Chapter 860 You Are Not Qualified! Down

“Dragon King, come and fight with me. Within a hundred moves, I will take you first!”

With a move, the god king flew directly from the god seat. He stood in the void, his eyes facing all the strong in the Dragon Palace with cold eyes.

The light on his body filled a radius of more than ten kilometers, and he shouted at Wang Xian with an invincible momentum.

Seeing the power of the god king, everyone’s complexion changed slightly, and this spirit was qualified to suppress the gods.

“Zhan, even if we are not as many as you, but our gods in the realm of God, what is there to fear! Haha!”

“Kill, there is a god king, even if their number is doubled? Haha, war!”

Seeing that the god king was so domineering and facing the immortal gods in the Dragon Palace with his momentum, the fighting spirit in the hearts of the surrounding gods and the immortal gods of the Yuwen clan was also ignited and roared loudly.

“War war war!”

“Kill kill kill!”

In the rear, those who are not in the realm of immortal gods roared with murderous aura.

The god king ignited the flames of war for everyone with the power of one person!

Even in terms of momentum, it far surpasses the members of the Dragon Palace.

“Too domineering, the god king deserves to be the god king!”

“With this spirit, it is very possible to win the strong with the weak!”

“No wonder the Western Gods are willing to bow their heads to be ministers!”

Through the live broadcast, many warriors were shocked by the mighty and domineering God King. The war between God’s Domain and the Yuwen clan was all ignited, and they were even able to explode with a fighting force of one hundred and fifty.

“Haha, fight with me?”

Wang Xian saw the imposing and exciting opponent in front of him, he laughed, his face was full of sarcasm: “You are not qualified yet!”

You are not qualified yet!

Wang Xian’s icy voice resounded across dozens of kilometers.

“Jie Jie, Jie Jie, a little rubbish, just want to challenge our Dragon King, you really are not qualified!”

As soon as Wang Xian finished speaking, Baqi moved directly to the front of the center. With nine heads, he stared at the god king evilly: “Just do you dare to call yourself the god king, dare to challenge our dragon king? Huh?”

The ridiculous voice resounded through the world, and Baqi stood in the center, and a sticky magical energy instantly radiated from his body.

With a slight movement of his palm, a skeleton staff appeared, full of evil magic power, directly rushing towards the light energy ahead.

“The opponent has a total of 148 fairy gods, Dragon Palace disciples, one hundred and forty-eight people come out to train, start!”

Prime Minister Turtle stood beside Wang Xianlong chair and said softly to everyone in the Dragon Palace.

There is no domineering declaration, no invincible momentum, and flat voice, but it makes everyone around him stunned.

The Dragon Palace only dispatched 148 immortals, one to one!

The god king is not qualified to challenge the dragon king, and the dragon king does not take action!

Training begins!

This… this Dragon King simply didn’t put the Nordic Gods and Yuwen clan in his eyes.

The god king challenged the dragon king, and as a result a younger brother came up to fight the god king, and looking at the momentum, he was able to compete with the god king.

Holding a grass, really holding a grass!

The appearance of Baqi, and Prime Minister Kameko’s words, instantly made the faces of everyone in the Nordic Divine Realm and the Yuwen clan extremely embarrassed.


But at this time, Prime Minister Kameko’s words sounded again.

In an instant, Baqi moved, his nine mouths opened, and his black snake-like tongues directly attacked the god king.


Behind, a group of magic monkeys roared, and several fairy god-level magic monkeys held the Dinghai Shenzhen needle and smashed directly toward the front.

Lei Bu Lei Shrimp clan, Ao Xie, a crowd of murderous crabs!

More than a hundred golden swordfish clan rushed to kill in an instant.

“Hi, back, back quickly!”

The moment the battle broke out, the immortal god who was hiding around watching the excitement quickly retreated back.

They retreated to dozens of kilometers away before they stopped.

Three hundred fairy gods fight, two god kings fight at this level.

“The Dragon King really didn’t do anything. Beside the Dragon King, there are a group of fairy gods who didn’t do it. It seems that the Dragon King didn’t put the Nordic Divine Realm and the Yuwen clan in his eyes at all!”

All the people around watched the outbreak of the war with shocked faces.

The king of gods hung up and exploded into the sky, but in the eyes of the dragon king, everything was a joke, and even the dragon king didn’t make any moves!

This kind of self-confidence is not what the god king said.


In the sky, nine tongues, like giant snakes, instantly grew thousands of meters in length, and fell on the shield of light in front of the god king.

“Beast looking for death!”

The face of God King Okdin was full of anger and violent anger: “The glory of the gods!”

He raised his magic scepter, and thousands of white lights in the sky attacked towards Yaqi, the white light filled with the power of judgment.

“Jiejie the glory of the gods? Old man, what are gods? Gods are just powerful cultivators. They can only deceive sentient beings and judge me. You are not qualified!”

Baqi laughed wildly, retracted his tongue, and the head in the center became longer. In an instant, it became more than a hundred meters long: “You are just a transcendent existence, you want to judge me?”


He opened his mouth, and the poison in the sky greeted the white light.


There is a corrosive sound in the sky, a duel of light and darkness, God King vs. Baqi.

“Beast, today I represent the light and will drive you to hell!”

When the god king heard Yaki’s words, his face changed slightly. With a wave of his arm, the two giant crows on the god seat glowed with dazzling white light. The figure directly increased by several tens of meters and bit towards Yaki’s body.

“I hate your being aloof, so I’m going to kill you!”

A cold look flashed in Baqi’s eyes. He was a creature whose flaws must be reported. Anyone who dared to insult him would make the opponent extremely miserable.

The so-called god king is nothing more than this!

“Boom boom boom!”


In an instant, Baqi completely recovered to his full form, with nine heads and nine tails, a 150-meter figure, suspended in the air.

The horrible demonic energy rushed to the sky.

The two crows were swallowed directly into the abdomen by their two heads.

“Nine Flames Hell!”

His nine huge and incomparable mouths opened, and a terrifying magic flame covered the god King Okdin!

“Guardian of the Holy Light!”

The face of God King Okdin changed slightly, a solemn expression appeared in his eyes, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

He didn’t expect that one of the Dragon King’s subordinates would have a strength comparable to his own.

How strong will this Dragon King be?

Thinking of this, he glanced at the Dragon King who was sitting on the dragon chair with a smile looking at this place, a trace of terror flashed in his eyes.

The Dragon King hasn’t made a move yet, what if he makes a move?

“Dare to be distracted by fighting me?”

Baqi’s nine pairs of eyes were full of coldness and viciousness, and a huge tail swept away directly.

“not good!”

The face of God King Okdin changed drastically, and he roared, “The body of the God King!”


Yaqi’s terrifying tail swept across the body of the god King Okdin, causing it to fly several kilometers away.

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