Chapter 851 Funeral 1

At the wedding, pour the wine on the ground in front of the bride and groom.

If the bride and groom leave without a toast, then this act of pouring wine on the ground is more than an insult.

In the face of the immortals and gods of the major forces on the entire earth, it was simply a naked humiliation.

And in this, there is also a murderous aura.

One cup respects the loess, one cup respects death.

This is the wine of death.

Yu Wenhua and Philomina’s faces were very gloomy. At their happy wedding, the Dragon King did such a mourning thing, which was an insult to them.

“Dragon King, it’s too much!”

The Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan saw this scene with an unusually embarrassed expression. With a move, he appeared beside Yuwenhua and Philomena instantly, his expression gloomy sweeping across the wine on the ground, staring at Wang Xian.

“Dragon King, look for…”

Philomina’s face was slightly sullen, and she was the daughter of the dignified Nordic God Realm God King, who was so humiliated today on her happy day, under the eyes of everyone.

This insulted not only her, but also their entire Nordic realm.

It is definitely a very uncomfortable thing to recall such a thing when I was married in the future.

Like a fishbone stuck in the throat.


The Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan waved his hand to block Philomena’s next words.

He stared at the Dragon King coldly.

“Invite me to come, isn’t it because you look at your face? The son and daughter-in-law of the dignified Yuwen clan is so uneducated, didn’t you say too much about what happened just now?”

Wang Xian stared coldly at the Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan, his eyes were also full of chills: “Give me an explanation, otherwise…”


Everyone around saw the Dragon King’s words so powerfully, and took a breath of air.

They watched the look of the Dragon King, and saw the thick murderous in his eyes, without the slightest concealment.

Everyone knew that the Dragon King was angry.

The Dragon King didn’t care about the power of the Nordic Gods at all, nor did he care about the power of the Yuwen clan.

Today he is here to be invited to this wedding. When others give gifts, he is humiliated and everyone will be angry.

It’s just that they dare not speak up in the face of powerful forces.

But the Dragon King didn’t have the slightest tolerance this time. Although the Nordic God Realm is very strong, the Dragon King still has this qualification.

The grand elder of the Yuwen clan changed drastically.

Everyone sees this matter, it’s because they did it wrong.

He took a deep breath: “But Dragon King, can’t it be too much, this matter is the fault of their two children, but today is their wedding after all, each step back.”

“Give you an explanation? Dragon King, I warn you, if you don’t give us an explanation for the Nordic Kingdom today, you will never have the opportunity to explain again in the future!”

As soon as the elder Yuwen clan had finished speaking, a cold and arrogant figure came.

More than 20 people, more than 20 gods of the Nordic Gods, they came to Philomena in an instant, staring at Wang Xian with cold eyes.

Some other strong figures in the Western Gods’ Realm moved and followed closely behind.

For a time, forty or fifty Western gods stared at Wang Xian coldly.

The Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan frowned slightly when they saw them opening.

“Dragon King really doesn’t put us in his eyes for doing such a behavior at my son’s wedding!”

The middle-aged fairy god of the Yuwen clan stared at Wang Xian coldly.

“Haha, threaten me?”

Wang Xian laughed wildly when he saw them all.

“What about threatening you? Dragon King, do you really think I’m afraid of you? What if I don’t give you face?”

Philomena stared at Wang Xian with a sullen face, with a cold expression on her face.

“In that case, let the wedding become a funeral!”

Wang Xian slowly reduced his smile, staring at Philomena, a red light flashed in his eyes.

Wang Xian’s words surprised everyone again.

However, at this moment, everyone saw the dragon king’s eyes suddenly shoot out a flame.

Unprepared, no one thought that the Dragon King would dare to attack directly in front of forty or fifty immortals.

For an instant, everyone’s expressions were shocked.

Wedding becomes funeral?

“you wanna die!”

Philomena and Yu Wenhua didn’t expect that Wang Xian would attack so suddenly, her face changed drastically, and she quickly stretched out her arms.

A bracelet on the arm emits a blue shield of light.


However, the moment that flame fell on the light shield, the light shield dissipated and the flame fell on Philomena.

A flame that was not very thick fell on her.

At this moment, her face changed drastically, with a look of horror on her face. The flame fell on her and burned quickly.

The flame burned very fast, and a strong wood attribute energy surged from her body to try to extinguish it.

However, the flame never ceases.


This is one of the eight magical powers that Wang Xian obtained after reaching the first transformation of the dragon. The magical powers originated from the inexhaustible wood on the ancestral tree.

Inexhaustible eyes, pupil skills, hit by an inexhaustible wood, the flame will never cease.

Until death.

“Dragon King, you…”

The Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan showed embarrassment on his face, and immediately waved his hand to extinguish the flame on Philomena.

“You’re looking for death, you dare to hurt our princess!”

When the gods of the Nordic Gods saw Wang Xian attacking directly, their faces were full of murderous aura. A sledgehammer and a knight sword appeared in the hands of the two old men standing in front.

“Haha, after tomorrow, you will also toast in my direction, haha!”

Wang Xian laughed and looked at the two high-ranking immortals who were attacking him.

The red glow in the eyes flickered again, and two rays of light fell on them.


The two resisted with the sledgehammer knight sword, but their eyes spread directly from their weapons to their bodies.

Two screams came.

“No, the flame can’t be extinguished?”

When the two high-ranking immortals attacked, the immortals on the side hurriedly released various energies to extinguish the flames on Philomena.

However, when various water attribute energy and earth attribute energy fell on her, the flame was only contained for a little bit, but it was completely useless.

It can’t be destroyed, even if it is a high-ranking immortal, it can’t be destroyed.

“Ahhhhhhh, put out the fire for me, put out the fire for me!”

Philomena screamed loudly as she watched her body burned black with horror on her face.

“No, Thor and the God of Earth were also burned by flames!”

The other gods of the Nordic Gods and the Yuwen clan saw the two high-ranking gods of Thor and the God of Earth burned by the flames, their faces slapped with pain, and their complexions changed drastically.

The two upper gods were also burned by flames?

And it’s still immortal!

In an instant, a group of immortals stared at Wang Xian with fear and vigilance, and the rest began to rescue!

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