Chapter 857 Dragon King vs God King 3

Behind the Dragon King, there are three more groups of creatures.

A kind of magic monkey, a magic monkey exuding devilish energy, each body is full of black scales, and the few headed hold golden sticks in their hands, exuding the power of the fairy god level.

There are more than a thousand of this kind of magic monkeys, and the magic flames are so great that it is heart palpitating.

Another kind of creature is a creature that emits thunder and lightning, like a shrimp-like creature. There are more than a dozen headed, one arm is like a warhammer, the other is like a thunder spear, and lightning flashes on their bodies.

There are about two hundred of them, which is terrifying.

Located in the center is a group of humans, humans holding golden long swords. They are extremely cold, like machines, exuding terrifying sword lights.

There are about one hundred and fifty swordsmen in this group.

In addition to these three large groups of humans and creatures, there are also several very special and even scary things.

A middle-aged man with several heads and nine arms.

Every face in the middle-aged was thin and pale, and the triangular eyes revealed gloom and horror.

The size is small, but it is unusually conspicuous behind the Dragon King.

No creatures dared to approach him around him.

At three meters from the middle age, there is a strange creature, which is like a spider.

He has a hairy head, eight arms, left and right like a sword, and right hand like a mace. It is very strange and looks very scary.

There are ten such creatures.

“Oh, my god, there are about seventy immortals, there are seventy!”

The anchor and all the immortals and strong men around saw this scene, their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of shock.

Now that there is no movement from the Yuwen clan, the Dragon King of Dragon Palace has led seventy fairy gods out.

Looking at that direction, it flew towards the Yuwen clan.

Is this to be?


Like the last time the holy doctor and holy medicine immortal gate, the Dragon King must take the initiative to attack.

“How come? How come there are so many immortal powers in the Dragon Palace, and have you seen that, many of them are other creatures, Dragon Palace Dragon Palace, is the Dragon King’s Dragon Palace built in the ocean, and his subordinates are also creatures in the ocean?”

The anchor widened his eyes and shouted in shock.

It was really shocking. Just now they talked about the fact that they were still voting and who would lose in this battle. As a result, 99% of people would think that the Dragon Palace would be annihilated.

However, it was less than ten minutes before the Dragon King suddenly led a group of terrifying fairy creatures to attack and flew towards the position of the Yuwen clan.

“There is also a terrifying invisible creature in the Dragon Palace. There are definitely a lot of that kind of creatures. In other words, there are more fairy gods in the Dragon Palace than the Nordic Gods and the Yuwen clan!”

The immortals around him took a breath.

The power of the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is also too terrifying, making everyone feel incredible.

Too strong, too strong.

“Originally thought that the Dragon King would lose, but now it seems that it is the God King who will lose!”

“The battle, the real battle, there will be nearly two hundred immortals fighting today, my God!”

Whether it was the surrounding fairy gods, or everyone who vaguely saw this scene through the live broadcast, there was a look of horror on their faces.

In the Jedi reversal, the fairy gods in the Dragon Palace are no less than the Nordic Gods and the Yuwen clan, even stronger and weird!

“There are twenty fairy gods hiding around within a 50-kilometer radius!”

Prime Minister Turtle followed the Dragon King and walked in the air. He looked at the tortoise shell in his hand and said in a low voice.

Behind him, there were turtles, and the eyes of each turtle’s shell were full of wise light and wisdom.

Wang Xian glanced around in a circle without paying attention.

This time, a hundred members of the fairy god level of the Dragon Palace were dispatched. Obviously, there were 70 members of the dragon palace, and there were 30 fairy god level monsters hiding around them.

In addition to the fairy god level, there are fifty infants and half step fairy god level.

Nearly one-third of the power of the fairy god in the Dragon Palace came, and the power under the fairy god came by more than half.

There are not many members in the Dragon Palace.

In fact, among the dragon palace creatures, Tang Yinxuan and five immortal-level dolphins also followed.

Since it was a drill, it showed the strongest battle formation in Dragon Palace.

The Jiu Jiao Yujia quickly flew in the direction of the Yuwen clan.

In this group of creatures, there are only a few hundred in the Dan realm, and all the others are in the infant realm.

Although the number is only two thousand, the strength is absolutely terrifying enough.

All the way forward, Wang Xian did not conceal the slightest bit. When passing by a bustling city, everyone looked at this scene with shocked faces.

On and the live broadcast platform, it was a direct fallout. It was almost a magnitude ten earthquake.

“When everyone thought that the Dragon King would be annihilated, the Dragon King fought back again. This is the real power of the Dragon Palace!”

“Strong Invincible, it is still the same as the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Xianmen, the Dragon King directly sent someone to kill it!”

“Haha, this is interesting. If the Dragon King dares to kill him, he can surely destroy the God King. It’s awesome!”

When everyone got this news, they talked with shocked faces.

The dragon king gave them too many surprises!

Once again, when everyone thought that the Dragon King would be completely defeated, the Dragon King shocked the world again and led the powerful and terrifying Dragon Palace members to fly in the direction of the Yuwen clan.

They were flying very fast, within half an hour, they were already close to the Yuwen clan’s fifty kilometers range.


At this moment, Prime Minister Turtle, who was holding the tortoise shell in his hand, let out a surprise. He stared at his tortoise shell and moved lightly.

“Dragon King, there are two hundred fairy gods within a radius of 50 kilometers. The number of fairy gods is a bit unexpected!”

Prime Minister Turtle raised his head and said suddenly to Wang Xian who was on the move.

“Huh? Two hundred fairy gods?”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, with a hint of surprise on his face.

“Counting those who are hiding around, there shouldn’t be two hundred, too many, should it be?”

Prime Minister Turtle’s gaze flickered, and he looked everywhere in the void, with a smile on his face: “I will let the big blue belt fairy come over, it will take less than five minutes!”

“Okay, slow down!”

Wang Xian nodded faintly: “It’s really interesting. What I said is that the Yuwen clan is a bit strange here. Three days have passed and it hasn’t come out yet, and it deliberately released its own strength. Haha, it’s really interesting!”

He laughed and ordered Jiutiao Jiao to slow down, slowly approaching the position of the Yuwen clan.

“Come on, the Dragon King is here!”

“It is still domineering rushing over, the members of the Dragon Palace are terrifying, far beyond human beings, and they are all weird. Is this going to annihilate the Nordic Gods and the Yuwen clan?”

The immortal powerhouses gathered around and the anchor who specializes in live broadcasting showed shocked expressions on their faces when they saw the arrival of the Dragon King.

Jiutiao Jiao exuded a terrifying aura, slowly came to the location of the Yuwen clan’s site, and stopped in the void.

Seventy creatures of the fairy god level, the wild, devilish, and icy aura, far surpassed the human fairy gods of the same level.

The Dragon King and the others stopped there, like a mighty existence coming from the abyss of the sea, presiding over the world.

“Haha, I knew that Dragon King would bring people over, as expected!”

Wang Xian didn’t speak, but looked forward quietly.

At this moment, a loud laughter came. On a mountain peak of the Yuwen clan, a wise old man with white hair stood on the mountain peak and laughed cheerfully.

This loud laughter surprised everyone again!

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