Chapter 838

“Then what should I do? Sister Fengluan will not be able to reshape her physical body if her blood energy is not enough, or let her enter my body again!”

Guan Shuqing asked anxiously.

In the past few months, Feng Luan and her shared a body, and the two were able to communicate with each other. At the beginning, Feng Luan was extremely cold and arrogant.

But after a long time, the two gradually began to talk.

Feng Luan taught Guan Shuqing a lot of things, and even branded her own cultivation methods and alchemy techniques into her mind.

The female emperor didn’t know how long she slept. Although the two occupy one body, it does not hinder them from talking and communicating.

Even in the last month, they can share a perspective.

It was also because of Feng Luan that Guan Shuqing was able to reach the realm of a superior immortal.

The relationship between the two has far surpassed friends.

“Phoenix Nirvana, besides the essence and blood, what else is needed?”

Wang Xian frowned and stared at Fengluan in the Longchi, and asked.


With a wave of Lan Qingyue’s arm, a faint gray energy entered Feng Luan’s body, and her head suddenly burst into flames.

“In addition to essence and blood, flames are also needed. As long as there is enough flames, she can also succeed in Nirvana!”

Lan Qingyue said immediately.


Wang Xian opened his mouth, the dragon ball came directly to Fengluan’s head, and the flames flowed directly into the top of her head.

Sure enough, Feng Luan’s body quickly condensed under the increase of the dragon ball flame.

Guan Shuqing saw the effect, and with a wave of his arm, the same strong horror flame turned into flame water, slowly falling over her head.

A terrifying flame poured out, and Feng Luan began to condense the parts below his head.

Neck, arms, chest.

She hovered above the dragon pond, with a powerful flame above her head and dragon blood below her, slowly converging.

“The position of the heart is not weaker than that of the human head. If you want to reshape it, the energy required may be very scary!”

When the chest was condensed, the speed slowed down again, even with the help of Wang Xian and their powerful flames, it was still very slow.

And that drop of Suzaku’s blood even began to flicker.

“What about this?”

Guan Shuqing had a worried look on her face. The 50% success rate was not high, and the probability of failure reached half.

And once it fails, it’s really gone this time!

“Don’t worry, I have another way!”

Wang Xian touched Guan Shuqing’s head and moved to the dragon chair in the Dragon King Palace, looking at the endless wood on the ancestral tree.

When inexhaustible wood was obtained, it was only the size of chopsticks.

Now it is two meters long, and some children have thick arms.

Wang Xian broke half directly and came to the sky above Fengluan again.

He threw the endless wood on Fengluan’s chest.


Boundless Wood entered her chest directly, and followed closely, and Boundless Wood lit up half of her chest like a blood vessel.

Her heart beat slowly.


The faces of all the girls showed surprise.

Inexhaustible wood belongs to the sacred wood, even if it is several levels higher than the extraordinary items.

This kind of wood is dead wood, it can be resurrected because of the ancestor tree, and regain the power of terror in the past.

Even if it is only a small branch today, it is still extremely powerful.

Infinite Wood entered her body as if it became a blood vessel, slowly connecting her head and limbs.

Her lower body condensed faster, condensing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, looking at the empress who reshaped her body.

There was no clothes on the whole body.

Perfect, simply perfect!


At this moment, powerful pressure radiated from Fengluan’s body, and a phantom Vermillion Bird appeared around her, flying around her body.

A pair of bright eyes opened, and Suzaku throbbed in them.

A wave of majesty moved towards the surrounding covering.

“So strong!”

Even if Feng Luan only had the strength of a high-ranking fairy at this time, there was still an urge to bow down.

Like the ancient emperor, patrolling the world.

Kneeling on the ground with a smile.

The flame in Feng Luan’s eyes slowly converged, and the aura on his body disappeared, but the outstanding temperament was still extremely noble.

A long, fiery red hair floated behind him, and his whole body was as white as snow.


She looked at Wang Xian and said thankfully.

“Need not!”

Wang Xian felt that his eyes could not be separated, and nodded blankly.


Guan Shuqing on the side twisted Wang Xian fiercely and shouted loudly.

All the girls looked over and found that Wang Xian’s eyes were staring at Feng Luan’s body.

Feng Luan was taken aback for a moment, and didn’t react at all for a while. When she looked down at her body, her face flushed.

Even the whole neck turned pink.

It looks very touching.

She moved her body, her body covered with flames, and a Suzaku-shaped armor came out to cover her whole body.

The fiery red armor and fiery red hair were like a goddess of war for an instant.

This again made Wang Xian’s eyes bright.


Lan Qingyue and the others also gave a cold snort of dissatisfaction, staring at Wang Xian coldly.

“Ah, it’s good if you succeed!”

Fengluan glanced at Wang Xian, her eyelashes beating constantly.

This reminded her of what happened during this time. Although it was not her body, it had no area with her body.


She took a deep breath, shielding those thoughts.

Thinking of her supernatural female emperor of the mainland, and commanding hundreds of millions of living beings, a man is no different from a woman in her eyes.

No man dared to pursue her.

And those who can stand with her are old men who have lived for five to six thousand years, seven to eight thousand years.

Except for these old monsters, other men can only kneel in front of her and worship him.

“Sister Fengluan!”

Guan Shuqing ran over happily.

A smile appeared on Feng Luan’s face, and she stroked Guan Shuqing’s hair happily.

“Okay, everything is complete, I have someone prepare some food, let’s celebrate!”

Wang Xian said happily.

Dragon Palace is upgraded, and the empress returns!

“Okay, let’s celebrate!”

Guan Shuqing said a few girls happily, and flew towards the Dragon King Palace.

Feng Luan did not fly in front, but came to Wang Xian’s side. After a glance at him, he immediately looked forward: “I feel that my body bears the mark of your Dragon Palace!”

“It’s because your body is condensed with the items in my Dragon Palace!”

The body is condensed with dragon blood, and the heart is condensed with inexhaustible wood. Feng Luan’s body is considered to be a person from the Dragon Palace. Even if she is dead, Wang Xian can resurrect her through the soul-returning wood!

Feng Luan looked around and said softly, “I’m leaving in a few days!”

“Go, where to go?”

Wang Xian asked in surprise.

“Back to the Transcendent Continent!”

Feng Luan said.

“What? Have you found your way back?”

Wang Xian asked in surprise.

“In the past few days, I have checked and found a way back. After opening it, I can go back!”

. . . . . .

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