Chapter 906

An old man, a one-armed one-eyed old man.

The old man looked very ugly, with a long scar on his face. The scar was three or four centimeters deep, and his eye was directly blinded by the blow.

Such an old man, even with a smile on his face, still looks terrifying, and the evil spirit on his body can’t be concealed at all.

“Knife marks!”

Shopkeeper Liu’s face changed slightly, and he shouted to the one-eyed old man without a word.

“Head of the knife mark!”

The middle-aged Shahai leader on the side also changed a little, and shouted to the old man.

Knife Mark, a very strange name, no one would take this name.

In fact, the old man was not called a knife mark before.

However, in his middle age, a hundred years ago, he was just the head of a bronze mercenary group.

Later, while performing a mission in the field, he was sneak attacked by another mercenary group and almost killed him with a slash.

But it was also his fate and escaped a catastrophe.

Since then, he has asked others to call him Sword Mark, and two years later, he killed all the mercenary group that attacked them.

After that escape from the dead, Daohen began to rise, and it took him a hundred years to establish the Daohen mercenary group.

The leader of the No. 1 Mercenary Group in Shenghai Town, the Golden Five-Star Mercenary Group.

The extraordinary seventh-order powerhouse.

The strength and influence of Dao Mark in Shenghai Town can rank in the top three.

He has no enemies in Shenghai Town, because the enemy who provoked him is already dead.

Knife marks, in Shenghai Town, are legends, and no one dares to provoke them.

“Haha, how is it? Head Shahai?”

Daohen saw the expressions of surprise on the faces of the people around him, and did not pay any attention. He looked at the head of Sha Hai with one eye, and said with a faint smile.

However, in Sha Hai’s eyes, the smile and look in the eyes of the knife mark seemed to be full of warnings.

This caused a faint cold sweat on his forehead.

The name of the knife mark was not something he could provoke a five-star silver-star mercenary group.


Head Shahai stammered a little, and looked at the treasurer Liu on the side.

Shopkeeper Liu saw the invisible threat from the knife mark, and his expression was extremely embarrassing: “Knife mark, the Shahai Hiring Corps is our partner, hope you put away the threat?”

“Threat? Did I threaten Captain Shahai? Haha, treasurer Liu, you can’t talk nonsense!”

Daohen turned to the shopkeeper Liu in surprise, and said with a smile.

Shopkeeper Liu looked at Daohen’s expression, and his face sank: “Do you want Daohen to intervene with us and the life and death medicine workshop?”

“I didn’t get involved, I just let Captain Sha Hai sell his face, why? Do you still have to take care of this, treasurer Liu?”

Daohen stared at the shopkeeper Liu with some chills.

When he was cold, he seemed even more terrifying, as if he had to do it at any time.

“Haha, Dao Mark, you and I are not young, everyone understands what you mean!”

Shopkeeper Liu said coldly with a calm face.

Speaking of which, he is really not afraid of knife marks.

Even if the opponent is the leader of the strongest hired group in Shenghai Town, everyone is afraid of the knife mark.

But he was backed by the Phoenix Pill Medicine and Weapon Workshop, and the power behind him was not something a Golden Five-Star Mercenary Group could provoke.

Even with the power of the Risky Pills and Weapon Workshop, destroying the marks of a knife is like squeezing an ant to death.

Of course, in terms of the power of the Phoenix Immortal Medicine Weapon Workshop in Shenghai Town, it was much different from the knife mark.

But this title is enough.

“Treasurer Liu, the head of the knife mark, is a friend of our life and death medicine workshop, why, do you still want to press our friend? Do you think we are afraid of you?”

At this moment, the woman on the side said with a smile on her face.

The shopkeeper Liu did not speak with a calm face.

The head of Sha Hai in the center was even more embarrassed. Here, their strength is the weakest. If you offend one of them casually, there will be no place for them in Shenghai Town in the future.

“Treasurer Liu, I don’t need you to teach, if you say I threaten, then threaten it!”

The shopkeeper Liu on the side smiled gloomily.

“It seems that the head of the knife mark is going to completely have trouble with us Fengxian!”

Shopkeeper Liu narrowed his eyes and said towards the knife mark.

“The old thing, who only has the strength of the extraordinary fourth-order, dare to talk to me like this. I really think that I will respect you by relying on the Phoenix Pill Medicine and Weapon Shop? Threat? I will show you today what a threat is!”

Daohen’s face suddenly became savage, and he looked at the Fengxian Pills and Weapons Workshop with one eye coldly: “Everyone in the Fengxian Pills and Weapons Workshop, get out. In the future, it is best not to let me see you walking Get inside!”

Suddenly, Dao Mark shouted directly towards the Phoenix Immortal Pill and Weapon Workshop, and the cold voice spread across the surrounding streets.


Everyone in the store was slightly surprised, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

However, when they saw the knife marks outside, everyone’s face changed and they walked outside in surprise.

“Knife Mark, do you know what you are doing?”

The shopkeeper Liu saw that the knife mark directly threatened the customers in the store, his face changed drastically, and he stared at the knife mark and asked.

“Do you want me to repeat it? In the future, don’t let me see anyone enter the Phoenix Pills and Weapons Workshop!”

The knife mark coldly pointed to the shop plaque, and said with a smile.

Everyone who had just walked out looked at them with shocked faces.

Daohen dared to go against the Phoenix Pill and Weapon Workshop?

“What’s the matter? What happened?”

“Why did the knife mark clash with the Fengxian Pill and Weapon Workshop?”

“Although the strength of Fengxian Pills and Weapons Workshop Shenghai Town is not as good as that of Dao Mark, it is a huge pill and weapon shop after all, and the forces behind it are terrifying. How could Dao Mark be so reckless to provoke him?”

Some warriors passing by were all shocked, standing around and watching.

“Did you hear me!”

Daohen uttered four words again with a smile on his face!

“Listen… heard it!”

The customer who walked out saw the look of the knife mark, and his face changed slightly.

In Shenghai Town, they can not come to the Phoenix Pills and Weapons Workshop, but they must not provoke knife marks!

“Haha, I don’t recommend that everyone go to the Phoenix Pills and Weapons Shops to buy things. You can go to the Life and Death Pills and Sacred Weapons Shops to buy weapons and pills!”

At this moment, a voice of laughter came.

A group of people looked quickly, only to see a middle-aged and an old man leading a group of people walking over.

“That’s it? The treasurer of the Relic Forge, and the head of the Illusion Sea Mercenary Group!”

“Look, the green shopkeeper of the Life and Death Pills Fang is also here. Could it be that this is a game between the three major forces?”

The people around saw the arrival of the people from the biological forging workshop, their expressions changed slightly, and they whispered suspiciously.

Shopkeeper Liu’s face also changed drastically, and his eyes shone with lustre.

This is a premeditated target, a game between the three major forces.

But obviously, their Fengxian Pill and Weapons Workshop was targeted.

This made his heart sink.

It’s no wonder that the knife mark dared to tear the skin and be an enemy of them.

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