Chapter 892: Assassination (1)

The extraordinary fifth-order aura burst out in an instant, and a terrifying and cold murderous aura filled the sky above the east gate of Shenghai Town.

In an instant, the complexions of everyone around him changed drastically, and the complexions of those who were weak were even paler.

“Deputy dogfish commander, this is the city, pay attention!”

At the guard on the side of the city wall, an old man gave a cold voice and warned towards the middle-aged.


The dogfish deputy commander took a deep breath, his eyes staring like copper bells, and the aura on his body retracted.

However, the suffocation accumulated during the years of fighting still made everyone’s heart tremble.

“Who killed it!”

The dogfish deputy head stared at Qi Lian coldly, his eyes slowly congested.

The luxurious middle-aged next to him and the middle-aged holding a giant axe also took a step forward, with fierce gleams in their eyes.

“Uncle Ao, the other two uncles, Aoxue and the others were killed, everyone who participated in the assessment this time knows!”

Seeing his terrifying anger, Qi Lian swallowed and said quickly.

After he finished speaking, the group of young people once again intentionally or unintentionally looked in the direction of Wang Xian and the group.

“It’s you!”

What kind of people are the dogfish deputy heads? They looked at Wang Xian with murderous eyes, and walked over in strides.

However, when he had just entered the circle of assessments, a middle-aged man stood in front of him coldly.

“Don’t be presumptuous in front of our Demon Hunting Academy!”

A middle-aged instructor from the Demon Hunting Academy said coldly.

The face of the dogfish deputy commander and the other two middle-aged men changed drastically.

“Boy, did you kill my daughter!”

The dogfish deputy head roared towards Wang Xian with cold eyes.

“Damn them!”

Wang Xian stared at them without showing any weakness, and responded coldly.

“Good, good, dare to kill the arrogant daughter, boy, let me tell you, you are dead, and even your family, Laozi, will kill them all!”

The dogfish deputy head roared loudly with splitting eyes.

“I will cut you off so much so that you don’t want to live!”

The middle-aged man with a giant axe in his hand pointed directly at Wang Xian, his eyes full of murderous roar.

In addition, the same is true for luxurious middle-aged people.

The icy evil spirit condensed around.

“No fighting is forbidden in Shenghai Town, otherwise, it will be executed directly!”

The guard of Shenghai Town, an old man led a team of guards came over and said slowly.

“Don’t worry, Master Qing, we won’t fight in Shenghai Town!”

The middle-aged Huagui turned his head and said blankly.

“Well, as long as it’s not in the city, the rest is up to you!”

The old man nodded lightly.

“The admission notice has the date reported, don’t miss the time!”

Five middle-aged students from the Demon Hunting Academy coldly swept past several middle-aged people, and said to the crowd of students who passed the examination behind them.

“It’s a mentor!”

A group of students nodded and walked towards their parents’ position.

Wang Xian glanced at the three dogs, the deputy head of the dogfish, and walked directly inside.

“Boy, wait for death, within three days, I will kill you!”

A murderous voice rang from behind, causing Wang Xian to pause.

“In this assessment, that young man had the best grades. He hunted and killed an extraordinary Tier 3 piranha. Even the instructor praised him as a genius!”

“Hehe, this kid is going to die, once he leaves Holy Sea Town, he will definitely be beheaded by the dogfish deputy group!”

“First, what? It’s not about to be beheaded right away, it’s really looking for death!”

“This young man won the first place? But the first place is of no use to the dead!”

Around, some young people saw this situation and said with joy.

Soon, this matter spread quickly in Shenghai Town.

The first place in the assessment of the Demon Hunting Academy, killed Aoxue, Beiming, and Qingfeng, and the deputy head of the dogfish vowed to avenge their blood and hatred.

The news spread, making everyone’s faces a look of error and astonishment, and they started talking.

“Dragon King, the dogfish mercenary group is very strong. The leader is an extraordinary sixth-order powerhouse. The dogfish deputy commander just now is also an extraordinary fifth-order. We will be in danger when we go out of the city in the future!”

At this time, the dragon man walked to Wang Xian’s side and said with a worried expression on his face.

“I know!”

Wang Xian nodded: “Go to the Demon Hunting and Hiring Corps!”

The dogfish mercenary group is very strong, and the other two middle-aged forces are also very strong. In the eyes of many people, Wang Xian is almost a mortal end.

But in the city, fighting is forbidden.

It will take a month for the Hunting Demon Academy to officially start, but Wang Xian can go to East Sea City at any time.

As long as you don’t get caught after you leave.

He could still leave Shenghai Town quietly, so he didn’t worry at all.

When he arrived at the Demon Hunting Hiring Group, Wang Xian was directly in front of the service desk.

“Excuse me, what service is there?”

The waiter asked directly.

“Hand in task!”

Wang Xian said directly.

“What task, please take out the task items!”

The waiter said directly.

“The mission of hunting big-mouthed piranhas, five extraordinary second-order jade glues, four-star bronze missions!”

Wang Xian took out a space ring and handed it over.

“Congratulations to the Xianfeng Hiring Group for completing the four-star bronze mission. You can directly upgrade to two-star bronze. We can help you change the badge level for free. This is a reward item!”

The waiter said with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian nodded and took the reward item.

Fox Yan Dan: Extraordinary Tier 2

Extractable Dragon Qi: 11 Dragon Crystal

“It’s more cost-effective than swallowing it!”

Wang Xian smiled and swallowed it directly in his mouth, and walked towards the outside.


However, when Wang Xian just turned around, a figure slammed into it directly.

“Boy, can you fucking walk?”

A cold shout came directly, and Wang Xian frowned slightly, looking at the person in front of him.

Of the four people, it was a middle-aged man who ran into him.

“What do you look at, not convinced? We will compete on the stage of dissatisfaction, little bastard!”

The middle-aged stared at Wang Xian mockingly, and said coldly.

“what happened?”

“It’s Wu Dazhuang, who is that young man? What a bad luck!”

“A Bronze Tier 2 mercenary group, Wu Dazhuang is the captain of the dogfish mercenary group!”

“Tsk tusk, I’ve watched the play, watched the play!”

Hearing the discussion around him, Wang Xian raised his brows and glanced at the mercenary badge on his chest.

“Step aside!”

He said coldly.

“No, little bastard, even the daughter of our deputy head dare to kill, I think you want to die!”

Wu Dazhuang grinned and said sternly.

“Hehe, kill all, how can you stand me?”

The corners of Wang Xian’s mouth curled up slightly.

“Haha, what can you do with you? Laozi is standing here, you have to walk around when you see Laozi, as long as you dare to go out of the city, it is your death date!”

Wu Dazhuang smiled sternly, staring at Wang Xian with blazing eyes.

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