Chapter 832

“Swish swish swish!”

Throughout the room, horrible arms entangled directly toward the gods of the Garden of Eden, arms like snakes, easily entwining the eight gods of the Garden of Eden.

The eight gods seem to be powerful, but for Baqi, they are completely inadequate.

High-ranking immortals, especially powerful ones like Baqi, want to destroy two middle-ranked gods and six lower-ranked gods.

“My lord, you…”

The face of the thin old man changed drastically, especially what Master Yaqi had just said.

The Dragon King said to kill you, then kill you!


“You said the Dragon King is going to kill you?”

Baqi didn’t fluctuate in the slightest, a tongue came to the side of the thin old man and directly rolled up his body.

“My lord, no no… Great God Yaki!”

The thin old man was full of horror, but he did not dare to resist.


There is no emotion in Baqi’s eyes. Snakes are cold-blooded animals.

With his tongue rolled, the mouth of a head turned directly into a size of two or three meters, directly swallowing the body of the old man.


There was a scream of horror, and the thin old man was swallowed into his abdomen without any resistance.

A feeling of coldness spread throughout the house.

The old man was also a low-ranking fairy, so he was swallowed directly.

For a moment, the faces of the gods in the Garden of Eden showed horror.

These nine-headed monsters even swallowed his own men.

Is it just because the dragon king wants to kill you?

This…. What the hell is this?

“Dragon King, I ate all their wasteful things!”

Baqi licked his tongue, looking very oozing, nine heads turned to Wang Xian’s position and said respectfully.

“What… this…”

When the gods of the Garden of Eden heard Baqi’s words, their bodies felt cold again, and looked at Wang Xian in a daze.

What is the relationship between Baqi and Dragon King? Why is this the case?

“Don’t waste it, kill them directly and bring them back to the Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian looked at Baqi directly devouring an immortal god, feeling wasted, and said directly to him.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Baqi nodded, and glanced at the other four old men lying on the ground: “Dragon King, what should you do with these four offending you!”

“Your subordinates, take care of it yourself!”

Wang Xian took a look, and the five of Baqi’s subordinates were full of blood.

Although it was far worse than Baqi, they definitely killed a lot of people and did a lot of bad things.

Wang Xian didn’t have the slightest affection for such a sinister and evil fellow.

“Jiejie, I don’t need these wastes in the future!”

Baqi smiled and stretched out his tongue directly, and the long tongue rolled up the four elders directly: “Come on, enter my womb, and give your life to your god!”

“Yes Yes!”

The four elders trembled a little, but they still did not resist at all, lying on the ground and being curled up by their tongues, they entered Baqi’s mouth.

“Hiss!” Everyone around felt numb on their scalp.

This is too abnormal and terrifying.

“No, no, Baqi Dragon King, if you dare to kill us, our Garden of Eden will never let you go!”

“Don’t kill us, don’t kill us!”

When the gods of the Garden of Eden saw that Baqi was devouring his subordinates frantically, their bodies shivered and said with horror on their faces.

“Jie Jie, Garden of Eden, I am afraid of you?”

Baqi put out a tongue and flicked it lightly, and the phantom flashed past, directly penetrating his body.

“no no…”

When the Okla Angel saw Yaqi, he dared to kill him directly, his eyes widened, and he was full of fear.

“Swish swish!”

With a sound of Jie Jie, Baqi’s tongue instantly penetrated the remaining seven gods, without the slightest emotion in his eyes.

“Is everything dealt with?”

Wang Xian said towards Baqi.

“Dragon King, it has been handled!”

Baqi lowered his nine heads and said respectfully to Wang Xian.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Xian nodded and looked at the people of the four immortal gates: “I will leave it to you here. By the way, I directly announced that the Garden of Eden is cooperating with our Dragon Palace. Because of the backlash, the lion opened his mouth and was destroyed by our Dragon Palace!”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xiaoyu: “Go back?”

“Playing for a few days!”

Xiaoyu stuck out his tongue and said with a grin.


Wang Xian smiled and nodded, followed his figure and flew towards the outside.

Baqi placed a group of corpses in the space ring, followed respectfully behind him, and flew towards the floating island.

“Hi, this… this is terrifying!”

A disciple of the Four Great Immortals opened his eyes wide, his gaze swept the blood around him, and he said in a speechless voice.

“What a terrifying Baqi, if you want to subdue or destroy this Nine Snake Society, at least let one of the Xuanyuan clan and Yuwen clan take action, otherwise… now that horrible existence has been taken under by Dragon Palace!”

“The strength of the Dragon King is truly unfathomable. He dared to destroy the gods of the Garden of Eden directly!”

“Haha, it’s so pleasant. The ancient Greek gods killed two fairy gods with a puppet fairy gate lion’s big opening. Now the dragon king directly kills eight gods and returns them to the western gods, although they are not ancient Greek gods. People, but have a better relationship with the ancient Greek gods!”

“It’s a relief. If the gods of the Garden of Eden don’t say that they have a better relationship with ancient Greece, the Dragon King may not kill them!”

A group of immortals and gods and even disciples said openly.

The puppet immortal gate immortal god was killed by the gods of the gods, and the reason for the killing of the gods was obviously completely unreasonable.

This time, the Dragon King killed the people of God’s Domain for the same reason, which made them very happy.

Although the relationship between the immortal gates is not very good, at least they are in the same camp. When facing the Western God Realm, they are also the same enemy.

The behavior of the Dragon King undoubtedly increased the momentum of the Eastern Immortal Gate.

“This… Miss Xiaoyu, is this place already occupied by your brother?”

At this time, an old man from the mad beast fairy gate asked Xiaoyu politely.

“No, the site of the Dragon Palace is not on the ground, and my brother will not occupy it here. You can occupy it here!”

Xiaoyu smiled and shook his head. The Dragon Palace was in the ocean, which was already decided by Wang Xian.

Only occupy the ocean and ignore land matters!

“Okay, then thank Dragon King for us!”

The old man of the mad beast fairy door nodded happily.

The fairy gods around were also grateful and said to Xiaoyu, even Feng Lingtian’s father was full of thoughts.

Now the Dragon King’s power is getting more and more terrifying, and the Dragon King’s sister, in the whole arena, no one dare to provoke.

Even if the Yuwen clan and Xuanyuan clan meet Xiaoyu, they must respectfully entertain them.

No one reacted to the title of Long Gonglong Princess.

It’s no exaggeration to be called the princess of the whole arena.

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