Chapter 937 Bridge Forest Animal Park

“Unexpectedly, there is no hire group that meets our requirements. We must set off today, otherwise the Flame Flower will die!”

“In Shenghai Town, there are no more than five mercenary groups that can cross the Bridge Forest Animal Park. This is a big trouble, or we will invite the mercenary groups at a high price!”

“Damn, the living flame flowers cannot be put into the space ring. If we can’t find the hire group, these flame flowers will all die. You know, as long as these flame flowers are shipped back, the price can increase a lot.”

In the Demon Hunting Employment Conference, the two middle-aged men frowned and discussed.

They are the largest business group in Qiaolin Town, the Bridge Forest Chamber of Commerce, and their chamber of commerce is definitely the most powerful presence in Qiaolin Town.

This time I got news in advance that a monster siege occurred in Shenghai Town, and quickly came to Shenghai Town.

Sure enough, this time they did not disappoint them, and they obtained a large number of dead beasts.

However, what surprised them most was that they obtained a batch of flaming flowers.

Flame flower, an extraordinary fourth-order spiritual grass.

Flame flower is an important material for immortality, which is very scarce in Qiaolin Town, even in short supply.

If these blazing flowers can be brought to Qiaolin Town, these blazing flowers will be able to harvest at least 15 million middle-grade spirit stones.

For the Chamber of Commerce, this is equivalent to two years of profit!

However, those damn hire groups, when they were picked, weren’t perfectly preserved.

This causes the flame flower to need to be used as soon as possible.

Because of the characteristics of the flame flower, it will die quickly when placed in the space ring.

So they can only use the original mode of transportation.

Moreover, it is necessary to reach Qiaolin Town as quickly as possible.

The nearest route between Shenghai Town and Qiaolin Town is directly through the Qiaolin Animal Park.

The Bridge Forest Animal Park is a huge forest, covering an area of ​​100 kilometers.

Because of its connection with the Donghua Mountains, the Qiaolin Animal Park is a paradise for fierce beasts.

There is no extraordinary power of the fifth and sixth orders to pass through the animal garden.

With their strength, it is difficult to travel through the past, and they must be hired to escort them.

However, the strength of Shenghai Town is similar to that of Qiaolin Town, and it is very difficult to recruit an employment group of this level.

For the entire morning, there was no hire group to come over, or their strength was not enough.

This makes them very irritable, and their faces are extremely ugly.

“Let’s increase the commission of the hire group. If there is no agreement from the hire group, we will increase the price. Master, what do you think?”

A middle-aged man frowned and asked the young man beside him.

“How much profit can this batch of Fierce Sparks achieve?”

Among the five, the only young man frowned and asked.

“Master, the profit is about 15 million middle-grade spirit stones. It is the profit of our Chamber of Commerce for two years. The flame flowers are too precious!”

A middle-aged next to him replied.

“Increase the commission by one million!”

The young man’s expression was a bit bad and said.

“It’s Master!”

The middle-aged nodded and looked around: “It will take a few hours to change the commission. Let’s publicize it in the employment meeting first. I don’t believe it. Under the heavy money, those hire groups are not excited!”

The middle-aged said, and cleared his throat: “The Golden Four-Star mission of the Bridge Forest Chamber of Commerce once again raised one million middle-grade spirit stones. We welcome the hired group to take over the mission. If it goes well, we will be able to reach the bridge within two days. Lin Town.”


As Wang Xian walked over, he suddenly heard the voice of a middle-aged person in front of him for a moment, followed by a smile on his face.

It is not a small number to directly increase one million middle-grade spirit stones!

“Hi, directly add 1 million middle-grade spirit stones, the Qiaolin Chamber of Commerce is really rich!”

“The golden four-star mission needs to face the extraordinary Tier 6 fierce beast, which is not something we can take!”

The middle-aged voice made all the members of the employment group show shocked expressions on their faces, and they whispered.

“We took it!”

Wang Xian walked over and said to the five people in front with a smile on his face.


The five of them were taken aback for a moment, and looked towards Wang Xian.

When seeing his face, everyone was taken aback.

“Do you have this strength?”

The young man in the center raised his brows slightly and looked at Wang Xian.

In the end, his eyes fell on the middle-aged chest, with a different look on his face.

“Golden two-star mercenary group? Call your group leader over!”

The youth said to Wang Xian.

“You are the leader? Don’t be kidding? Just you, but you don’t have the strength to take our mission!”

A middle-aged man shook his head amused.

A golden mercenary group is very powerful in Shenghai Town, but headed by a young man, they don’t believe that the other party has the ability to cross the bridge forest animal garden.

“If we are not qualified, there will be no other hired group with this qualification in Shenghai Town!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, with strong self-confidence on his face.

“Then ask the head of your hire group to come over and talk to us, you don’t have the qualifications yet!”

Looking at Wang Xian, the young man frowned and said directly.

“Hey, the leader of the Xianfeng Hiring Group is Captain Wang. As Captain Wang said, if even Captain Wang and the others are not qualified to take up your tasks, the entire Shenghai Town will not be qualified!”

“Yes, if even Head Wang is not qualified, you can go back by yourself, haha!”

Around, some members of the hired group saw this scene and said with a laugh.

The five young people were taken aback for a moment, with surprised expressions on their faces, frowning and looking at Wang Xian.

“Xianfeng Employment Group, Wang Xian!”

Wang Xian faintly stretched out his hand and said to the five people.

“Xianfeng Hiring Group?”

The faces of the five people changed, even if they only came to Shenghai Town for one day, they had heard of the name of the Xianfeng Hiring Group.

Destroy the Huanhai Mercenary Group, and destroy the Knife Mark Mercenary Group.

Now the king of the hired group in Shenghai Town, a hired group created by a genius and evildoer, the fairy phoenix hired group!

“Hi, head Wang, hello, there is a fairy phoenix hire group escorting us, then we can rest assured!”

“With six million middle-grade spirit stones as a reward from the employment club, plus one million middle-grade spirit stones, if Head Wang agrees, we will set off immediately!”

A middle-aged said quickly, and looked at Wang Xian in surprise.

“Okay, we have taken the task, you can confirm it!”

Wang Xian nodded.

“Well, Commander Wang, we are in a hurry. After the task is completed, we will give you all the salary!”

The middle-aged said toward Wang Xian.

“Yes, let’s go!”

Wang Xian nodded and said directly to them.

“Well, I wonder if Head Wang still needs to prepare?”

The middle-aged continued to ask.

“It’s ready, let’s go!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

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