Chapter 815


On the battlefield at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the terrifying and invincible dragon attacked a burly old man with his claws, tail, and flames.

Behind the Shenlong, the Suzaku with terrifying flames resisted every attack from the burly old man.

That spiritual flame can easily resolve every attack of the old man.

The old man’s arms have completely disappeared, and there are horrible cracks on his body.

In order to prevent the powerful attack of the dragon, he can only turn his body into a volcanic rock as hard as to resist the terrifying dragon claws.

Transforming into the body of the stone of flaming pulp was originally their most powerful defensive method in the immortal gate, and it was also a combat technique for life-saving in the immortal gate.

But now it was easily defeated.

The burly old man was filled with despair.

Around, battles broke out one after another, and the entire battlefield spread to a range of 20 to 30 kilometers at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

However, at this time, the scope of the battlefield was rapidly shrinking, and a famous fairy fell from the sky.

Every fairy god fell on the ground, and a terrifying energy storm erupted.

The ground below has been covered by a sea of ​​fire, forming a field of fire.

“It’s over, the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate is completely finished!”

“The immortal gods of the two immortal gates will be completely wiped out, plus a group of strong men will be destroyed, the strongest of the two immortal gates will not reach the infant realm, the holy medicine and medicine fairy gate is completely in decline! ”

“The Dragon Palace will aspire to the top of the fairy gate and become the most powerful fairy gate in the world.”

Around, all the immortal gods and strong men onlookers, the shock on their faces was numb, and they said slowly.

And in the holy city below, many disciples of the two immortal gates could not see the battle in the sky.

But listening to the screams of the immortal gods and the corpses that fell from time to time, they already knew the result.

The immortal gods they are proud of are being beheaded and slaughtered.

“I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled, you die for me!”

At this moment, the sky was full of red light, and a heat wave hit directly below.

The terrifying temperature even caused some trees to wither quickly.

“Be careful, he wants to exhaust all his blood and turn it into the most powerful blow!”

Standing at a kilometer away, Feng Luan saw a terrible red gas rising from the top of Bian Territory’s head, with a vigilant look on his face, and loudly reminded Wang Xian.

“I turned into a volcano and erupted with the strongest anger!”

Bian Territory roared loudly, and his voice was full of determination.

“Too great, no…don’t!”

Around, the few remaining immortals were full of horror and shouted in horror.

“Boom boom boom!”

However, their voices just remembered, a wave of terrifying flames bursting from the top of the Bian Territory.

Like the flame of life, it directly covers an area of ​​30 to 40 kilometers.

Ten thousand meters high in the sky, as if a piece of space was split, and a field of fire appeared.


Wang Xian’s figure was shaken, he turned into a flame dragon, and the dragon ball revolved.

“Come here all!”

Wang Xian hovered in the air, and a group of members of the Dragon Palace immediately came into the space where he hovered.


Feng Luan also screamed, inciting huge wings, and the terrifying flames of flame erupted from the territory of the manipulator.

He is like a huge volcano that has been silent for thousands of years. Once it erupted, it caused a devastating attack.

“Hurry up, get away!”

Around, the fairy gods and the strong who were relatively close hurriedly fled towards the distance.

The terrorist attacks erupted by the upper immortals, even if they are around, will be affected by the terrorist attacks.

This is a suicidal attack, with the strongest blow, to strike the fairy god of Dragon Palace.

It is a pity that the flames that erupted from the Dragon King and the Suzaku were no worse than the Bian Territory, and the two worked together to completely block the terrifying flames.

“Rise from the ashes!”

At this moment, Feng Luan’s body moved suddenly and flew towards the flame of the flame. She waved her wings and began to quickly absorb the flame of flame.

The flames contained the essence and blood of Bian Territory, which was a huge tonic for Feng Luan.

“There are three more, kill them all!”

The voice of Prime Minister Turtle rang, and the immortals moved closely following the dragon palace.

The three immortals were simply beheaded for them.

When the last three screams sounded, the whole world finally calmed down.

At this point, all the twelve fairy gods of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate have died.

None of the Dragon Palace members were hit hard.

A huge crush and victory.


Wang Xian roared: “This is the end of your holy medicine holy medicine fairy gate.”

With a move, he flew towards the position of the holy city below.

A group of Dragon Palace members immediately followed behind.

Wang Xian regained his human form, hovering above the holy city, overlooking the tens of millions of disciples of the two immortal gates below.

Seeing the Dragon King and a group of immortals standing in the sky above them, for an instant, everyone in the entire holy city showed a look of horror.

“What is Dragon King doing?”

“Isn’t it really annihilating everyone in the two immortal gates?”

The surrounding fairy gods were slightly startled, and looked over with amazement.

“Dragon King, you killed our two great immortals, immortal gods, what else do you want to do now?”

An old man raised his head angrily and stared at Wang Xian and the crowd in the sky.

“That’s them fucking, kneel down for me!”

Kneel down!

Wang Xian roared with a cold face, and his power instantly covered the position below.

In the holy city, the faces of the two immortal disciples and their families changed dramatically.

“It’s impossible to make us kneel down!”

A young man raised his head angrily and shouted towards the sky.


However, just after he finished speaking, the whole person spewed a big mouthful of blood and died on the spot.

“Kneel, don’t let me say the third time!”

Wang Xian stared at everyone below her face unchanged, and shouted with majesty.

They are the disciples of the two immortal gates, and now they have been defeated. It is already merciful not to behead them directly.

But they have to pay a small price for their past mistakes.


In an instant, the expressions of everyone in the holy city changed dramatically.

“Even if I die, I won’t kneel to the enemy!”

A young man was full of grief and anger, and then instantly beheaded by terrifying coercion.

Everyone’s complexion changed drastically, and they knelt on the ground quickly. They lowered their heads and their faces were extremely embarrassed.

A strong weakness poured into their hearts.

They thought that today, the Holy Medicine Sacred Medicine Fairy Gate would destroy the Dragon Gate and shock the whole arena.

But I didn’t expect that all the immortals and gods were beheaded, and they would kneel in front of their enemies.

A wave of powerlessness poured into my heart.

From now on, the world will have no immortal gate of their holy medicine and medicine!

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