Chapter 836 Dragon Palace Upgrade (2)

“It’s not even the last formation that has been upgraded. Once the formation is upgraded, the entire Dragon Palace can be upgraded to two levels!”

There was an excited look on Wang Xian’s face, and Dragon Palace was upgraded to Level 2. In addition to doubling various functions, Dragon Palace would have an ability.

Move, the second-level dragon palace can move under the sea floor.

In other words, he can move the location of the Dragon Palace.


With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, the array compass was thrown above the Dragon Palace one by one.

“Seven secondary formations found, are they fused?”


“The fusion is complete, and ten Dragon Palace secondary formations have been fused, and the dragon formation has been upgraded to secondary!”

“All buildings in the Dragon Palace are upgraded to the second level, and the Dragon Palace meets the conditions for upgrading and is upgraded to the second level!”

A system of voices came, and in an instant, the Dragon Palace below began to undergo a terrifying change.

The Dragon Palace, which originally occupies a ten-kilometer radius, has directly become larger, and all the buildings inside it have become as big as miracles.

The Dragon King Palace, Hualongchi, Dinghai Shenzhen, Longmen, Longchang, Longxue and all the buildings are expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the peaks in the Dragon Palace have undergone tremendous changes.

All the members of the Dragon Palace in the Dragon Palace came to the sky above the Dragon Palace with shocked faces, feeling the great changes in the Dragon Palace.

The aura in the dragon palace directly increased at a crazy speed.


At this moment, the entire Dragon Palace was enveloped by arrays of various colors, and the entire area became extremely illusory.

This is the formation. The first-level dragon palace has only two formations, the Spirit Gathering Array and the Water Array.

The water formation can withstand the attacks of creatures below level twelve.

With various architectural changes, the formations have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The entire Dragon Palace is as beautiful as a holy land.

The aquatic people around the Dragon Palace sensed the changes in the Dragon Palace, and gathered around them like pilgrimage.

The Dragon Palace is expanding very quickly, and everything inside is increasing.

“It has doubled now, but it hasn’t stopped yet!”

Wang Xian looked at the expansion of Dragon Palace, with joy on his face.

Now the range of 20 kilometers, in his opinion, is already very large, but it is not over yet.

Wang Xian stood above the Dragon Palace and waited slowly.

Two hours later, the expansion of the Dragon Palace finally stopped.

“Ding, Dragon Palace has been upgraded to Level 2, and all construction effects have doubled, opening new functions!”

The sound of the system came, representing the complete completion of the Dragon Palace.

Dragon Palace: Level 2

Dragon Lord: Wang Xian (Level 9 Five Elements Dragon)


Dragon King Hall: Level 2 (Increase Dragon King’s training speed and recovery speed by 12%)

Hualong Pond: Level 2 (absorb dragon blood to give birth to dragon species, dragon blood: 143232)

Dragon Gate: Level 2 (you can only become a dragon if you jump over the Dragon Gate, which is effective for creatures below the extraordinary level!)

Ding Hai Shen Needle: Level 2 (Dragon Palace pillar, set 100 kilometers in the Dragon Palace calm and calm, increase the Dragon Palace members’ combat effectiveness by 200%!)

Dragon Cave: Level 2 (With two thousand dragon caves, the cultivation speed of dragon creatures is increased by 800%!)

Dragon Field: Level 2 (Exercise martial arts in the Dragon Field, increase your savvy by 400%!)

Dragon Formation: Level 2 (Long Palace Formation: Concealment, Defense, Aura Gathering, Moving!)


Ancestor tree:? ? Level (Can return to the soul of creatures below the extraordinary level!) (Turn on the creature’s intelligence!) (Enhance the speed of the fire attribute cultivator by 200%!)

Attachment: Hualong Pond cultivates dragon species.

Current dragon species: Golden Swordfish, Thunder Shrimp, Magic Monkey, Treacherous Monster, Hydra, Dragon Turtle, Yaksha, Mussel Girl, Golden Lobster…

“Hi, the effect of this boost!”

Wang Xian looked at the changes in the dragon palace after the dragon palace’s level was upgraded, with a shocked expression on his face.

Now the range of the Dragon Palace has increased to 50 kilometers, which has directly increased five times.

The effect of various buildings is doubled.

In other words, ordinary members of the Dragon Palace, they practiced in the Dragon **, eight times the outside world, this is a very terrifying upgrade.

His cultivation speed in the Dragon King Palace is twelve times that of the outside world.

In addition, the promotion of the dragon formation is completely different from that of the first level, and it has become the dragon palace formation.

The defense of this large formation can withstand the attacks of creatures below the extraordinary.

In other words, even a high-ranking immortal can’t enter the dragon palace.

The effect of the ancestor tree is still abnormal, and the special effect of Longchi’s opening makes Wang Xian’s eyes show a hot look.

Cultivate dragon species!

In other words, when a creature enters the dragon pond, it can transform into another race through this ability.

Like a tortoise, under the function of cultivating dragon species, it can choose to evolve into a demon monkey or a demon.

This is a perverted ability, and it is also the strong foundation of Dragon Palace.

At present, there are not many departments in the Dragon Palace, and it is very difficult to find exactly the same race.

With this method of cultivating dragon species, a fish can be bred into a magic monkey to form a fixed race.

“In this case, the Dragon Palace will become stronger and stronger in the future!”

A blazing light flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes.

As for Dragon Palace to be upgraded to Level 3, Wang Xian took a brief look, and it was not at all that he could improve at this time.

All the items needed are extraordinary things.

When Wang Xian entered the Dragon Palace, the 100-meter-high Dinghai Shen Needle was so majestic, like a pillar of the Dragon Palace.

The entire Dragon King Palace has expanded five times. Once inside, you can feel the obvious aura, which is not weaker than the aura in the original Jiuding.

The dragon chair has become more than fifty meters long, and a dragon is entrenched from head to tail, looking extremely domineering.

The ancestor tree and the dragon palace have been completely integrated, and this time the dragon palace has been upgraded, the ancestor tree has also been greatly improved.

The functions of the above-mentioned Rebirth Tree, Fuchang Tree, and Endless Tree are all very abnormal.

Because of an inexhaustible tree, the fire attribute cultivation speed in the entire Dragon Palace has doubled again, which is very abnormal.

It is a pity that in the Dragon Palace, only Shuqing is a fire attribute cultivator.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, Lan Qingyue Guan Shuqing and a group of girls suddenly came back and entered the Dragon Palace.

“Xiaoxian, how did Dragon Palace change so much?”

Lan Qingyue scanned her surroundings in shock, with an incredible expression.

They didn’t know that Wang Xian got the system.

After just a few days away, the entire Dragon Palace turned into a huge city, even more majestic.

“The aura has doubled, and the defensive and concealment effects have reached the pinnacle of the extraordinary!”

Guan Shuqing’s eyes flickered with flames, it was obvious that Feng Luan was occupying her body at this time.

At this moment, her eyes were also full of shock.

What kind of power can cause such a terrifying change in Dragon Palace.

She moved her body and looked at everything around her, looking at Infinite Wood, Dinghai Shenzhen, and Longchi behind.

Wang Xian didn’t answer their words, but looked at them in amazement and smiled on the side.

Soon, the Dragon Palace will rule the entire ocean!

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