Chapter 869 The Last Battle

When all the immortal gods and disciples of the immortal gate saw Wang Xian leading a group of powerful men in the Dragon Palace, everyone gasped.

“Looking back a year ago, the Dragon King wiped out the Nordic Divine Realm and the Yuwen clan without his own hands. However, after encountering this ancient god, the twelve holy kings, he must surrender!”

“As powerful as the dragon king, we must all be regarded as courtiers, let alone us?”

“The Twelve Saint Kings said they want the Dragon King to be their mount. Mount! Let the strongest of us be the mount!”

The crowd saw the arrival of the Dragon King with shocked expressions on their faces.

“Dragon King!”

“Dragon King!”

Seeing the arrival of Wang Xian and the crowd, everyone in the frontmost position vacated a space, shouting with a trace of misery on their faces.


Wang Xian nodded lightly and landed on the ground, looking towards the west.

“Hmph, I will become someone else’s mount from now on, so cold and arrogant!”

Behind, a newly promoted fairy god from Hunyuan Immortal Clan, seeing Wang Xian’s cold and arrogant appearance, curled his lips slightly, and said with disdain.

The Hunyuan Immortal Gate had an antagonism with the Dragon Palace, and a group of strong men in the Dragon Gate blocked their gates, making them afraid to leave the city for three days.

It’s just that the Dragon King is too powerful, they dare not speak up, and now see that the Dragon King has become someone else’s mount, he muttered in a low voice, full of schadenfreude!

The voice was very small, but there were fairy gods all around, and I couldn’t hide it from anyone’s ears.


When he had just finished speaking, Prime Minister Turtle turned around and waved the tortoise shell in his hand.

“The Twelve Saint Kings are coming soon, Dragon King…”

The immortal god’s face changed drastically, but before he could finish his words, a terrifying suction came from the tortoise shell!


The immortal god did not have the slightest resistance, was directly attracted by the tortoise shell, and his head was separated directly.


Prime Minister Turtle threw it away, and the corpse of the immortal god was thrown directly into the ocean.

Everyone around saw this scene, and their hearts were overwhelmed.

“Really looking for death!”

“No, even if the Dragon King is reduced to a mount, you are not qualified to taunt you as a little fairy!”

“How can such an idiot be promoted to the fairy god?”

Some people whispered, the Dragon King must be in a bad mood now, and he is so ridiculing now, it’s just looking for death!

“Haha, really knowing the current affairs, fairy gods of the East, your king is here!”

At this moment, a roaring voice came.

Everyone’s complexion changed slightly, and they quickly looked towards the west.

In the western sky, twelve middle-aged youths are sitting on the throne in the dragon robe canopy, twelve terrifying giant beasts pulling.

In the rear position, a group of Western gods followed, their eyes full of respect.

An old man, standing at the leftmost position, he made the sound just now.

The old man is dressed in a god armor and has extraordinary aura. This is the leader of a god’s realm, but now he is accompanied by him like a eunuch.

Your king, here comes!

The speed of the crowd was very fast, and hundreds of immortals accompanied behind, this momentum was breathtaking.

“Extraordinary second-order, third-order, second-order, second-order, third-order, fourth-order, third-order…”

Wang Xian’s eyes swept away, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

The strongest transcendent fourth-order, there is only one, the other is the weakest transcendent second-tier.

“Hi, these holy kings look so young!”

“Although they did not exude any aura, looking at them, there is a pressure from the soul!”

A crowd of people looked at it with shocked expressions on their faces.


Twelve giant beasts of ten meters in size stopped and let out a roar.

The twelve holy kings lined up in a row, looking towards them.

In their eyes, there was a look of abuse, and there was a bit of pride in their eyes.

They are just a small mercenary group in the Transcendent Continent. They didn’t expect to come to this world, they would turn out to be the strongest existence.

This gave all of them an expression of excitement, and they decided to never go back and do a big business here.

Build an empire and become king!

They are the masters here. They want women to have the most beautiful beauties, and they want rights. They are the kings of all people!

Here, they are heaven!

The twelve people glanced over the hundreds of thousands of people below, with a satisfied look on their faces.

“Tsk tsk, there are so many beauties!”

An obscene look flashed in the eyes of a young man sitting on the god seat on the left. He stood up with some excitement, and glanced down.

The rest of the crowd saw his virtue and became accustomed to it.

“Have all the fairy gates arrived?”

At this time, a dark young man sitting in the center turned to the question with a deep voice.

“Report to the holy king, all the powerhouses of the immortal gates have arrived!”

An immortal quickly replied.

“Which is the Dragon King?”

The Yin Yi young man raised his head slightly and asked quizzically.

In the lower position, everyone focused their eyes on the Wang Xian and the crowd at the front.

“Oh? You are the Dragon King?”

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Yin Yin youth, and his eyes fell on Wang Xian’s body.


Wang Xian nodded lightly.

“Hey, these beauties are pretty!”

The obscene young man on the far left saw Lan Qingyue, Sun Lingxiu, and Fan Zhang beside Wang Xian, his eyes lighted up.

The three girls are absolutely top notch in terms of temperament and appearance.

Even if it is placed on the Transcendent Continent, it is also stunning.

The face of the female emperor Fengluan was just slightly better than those of the other girls.

The young man’s mouth was slightly tilted, and he licked his lips.

Everyone below saw this scene, and their faces changed slightly.

“This Dragon King is not only going to be a mount, maybe even his own woman will be played with!”

Some people secretly said in their hearts.

The glorious dragon king fell to this scene, so that everyone did not expect.

“Become a dragon for the holy kings to see, besides, everyone else, kneel down and worship!”

The old man on the left shouted with cold eyes.

Everyone’s complexion changed slightly, but their complexion loosened, and they knelt on the ground slowly.


Suddenly, the old man snorted, his eyes only staring at the front Wang Xian and the crowd.

The twelve holy kings also looked at Wang Xian and the others, with a hint of coldness in their eyes.

“Kneel down, didn’t you hear it? And your Dragon King, anyone who dares to violate the Saint King’s orders, even the Nine Clan!”

The old man exudes a terrifying coercion, directly rushing towards the position below.

“Jie Jie, dare to resist us, it’s interesting, all men are killed, women…”

The young man with obscene eyes licked his lips again.


However, this time, his words hadn’t been finished yet, and the space was shaking slightly.

A white light flashed, and a head flew toward the sky.

“A group of guys with the highest cultivation level of Transcendent Tier 4, dare to say that they are ancient gods and holy kings, building an empire, haha, it’s really interesting!”

At the same time, a faint smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and a mocking voice sounded.

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