the future there will be two extraordinary seventh-tier powerhouses from the Lin family, and the industry of the Lin family. The majesty of our mayor’s mansion will cover the entire Qiaolin Town!”

An old man on the side said flatly.

“Haha, it’s really time for this dragon assassin organization to appear, I really want to thank them!”

Lin Xiao laughed: “Go and check the location of the Fairy Phoenix Hiring Corps. Before the night, catch them all and bring them to the Lin Family Mansion!”

“Yes, my lord!”

In Qiaolin Town, it is forbidden to arrest people without evidence.

But Lin Xiao didn’t care. Qiaolin Town had always covered the sky with his hand.

Even if it kills a gold-level mercenary group, what about?

Who dares to resist?


“What? Reward the good and punish the evil, the evil ones can be assassinated by crowdfunding, and even after the Dragon Spurs hire group has checked, they can be assassinated at half price, right? A killer organization has such a rule? This is simply… ”

“The Dragon Assassin Organization is different from other assassin organizations. They have a three-not-to-kill rule. Unexpectedly, they have now engaged in a reward for good and punishing evil, crowdfunding assassination, and half-price assassination. It’s really becoming more and more special!”

“I always feel that the leader of this dragon assassin organization is kind, and there are so many special rules!”

“Anyway, first crowdfund to kill the Lin family, you say, can we crowdfund the mayor!”

In the afternoon, in the restaurant where Wang Xian lived, three or four members of the employment group were sitting in a corner and talking. At the end of the day, their voices suddenly became very quiet.

“Crowdfunding to assassinate the mayor, you fucking keep your voice down, if you hear it, you’re done!”

“Okay, okay, let me just talk about the fact that the mayor and Lin’s family have been sitting and fighting each other. If the price of food is not supported by the mayor, how could it be sold so high, or let’s try!”

“Do you want to die?”

“We’re just trying, and others won’t know… why don’t we try?”

When Wang Xian asked Long Yi to deliver the news of rewarding good and punishing evil, everyone was shocked.

The special rules of Dragon Spike have surprised many people, and now they have come up with two more, which makes everyone a little bit stunned.

But soon, a smile appeared on a person’s face. Since crowdfunding is possible, then try it.

When the first person opened the crowdfunding mayor, everyone was stunned.

f*ck? Want crowdfunding to assassinate the mayor, should you be so crazy?

However, what shocked everyone even more was that there were more and more spirit stones used to assassinate the mayor by crowdfunding. In just one hour, they reached 15 million medium-grade spirit stones, and this number is still rising.

This stunned everyone.

“Eight of the Lin family were killed by crowdfunding. The spirit stones reached more than seven million middle-grade spirit stones, and they have already collected them. However, if the crowdfunding assassinates the mayor, even if the crowdfunding really raises 50 million middle-grade spirit stones. Shi, Dragon Spear dare not do it!”

“Does Dragon Spear dare to assassinate the mayor? If you do it, this is something that offends the entire Star-Moon Kingdom. If it really makes a big mess, and Dragon Spear can’t eat it, they should not dare!”

“Damn, anyway, I will add 10,000 middle-grade spirit stones to the crowdfunding mayor first, hoping to get rid of this vampire!”

“If Dragon Spur really dared to assassinate the mayor, I’ll be a fucking fan of Dragon Spur in the future!”

“I am also different from Dragon Spurs and other killer organizations. Since you have so many special rules, then we support you in assassinating the mayor. Lin Xiao is a scourge in Qiaolin Town, and we support destroying him!”

Because crowdfunding belongs to the public area, you can communicate through the communication stone pan, and the entire crowdfunding area is lively!

The Lin family of the Qiaolin Chamber of Commerce and the mayor Lin Xiao have a very bad reputation in Qiaolin Town, and many people want them to die!

The crowdfunding area is very lively, and the mayor’s spirit stone of the crowdfunding mayor has slowly increased to more than 30 million middle-grade spirit stones.

Although it is already very high, no one would think that the dragon stab would dare to assassinate the mayor!

“Really interesting, crowdfunding mayor!”

Wang Xian was also paying attention to the crowdfunding assassination, and slowly shook his head.

The mayor seems to be doing bad things.

But as they thought, Wang Xian didn’t want to assassinate the mayor, his identity was too special.

The Dragon Assassin organization is not weak, but there is no capital that can compete with the Star-Moon Kingdom.

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