Chapter 854: Funeral (4)


The location of the Yuwen clan was not very far from Xuanyuan City. When a round of things like the sun rose at night, when the sound that shocked the world rang, everyone in Xuanyuan Ancient City woke up.

Many of the immortals and disciples who did not leave because it was getting late tonight, when they heard the sound, immediately flew out of the room, looking towards the position of the sound.

When they just flew out, they saw a terrifying scene.

The strongest member of the Yuwen clan, the Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan, was actually shot down from the void by the old man sitting on the god seat and exuding brilliance.

There is no ability to resist at all.

The Yuwen clan Taishang Elder, the top powerhouse in the east today, fell heavily towards the distance.

The prestige of one finger, the prestige of only one finger.

Everyone looked at this scene with shocked faces, the dignified Yuwen clan elder was defeated by a finger, and even they felt that if the god king did not leave his hands, he would even be directly beheaded!

This makes people think that during the day, the Dragon King’s eyes shot out two flames, and as a result, he directly killed two high-ranking gods.

“It’s horrible, one finger knocks down the Yuwen clan Taishang elder, who is stronger than the Dragon King?”

“This is the real god, the mighty gods, the divine glory illuminates the heavens and the earth, the gods in the Western God Realm are simply too small compared to the old man in front of them!”

“Divine King, is this the horror of Divine King? It is indeed the King of Gods, the strongest in the West!”

Seeing with their own eyes, everyone felt their own insignificance in their hearts, this god king was too powerful.

“God King vs Dragon King, Dragon King has encountered a real enemy!”

Everyone sighed slightly in their hearts. They thought that the dragon king was the most powerful existence today, but compared with the god king, it is hard to say which one is strong and which is weak.

“The Dragon King killed my Yuwen clan daughter-in-law. Today, my Yuwen clan swears to destroy the Dragon King, otherwise my Yuwen clan will be destroyed!”

When the night fell silent for about half an hour, another roar sounded from the sky and spread throughout China.

The two voices represent the complete union between the Yuwen clan and the Nordic God Realm, and it is absolutely necessary to decide to destroy the Dragon King.

This news made the silent night boil, and it became a sleepless night.

“Analyzing the power of the Dragon King, before the resurrection of the spiritual energy, there were 18 fairy gods, a group of infant realms, and half-step fairy gods in the dragon palace. According to the comprehensive strength, the dragon palace currently has a minimum of 30 fairy gods. Little, it should be between forty and fifty. Fifty is the most!”

“And the Yuwen clan and the Nordic Gods, there are 25 fairy gods in the Yuwens clan, and the Nordic Gods has at least 60 fairy gods. No less than eighty-five strong people, this time is a huge crisis for the Dragon King!”

“Although the Dragon King is very strong and strong, the God King is not weak. One finger defeats the Yuwen clan Taishang Elder. The strength is definitely not lower than the Dragon King, and the power of the God King is stronger!”

“This time is really a huge crisis for the Dragon King. The last time the Dragon King used the power of the Dragon Palace to destroy the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate, there will be other powers this time?”

“Obviously, the combination of the god king of the Nordic Gods and the Yuwen clan is relatively strong. After all, it is a combination of the two powers. There is also the horrible power of the god king. The dragon king is more fortunate!”

In the middle of the night, the entire Jianghu Internet was extremely lively, and everyone was talking about the declaration of war by the Yuwen clan and the Nordic Gods on the Dragon King.

The daughter of the god king was beheaded at the wedding, and it was impossible for the two major forces to let go of the dragon king.

This time, it was another century war.

Even after this battle, the power division of the entire earth will be determined.

More people are more optimistic about the power of the King of God and the Yuwen clan, and now almost everyone is a warrior.

Many ordinary people in the past have only heard of the deeds of the Dragon King, but have never seen the Dragon King himself.

But the king of gods is different. Since the impact of the spiritual energy, the king of the gods has been known throughout the earth.

One is called the true god.

As the sky lighted up, Wang Xian stretched his waist from the room on the floating island to the living room.

“Brother, did you hear yesterday’s voice?”

Xiaoyu and Feng Lingtian sat in the living room, but Ling Xiao did not leave immediately.

Yesterday’s events have had a great impact on them. The beheading of the daughter of the god king on the spot, and the enemy of the strongest coalition forces on the earth, made him a little nervous and worried.

Now Huangtian Immortal Gate and Dragon Palace are considered in-laws.

“I heard it, how come I can’t hear it.”

Wang Xian walked to the table indifferently, and Xiaoyu immediately ran to the kitchen to bring some breakfast.

“Brother, they are so arrogant, they still want to kill you, huh, they are looking for death!”

Xiaoyu said angrily, she had been angry about Philomena yesterday for a long time.

“They should be holding a funeral now, hehe, when they finish the coffin, we will cover them!”

Wang Xian smiled softly.

Since the other party had already killed him, Wang Xian would naturally not wait to be killed, he liked to take the initiative to attack.

The wedding becomes a funeral, and the funeral requires a coffin. If they want to destroy themselves after three days, they should go ahead and put them in the coffin.


In just a few days, they will go from the great joy of life to the great compassion, and finally walk into the tomb.

very perfect!

“Dragon King, do you want to take the initiative?”

Ling Xiao’s heart lied slightly when he heard his words: “We Ling Xiao’s immortal gate can only take action with six immortals.”

“Need not.”

Wang Xian waved his hand: “My Dragon Palace can solve it!”

“The strength of the god king is very strong, and the Nordic God Realm plus the Yuwen clan, their power is also very strong!”

Ling Xiao frowned and reminded.

Even seeing Wang Xian so confident, Ling Xiao couldn’t be sure that Dragon Palace would be the opponent of their two powerful forces.

Not only him, but everyone on the entire earth did not believe that the Dragon King would win.

On the Jianghu Internet, it is said that this will be the biggest crisis of the Dragon King, and it is very likely to fall.

“Do not worry!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly. Just now, he checked and saw the analysis post.

The analysis strengths of the Nordic Gods and the Yuwen clan are quite right, but they are Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian smiled softly, and now there are two hundred and eighty powerful immortals in the Dragon Palace.

Just calling a fraction of eighty names, and a group of dragon people, is enough to deal with the two major forces.

As for the god king.

“I just don’t know if I have reached the transcendental realm. If I have reached it, it will be interesting. If I have not reached it, then… Haha!”

As for the information on the Jianghu Internet that says God King vs Dragon King.

The corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, wondering if he has the qualifications!

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