Chapter 878

“His, is this?”

“What? There is a huge dragon palace on the seabed of several kilometers!”

“Oh my god, it’s so shocking, the dragon palace below is so majestic, so magnificent!”

“It’s so beautiful, the bride is like a princess who walked out of the bottom of the sea!”

Everyone watched Wang Xian walking out of the Dragon Palace, which was several kilometers deep, holding Xiao Yu’s hand, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Shocked by the majesty and grandeur of the Undersea Dragon Palace.

Walked out of the deep sea and came to the location around the floating island.

Wang Xian looked at Feng Lingtian waiting by the island, and slowly handed Xiaoyu’s hand to him.

The eldest brother is like a father. At this moment, Wang Xian has a feeling of marrying a daughter.

“Dragon King, in the future I will treat Xiaoyu well for the rest of my life!”

Feng Lingtian said seriously.

Wang Xian patted him on the shoulder, smiled, and nodded faintly: “Yeah!”

Didn’t say much, but Wang Xian thought in his heart, if it is not right to Xiaoyu, he will kill you in the future.

Of course, this cannot be said on this occasion.

Moreover, with Xiaoyu’s character, Feng Lingtian belongs to the level of the little milk dog, and can’t get over any waves.

“Come on stage!”

Wang Xian said with a smile at them.


Xiaoyu looked at his brother, there was joy and loss in his eyes, full of happiness.

The two walked toward the front, and at this moment, there was a sound of music around.

Around the floating island, hundreds of dolphins jumped into the air, and sweet sounds came from them.

When the sound covers the entire island, everyone feels happy, and there is a joy from the heart.

This surprised all the fairy gods slightly, with shocked expressions on their faces, and they clapped involuntarily one by one.

Get married, come to worship!

“I have been dependent on each other since I was a child, living in a small town, and living a hard life. When I was in high school, my brother worked and supported me. It was my brother who protected me time and time again. The eldest brother is like a father, in my heart. , The elder brother is both the elder brother and the father!”

“I’m very fortunate that there is such a brother who loves me and loves me. There is no brother, and there is no me now…”

The wedding ended with Xiao Yu’s speech, and after some lunch, Xiao Yu would be seen off.

Xiao Yu is now married out, and the wedding is held next to the Dragon Palace, but in form, he still has to return to his new home.

“elder brother!”

Sitting on a sedan chair, Xiaoyu, wiping his tears, waved to Wang Xian!

“Well, I will be a big girl from now on, don’t cry!”

Wang Xian waved his hand and said with a smile.

“Well, I will bring Ling Tian over in two days and live in the Dragon Palace for a period of time!”

Xiaoyu waved his hand and said.


Wang Xian nodded.

“Let’s go!”

Ling Xiao said to the crowd of Huangtianxianmen beside him.

A crowd immediately flew into the sky.

“Princess, let’s go!”

Nine Jiao flew down from the sky, drove the sedan chair, flew into the sky, and flew toward the Huangtianxian Gate.

“Sister Xiaoyu married out, but it’s a concern for you!”

Guan Shuqing several girls came to Wang Xian’s side and said with a smile at him.

“Yes, my sister is married, but it’s a big deal. I’m going to the Transcendent Continent in half a month!”

Wang Xian looked at the girls and said to them.

“Well, you can go, but you have to come back as soon as possible. We are waiting for you in the Dragon Palace!”

Lan Qingyue and the others nodded.

“Don’t worry, I will soon have a firm foothold on Transcendent Continent. When the time comes to pick you up, I will suffer you during this period of time!”

Wang Xian nodded heavily.

“After you leave, we should also practice hard. There is no sun or moon in cultivation, and it may take several months to retreat once, so it’s nothing!”

Guan Shuqing said, and immediately thought of one thing: “By the way, see if you can find Sister Fengluan. If we have a chance in the future, we will find her!”


Wang Xian nodded and looked to the east, his younger sister’s figure had disappeared.

This made a faint smile on his face.

At the same time, all over the world, a member of the famous Dragon Palace, with the cooperation of the gods from all over the world, began to help the poor.

Eat, drink, and live.

Placement work! Place to live.

With the assistance of the local gods, everything went smoothly.

This makes all the poor people in the world extremely grateful, and even many people have built the Dragon King Temple.

Build a statue of the Dragon King for worship.

Think of it as a living god, the true god, the faith in your heart.

And not the so-called fairy gods.

Guan Shuqing saw the messages one by one and showed them to Wang Xian.

He smiled slightly. He and Xiao Yu were once dependent on each other. He knew the pain, and now he can help other people a little bit more.

He now has this ability.

At this moment, at the Huangtian Immortal Gate, nine huge dragons led the bride.

A look of shock appeared in the eyes of everyone in the festive Huangtian City.

“This kind of powerful biological strength is even more powerful than the strongest of the major immortals!”

“This is the Jiao who pulls the dragon chair for the Dragon King. It’s amazing!”

“It is a great blessing for our prince to marry the sister of the Dragon King. Outsiders call our prince a little white face, hehe!”

“Whoever marries the Dragon King sister will be a little white face. It is said that all the gods in the world will be present at this wedding!”

“Yes, there were five or six hundred fairy gods on the scene, but it is said that there are at least four or five hundred fairy gods in the Dragon Palace today, and the strong man who built the Sheng Yao Empire back then packed things in the Dragon Palace. The strength of the Dragon King is divided into You can rule the earth in minutes!”

When the crowd saw the arrival of the bride, the whole Huangtian City burst into cheers.

Their prince can marry the Dragon King’s younger sister, which is a blessing to all of their Huangtian Immortal Clan.

The major media all over the world and the big screens in the city are all blessings for the wedding of Sister Dragon King.

And those who were helped, even prayed, blessing the Dragon King and his relatives.

A wedding, celebrate the whole world!

Time passed slowly, Xiaoyu who had spent a few days at Huangtian Immortal Gate took Feng Lingtian and returned to live in the Dragon Palace.

Ten days later, Wang Xian moved the Dragon Palace to the passage of the Transcendent Continent, and suppressed the entrance with the Dragon Palace.

Standing by the entrance, Wang Xian looked at Xiaoyu, Guan Shuqing, Lan Qingyue and the others, with smiles on their faces.

“I’ve passed, waiting for my good news!”

“Xiaoxian, be careful, we are here waiting for you!”

“Don’t worry, there will be nothing, you know!”

Wang Xian pointed to the location of the ancestral tree of the Dragon King Palace, and said with a smile.


A group of girls nodded, and they can safely let Wang Xian go to another world, mainly because he can be resurrected through the ancestor tree.

Wang Xian turned his head slowly, looking towards the passage ahead.

The black channel leads to another world.

He walked slowly over.

Super Continent, I am coming!

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