Chapter 924

There are more than a dozen members of the Daohen Hiring Group, the strongest Tier 6 Transcendent, the remaining two Tier 5, and 10 Tier 4 members.

This power is placed in Shenghai Town and can be ranked in the top three, but this is only part of the power of the knife mark mercenary group.

More than a dozen members of Daohen apparently recognized Wang Xian and the others.

The leader of the powerful hired regiment in the limelight, a peerless evildoer with dual attributes.

It can be said that in today’s World War I, Wang Xian will be the brightest star of the youth generation in Shenghai Town.

However, they did not have the bird king and immortal crowd at all.

Peerless evildoer?

Destroy the Huanhai Mercenary Group?

so what?

What is it in front of their knife mark hire group?

For a mercenary group like Huanhai, their sword marks can destroy ten.

Even if the youth in front of them is in full swing and is the most shining youth, they are not afraid at all.

Threats, naked threats.

More than a dozen members of the knife mark mercenary group threatened without covering up.

Wang Xian paused, looking at a dozen people standing next to Fengxian’s shop, with the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

“What am I going to do you can manage?”

Wang Xian stared at the dozen or so people coldly, and said slightly disdainfully.


In an instant, the faces of a dozen people in the Daohen Hiring Corps turned cold, and their eyes stared at Wang Xian with murderous intent.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian glanced at them lightly, and continued to walk towards Fengxian’s shop.

“Have never heard of a sentence, kill the chicken and curse the monkey!”

A middle-aged member of the Dao Mark Hiring Group coldly threatened Wang Xian: “Don’t think that you have some strength, some abilities, and that people around you are in awe of you, so you think you are strong in Shenghai Town, haha!”

“What do I want to do, do I still need to report to you? Do I still need your consent?”

Wang Xian swept across them with disdain.

“The young master!”

Shopkeeper Liu saw Wang Xian walking towards them, and saw the dialogue with the Daohen Hiring Corps, he was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly shouted.

The woman beside him also looked at Wang Xian with surprise.

Qi Yuxuan, there is a special high-ranking aura on his body.

The people around also saw this scene, and looked at Wang Xian’s group and dozens of people with knife marks in surprise.

“What? Why did the Xianfeng Hire Group clashed with the Dao Mark Hire Group? This…this…”

An old man was full of astonishment, why a Xianfeng hired group of the stars of the future clashed with the knife mark.

This is unwise, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is death.

Moreover, the Dao Mark Mercenary Group is not comparable to the Illusory Sea Mercenary Group, and the strength of the two is extremely different.

“The head of this fairy phoenix hired regiment has a violent temper. Facing the threat of the powerhouses in the knife mark, he will go straight back. Isn’t he afraid of the knife mark attacking them?”

“It’s irrational, it’s too irrational. As a genius, you must first ensure that you can survive before you can become a strong man. Making enemies everywhere is obviously an act of looking for death!”

“It’s crazy. The Daohen Mercenary Group can become the number one mercenary group in Shenghai Town. Its strength is definitely not something that a newly emerging mercenary group can provoke, even if it is a peerless arrogant and evildoer!”

There was a loud discussion around.

The group of people from the Daohen Mercenary Group and the Qing shopkeeper in the Life and Death Pills Fang next to the Daohen stared at Wang Xian coldly.

Last time, he took out eight million spirit stones and directly slapped their life and death medicine workshop and holy relic forging workshop. Today, he provoked again, causing them to have murderous intent in their hearts.

“Treasurer Liu, do you accept some weapons? And I want to buy some pills!”

Wang Xian directly turned all the spirit stones and said to the shopkeeper Liu.


Shopkeeper Liu glanced at the woman beside her and nodded immediately under her nod.

“Receive, master, thank you for choosing a small shop in this case. In the future, you will get a 20% discount on any items you purchase in our Fengxian!”

Shopkeeper Liu hurriedly said: “These are some medicines we brought from Donghai City overnight. I will choose them for you. Weapons will be collected at market prices!”


Wang Xian nodded, and handed a space ring to the shopkeeper Liu.

“This little brother, what is your relationship with our Phoenix Fairy?”

The woman next to her saw Wang Xian put out a minimum of two million resources, her eyes were surprised and couldn’t help asking.

Three purchases, directly costing 11 million middle-grade spirit stones, such a large sum of money, and still being threatened.

If she doesn’t have a connection with them Fengxian, she doesn’t believe it.

Moreover, especially the name of the other party’s hire group, and their Fengxian were completely reversed.

“There are some origins, if you have a chance in the future, you will know about it!”

Wang Xian smiled mysteriously, he didn’t say that he knew your master Fengluan.

Today’s Wang Xian is still too weak compared to Fengluan. He thought, when his strength is equal to that, he will call her over and compare with her, the strength of both sides.

The woman was taken aback, feeling very surprised.

But she could feel a trace of kindness from Wang Xian.

“Head of Daohen, that kid is not giving you face again and again, isn’t it…”

And the location next to it.

When the shopkeeper Qing saw Wang Xian put out a large amount of resources again, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes.

But when she saw Wang Xian’s face, her face became cold again, and she said to the knife mark beside her with murderous aura.

“This kid is playing with fire and setting himself on fire!”

The knife mark swept across Wang Xian with one eye, without the slightest fluctuation in his eyes, and coldly pronounced the sentence.

“I’m relieved with the words of the head of the knife mark!”

The shopkeeper Qing nodded with a smile on his face, glanced over Wang Xian, and snorted coldly: “Huh, there are some disputes, not something you can participate in, even a talented and enchanting kid!”

“The second wave of city defense missions began, the lowest-strength and extraordinary second-order millipede and fierce sea crab!”

At this moment, Jin Qianyuan’s voice came from the city wall.

“The mission begins.”

1: Golden five-star mission: go out of the city to fight, kill the beasts, according to the number of beasts killed, get extra corresponding points, the dead beasts belong to the killer!

2: Silver one-star mission: Stand on the city wall and attack remotely. According to the number of beasts killed, additional corresponding points will be obtained. The corpse of the beast belongs to the killer!

Attachment: The first-order fierce beast has one point, the second-order ten points, the third-order one hundred points, and the fourth-order one thousand points, in order of increasing!

The voice of the president of the hiring club also sounded, and at the same time, the second wave of defense missions started.

Everyone immediately flew into the air, looking at the siege beast in the distance.

Two fierce beasts, the millipede, the lowest rank two, the number is about seven to eighty thousand.

Liehai Crab, the lowest extraordinary second-order, the number is about forty to fifty thousand.

Although the number is much smaller, the strength is dozens of times.

This time the mission is ten times more dangerous!

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