Chapter 896: Congratulations on Death 2


On the narrow path, a middle-aged and old man were talking.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man fell directly to the ground with a long wound on his neck. The old man was taken aback for a moment, followed by a horrified face.

It’s dead!

The middle-aged who was talking with him died directly, with a blood stain on his neck.

Without warning, or even the slightest trace, he was directly beheaded.


People in the Transcendent Continent have all seen death. Although the old man was horrified, he still hurriedly shouted loudly.

In the city, deaths occurred, all belong to the city guards.

Each area has a city guard responsible for it.

When the old man’s voice sounded, a young man rushed out of the room.

When he saw the middle-aged man lying in front of his house, he hurriedly shouted: “Master Chengwei, there are deaths here!”



The voice of the youth spread far away, and there was a voice that immediately responded.

In the sky, a middle-aged man quickly flew towards this side.

Flying in the city is the prerogative of the city guard.

When the middle age arrived, I immediately saw a middle-aged body lying on the ground.

His face was cold, he immediately walked over to touch the corpse, and took a look at the wound on his neck.

“A fatal blow!”

The middle-aged city guard’s face remained unchanged, his eyes looked at the old man and the young man aside: “Have you seen the murderer?”

“No, no, just now, when this middle-aged man was talking with him, he suddenly fell to the ground, and I was shocked when I saw blood dripping from his neck, so I hurriedly called to you!”

The old man said quickly.

“You don’t see anyone?”

The middle-aged Chengwei frowned and asked the old man.

“No, no, I haven’t reached the transcendent realm, I haven’t even seen the figure!”

The old man said quickly.

“Hmph, you dare to commit murder if you are open and honest, it’s really looking for death!”

The middle-aged city guard snorted coldly, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: “Catch it today!”

As he said, he immediately took out a stone tray and began to contact his superiors.

At this time, some residents in the surrounding rooms walked out and looked over here curiously.

Wang Xian also walked out of the house and glanced at the corpse on the ground with a smile on his face.

“Dare to commit crimes in broad daylight, and still on the street, really looking for death!”

“No, the whole city is shrouded in formations, able to monitor all places!”

“Unless the murderer interferes with the formation when he is hand-handling, so he will definitely be discovered by the formation!”

Elders of some nearby residents whispered.

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, formation? Surveillance?

“The Transcendent Continent, is the use of formation so powerful?”

Wang Xian’s face sank, but a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes when he thought of such things as the communication stone tray and the mission stone tray.

If that is the case, it will be in trouble.

“Miss Jin!”

At this moment, a shout came.

Wang Xian quickly turned his head and looked into the sky.

A woman, wearing a cautious city guard clothes, heroic, holding a long sword in her hand, is very hot.

“It’s the captain!”

Hearing the middle-aged Chengwei’s name, the woman was slightly dissatisfied.

“It’s the captain. There is a murder case here. Please open the formation and take a photo!”

The middle-aged realized that he had said something wrong and said quickly.

The woman walked to the side of the corpse and looked at the corpse on the ground: “A sharp dagger is deadly!”

“Yes, captain, the deceased was suddenly killed while chatting with this old man. The old man didn’t see anyone!”

The middle-aged city guard said.

“When did you die?”

The woman took out a blue jade plate the size of two palms and asked.

“About five minutes ago!”

The old man on the side replied immediately.


The woman nodded and nodded on the jade pan.


Soon, the woman frowned, with a solemn expression on her face: “Only a white shadow flashed by, the other party should block the surveillance of the city defense formation with a formation method!”

“No, not only one person died, but one person died. There, a white shadow!”

A shocked look appeared on the woman’s face, her eyes flickering towards the left position.

Then she lowered her head again and looked at the picture in the jade plate repeatedly.

“This is?”

She walked to the side of the corpse and picked up a red piece of paper from the ground. The texture of the piece of paper was very special, and the shape cut into it was also very strange!

“Is this thing missing just now?”

The woman picked up the red piece of paper and pointed to the old man’s question.

The old man looked over, with a trace of thought on his face: “I didn’t seem to have this red piece of paper just now. Could it be this middle-aged person?”

The woman did not answer, she walked to the other side, saw a red piece of paper on the ground, and picked it up.

“There is only one white shadow on the defensive formation. This red piece of paper was left by the murderer. It should be a killer organization!”

“Not the undercurrent killer organization, is it another organization?”

The woman frowned and put away the piece of paper in her hand: “Confirm the identity of the deceased, let someone collect the corpse!”

The woman said: “Let’s go, no murderer can be found!”

A group of city guards took the body away and nodded.

It is not uncommon for people to die in Shenghai Town, and it is not uncommon for killers to kill people in the city.

It is rare to kill people in broad daylight, and on exposed streets.

Every city has an array, which can monitor every corner of the city.

But there is a problem. The room can’t be seen, and the sky is blocked by things, and it can’t be found.

So the killer organizes hands, usually at night, in the room.

This is the first time a woman has seen this kind of killing in broad daylight.

But Jiangui Jian, except for the two pieces of red paper, there is no clue, and they will not continue to investigate.

Seeing the city guards leaving, Wang Xian also returned to the room with a faint smile on his face.

“Ao Yao, can’t the formation technique see you!”

Wang Xian said to his side with a smile on his face.

“It’s the Dragon King. After being promoted to Light Sting, we will get a magical power every time we advance, and we will gain light and shadow magical powers when we advance to the second tier.”

“Light and shadow supernatural powers, ignoring any formations other than magic attributes!”

Ao Yao replied.

Wang Xian nodded and smiled: “So I can rest assured. Next, it’s time for you to perform!”

Wang Xian smiled happily.

A race ignoring the formation, a race with horrible concealment, when they want to assassinate a person.

Unless the opponent’s strength is strong enough, otherwise, all will have to die!

Next, when Ao Yao and the others perform, they will soon shake the entire Shenghai Town.

This is also the first stronghold of the Dragon Assassin Organization.

“Cultivation well, you will be needed for a long time to come!”

Wang Xian said towards Ao Yao.

“It’s the Dragon King, our clan of treacherous monsters, and we will definitely become the strongest killer in the Megatron Extraordinary Continent in the future!”

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