Chapter 864: Unify the Ocean!

“How about Xiaoxian, how did you talk with Feng Lingtian’s father?”

One day a year later, Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue asked with smiles when they saw Wang Xian coming back.

On the side, Xiaoyu saw his brother coming back, his face turned a little red and stared at Wang Xian, looking at him expectantly.

“It’s over, prepare for Xiao Yu’s wedding in half a year, ha ha!”

Wang Xian walked to Xiaoyu’s side, touched her head, and said to her.

“Brother, I’m not in a hurry, when will you hold your wedding with your sister-in-law?”

Xiaoyu said to Wang Xian with a reddish face.

She and Feng Lingtian have been together for two or three years. The two or three years have not been long, and they have been short.

Xiao Yu is now a 25-year-old girl.

As for Wang Xian, he is 26 years old this year.

However, the years did not leave any traces on them, and they still looked the same as before.


Wang Xian looked at Guan Shuqing, Lan Qingyue, Sun Lingxiu, and Ajiaya beside him, and consciously or unconsciously scanned Tang Yinxuan and Elder Fan on the side, and smiled.

“Now your brother is the only one who cares about you, so let’s take care of Xiaoyu’s marriage first!”

Guan Shuqing smiled and said to Xiaoyu: “As for our wedding, don’t worry, we can get married again when Xiaoxian becomes a peerless powerhouse!”

“Yeah, we are with Xiaoxian Tiantian, so don’t worry, let’s take care of Xiaoyu’s affairs first!”

Lan Qingyue and the others smiled. Although they were looking forward to the wedding, they were not in a hurry.

Now that we are together every day, the wedding is just a formality.

Now the members of the entire Dragon Palace all call them the Dragon Queen, and they can be regarded as the real Dragon Palace mistresses.

“After all your affairs are settled, I will be able to leave with peace of mind!”

Wang Xian said to Xiao Yu with a smile on his face.

“Brother, are you going to Transcendent Continent?”

Xiaoyu frowned and said to Wang Xian.

“Take care of your affairs and it’s over. There is no opponent on Earth, and the development of Dragon Palace is approaching a bottleneck, so go to Fengluan’s world!”

Wang Xian said with a smile, thinking of Fengluan who had been away from the earth for two years.

I don’t know what this former empress is doing.

Xiaoyu was slightly silent: “Brother, I will go with you then?”

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian petted and touched Xiaoyu’s head: “I’ll go over and take a look. In the future, I will move the Dragon Palace to the entrance of that world, and then I can come back directly from there!”

“When I really get a foothold in Transcendent Continent, I will pick you up!”

“Brother, you have to be careful from now on!”

Xiaoyu said worriedly.

“Do not worry!”

Wang Xian smiled: “I’m not going to pass now, and I won’t die!”

With the ancestor tree and the soul-returning tree, Wang Xian can still be resurrected in the Dragon Palace even if his body is damaged and fell on the Transcendent Continent, and he will be a hero by then.

He is full of curiosity about the Transcendent Continent.

According to the female emperor, in the Transcendent Continent, only by becoming transcendent can you truly step into practice. Above the transcendence, there is emptiness, and above the emptiness is longevity!

There, the real strong are like clouds, and the masters are like rain.

The so-called earth fairy is just a small person in that world.

There are powerful dragons, old monsters that have lived for tens of thousands of years, and countless treasures.

The sky is high for the birds to fly, and the sea is wide for the dragon to swim!

Kohan nodded slowly.


Xiaoyu nodded. He knew that his brother possessed a powerful treasure, and that even death could be resurrected in the Dragon Palace, which made her feel more at ease.

“Report to the Dragon King that the entire ocean is under our control of the Dragon Palace, and all the sea areas are under our control!”

At this moment, Prime Minister Turtle came to the Dragon King Hall with excitement and reported to Wang Xianhui.

“Does it all rule?”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face.

“It is the Dragon King, including the Antarctic and Arctic waters, are already under the rule of our Dragon Palace. In addition, the old minister is preparing to build a submarine city and form a real submarine culture!”

Prime Minister Turtle said with lustrous eyes.

“Build a city?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered too, and now with the impact of aura, many creatures on the bottom of the sea have evolved.

Under his guidance and the teachings of the civil servants in the Dragon Palace, thousands of Shui people have already possessed biological wisdom.

Build a submarine city and establish a perfect submarine civilization.

“Okay, build a city around our Dragon Palace. By the way, the Dragon Palace will soon be transferred to the entrance of the Transcendent Continent, where the city is planned!”

Wang Xian nodded and said.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Kame nodded immediately.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for uniting the earth and oceans, completing the side mission of unifying the oceans of the ten thousand worlds, and rewarding the dragon species, the thorn dragon!”

At this moment, the system’s voice suddenly sounded, and Wang Xian’s face was slightly taken aback, followed by a look of excitement on his face.

Dragon species, thorn dragon!

“Completed the task of unifying the earth and ocean, rewarding the dragon species thorn dragon!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, his heart moved, and Long Palace information appeared in his mind. Dragon Palace: Level 2

Dragon Lord: Wang Xian (Level 9 Five Elements Dragon)


Dragon King Hall: Level 2 (Increase Dragon King’s training speed and recovery speed by 12%)

Hualong Pond: Level 2 (absorb dragon blood to give birth to dragon species, dragon blood: 143232)

Dragon Gate: Level 2 (you can only become a dragon if you jump over the Dragon Gate, which is effective for creatures below the extraordinary level!)

Ding Hai Shen Needle: Level 2 (Dragon Palace pillar, set 100 kilometers in the Dragon Palace calm and calm, increase the Dragon Palace members’ combat effectiveness by 200%!)

Dragon Cave: Level 2 (With two thousand dragon caves, the cultivation speed of dragon creatures is increased by 800%!)

Dragon Field: Level 2 (Exercise martial arts in the Dragon Field, increase your savvy by 400%!)

Dragon Formation: Level 2 (Long Palace Formation: Concealment, Defense, Aura Gathering, Moving!)


Ancestor tree:? ? Level (Can return to the soul of creatures below the extraordinary level!) (Turn on the creature’s intelligence!) (Enhance the speed of the fire attribute cultivator by 200%!)

Attachment: Hualong Pond cultivates dragon species.

Current dragon species: Spiny Dragon, Golden Swordfish, Thunder Shrimp, Magic Monkey, Tricky Monster, Hydra, Dragon Turtle, Yaksha, Clam Girl, Golden Lobster…

“Sure enough, there is an extra thorn dragon dragon species in the dragon palace.”

Wang Xian looked at the Dragon Palace materials and focused on the thorn dragon.

Thorny Dragon: Wandering in the light and darkness, a walker of light and darkness, a reaper of killing.

A message, with a picture attached, appeared in Wang Xian’s mind.

This picture is a half-bright and half-dark monster.

It is not very different from the creepy monster, both are one or two meters in size, but they have sharp claws.

Unlike the wicked demon, this thorn dragon has one arm with sharp claws, and one arm is similar to a sickle.

Half light, half dark, extremely weird!

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