Chapter 912

The intricate labyrinth-like magic cave appeared, making Wang Xian’s speed completely slowed down.

Moreover, most of the jellyfish in this maze exist in groups.

Every jellyfish beast of the fifth-order transcendental level has twenty or thirty subordinates, and once they feel dangerous, they will immediately flee.

Although the strongest jellyfish here is only Tier 5 Transcendent, it is very difficult to hunt down.

Even in this narrow area, even if it is an extraordinary fifth-order powerhouse, there is a great possibility of falling.

Even the extraordinary sixth-order here, will be bound by the surrounding rocks.

This is a place for low-level mercenary groups to hunt down beasts, but it is not an ideal place for a powerful mercenary group.

“Unexpectedly, three extraordinary Tier 5 jellyfish gathered together, and more than fifty extraordinary Tier 3 and Tier 4 jellyfish!”

When Wang Xian stayed in this maze for two days, he suddenly saw a dense settlement!

Three extraordinary fifth-orders.

“Tianlan grass, a lot of Tianlan grass!”

Wang Xian’s gaze swept over, his eyes gleaming.

At present, Wang Xian has obtained a total of more than 100 Tianlan grasses, but there are at least fifty or sixty in the field ahead!

“After collecting these Tianlan grasses, leave here!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart that the number of jellyfish in this dark magic cave is not very large, and there are too many passages around which is a headache.

In the dark, they only killed seventy or eighty jellyfish in two days, and many of them were extraordinary second-tier ones.

So, there is no need to stay here anymore.

Moreover, Wang Xian and the others had already put away the items of the mission.


Wang Xian pointed his arm, and a group of treacherous monsters concealed their figures directly and came to the group of jellyfish lying on the ground.

“Puff puff!”

The strength of the highest level of the extraordinary fifth-order, under the attack of the Ao Yao group, there is no defensive ability at all.

Putting all the jellyfish corpses into the space ring, Wang Xian looked at the Tianlan Grass ahead.

A total of sixty-three extraordinary Tier 4 Tianlan grasses.

At present, the corpses of Tianlan grass, Tianxing grass and fierce beasts in Wang Xian’s hands are worth millions of middle-grade spirit stones.

For other hire groups, this is simply unimaginable.

Like the dogfish mercenary group, so powerful, it takes a lot of power to hunt an extraordinary Tier 5 horned snake.

The huge horned snake was brought into the town of Holy Sea and caused a great sensation.

Fierce beasts and monsters are not so easy to hunt.

Not to mention that it was killing the extraordinary Tier 5 fierce beasts and searching for the spirit grass in the current environment of Wang Xian.

Even if it is the knife mark of the first mercenary group in Shenghai Town, all members who come here may gain less than one-tenth of Wang Xian’s.

This is still in the case of Daohen personally shot.


Without any hesitation, Wang Xian led a group of Dragon Palace members out of the magic cave, and then immediately drove towards Shenghai Town.

Returning to Shenghai Town smoothly, Wang Xian drove towards the Demon Hunting Employment Association with a smile on his face.

The task can be received through the task stone tray, but if you hand in the task, you must go to the Demon Hunting Employment Association.

Every day there will be many people in the Demon Hunting Employment Association, and there are many more people in the Employment Association today than usual.

Wang Xian and a group of people went in and saw that many people were queuing to hand in tasks, with curiosity on their faces.

After listening for a while, I discovered that it was a mercenary group from East Sea City.

Every few months, businessmen in Donghai Town would gather together and hire more than a dozen mercenary groups to come together to deliver supplies in Shenghai Town.

This resulted in a group of hired groups handing in tasks together each time.

Wang Xian was waiting in line, and a group of Dragon Palace members stood nearby.

“This mission is really dangerous. The strength of that group of bandits is beyond imagination!”

“Damn, if it wasn’t for the boss’s breakthrough not long ago, we might have been planted here!”

“After handing in the task this time, we should be able to advance to the Silver Two-Star Mercenary Group!”

“Hey, the silver two-star hire group, in our college, can be ranked in the top forty, and I am exhausted. After handing in the task, quickly find a place to rest!”

At this time, another group of people came to the employment meeting and talked loudly one by one.

This group of people is not very old, all of them are young people.

They were yelling, but there was a look of pride on their faces.

“Such a long line?”

Obviously, it was the first time for the group to come to Shenghai Town. They saw seven or eight hired groups queuing, with a look of surprise on their faces.

“When we reach the golden hire group, if there is no golden hire group in front of us, we can just jump in the queue!”

A young man said with some yearning.

For a hired group, reaching gold is a watershed. For a hired group to reach the gold level, there must be at least an extraordinary sixth-tier powerhouse.

When you reach this level, you can jump in the queue directly when you pay the task, and when there are all hire groups below the gold level.

This is the privilege of the strong.

“Huh? Bronze two-star mercenary group? Hehe, look around, most of this Saint Sea Town is a bronze-level mercenary group, and there are not many gold-level mercenaries at all!”

“Haha, after all, it’s a small town. Our one-star silver hire group is pretty good here!”

A group of people came behind Wang Xian, saw the sign of the employment group on Wang Xian and his party, and said with smiles.

“Brother, can you give us a little bit, we are in a hurry!”

At this time, Wang Xian felt a palm on his shoulder, and the voice from behind also came over.

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows, removed the young man’s hand, and turned his head: “Sorry, we are in a hurry too!”


Wang Xian’s words caused a hint of displeasure in the eyes of several young people: “Why, disagree?”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, ignoring them.

“Huh, a little bronze two-star hired group, we talked to you well, it’s so shameless!”

A young man saw Wang Xian turning around, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his eyes swept around, and his fingers flicked.

The golden needle made of metallic condensate pierced directly towards Wang Xian’s back.


Wang Xian sensed the small movement coming from behind, and a golden light flashed across his back.


A scream came from the young man’s mouth, and he covered his arm with embarrassment.

“what happened?”

Around, the crowd in the hall immediately turned their heads when they heard the young man’s exclamation, and looked over with amazement.

“Boy, you dare to attack me!”

The young man’s palm was covered with blood, and he stared at Wang Xian gloomily.

“Who attacked who, I know!”

Wang Xian glanced at the youth lightly, and said with a slight disdain.

“you wanna die!”

The young man covered his wound and stared at Wang Xian coldly.

“In the employment club, no hands are allowed!”

At this time, the guard’s icy voice came from nearby!

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