Chapter 813: Terrifying Battle 2


On the other side, Ao Qitian, who holds the Dinghaishen Needle in his hand, has reached the size of seven or eight meters, and looks like a magic monkey.

Too violent!

There are three middle-ranked immortals in the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate, but at this moment, the violent Ao Qitian directly confronted one with his own power.

The terrifying flame attacked him, and the violent devilish energy, coupled with the fifty-meter-sized Dinghai Shenzhen, swept everything directly.

Whether it was the sea of ​​flames, the flames of flame, or the pillar of fire, all of them were forcibly resisted by his violent attacks.

The Dinghai Shen Needle belongs to an existence that is far beyond ordinary immortal gods. It can become fifty meters long. When it is waved, it is simply destroying the world.

Within the range where Ao Qitian was fighting with the middle-ranked immortal of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine, others did not dare to enter the range at all.

On the other side, Prime Minister Tortoise was standing on the body of a Jiao, and a hundred-meter-sized earth wall appeared out of nowhere.

The terrifying wind blade, storm, and powerful flesh body of the Jiao, the fairy gods in front of them defended passively with horror.

There is no room for resistance at all.

“Move the mountain!”

At this time, Prime Minister Tortoise shook his body, and the tortoise shell behind him flew directly into the higher sky.


In an instant, a thousand-meter-high earth mountain appeared in the sky, and the peak smashed towards the lower immortal.

“Windland, the bondage of the wind!”

Below, Jiao’s body was shining with cyan light, instantly forming a windy space with a radius of ten kilometers.

In this space, all winds are under their control.

Strands of terrifying cyan energy entangled towards the lower immortal.

“No, save me!”

The subordinate immortal couldn’t move his body, looked up at the terrifying mountain in the sky, his face full of despair.


The mountain fell, carrying terrifying power, and smashed directly towards the ground below.


There was another sound that shook the sky, and the earth cracked, and horrible cracks spread towards the surroundings, all the way to the location of the holy city.

The horrible crack is one meter wide and 100 meters deep.

At this moment, all the disciples of the two immortal gates in the holy city stood on the street with amazement and fear.

They looked at the terrifying sea of ​​fire not far away, the terrifying mountains and cracks, and their eyes were full of horror.

It’s the third one, their fairy god has already died and the third one is dead, and none of the other is dead, not even injured!

“Ah, I’m fighting with you!”

A subordinate immortal collapsed incomparably under the siege of two Jiao.

The terrifying speed, the powerful body, and the sharp wind blades.

Coupled with the extremely powerful size, the two dragons are completely teasing the subordinate immortal.

He has no ability to resist at all.

Seeing the death of a famous companion, there was a look of despair on his face, his arms all turned into terror branches and entangled towards the Jiao.


With a roar, the dense wind blades cut directly towards the branches.

The wind blade fell on the branches, and there were scars in an instant, and blood flowed from the branches.

“Ah, die for me!”

The middle-aged fairy god’s body began to dry up, and his black hair slowly turned white.

The terror branches that his arms turned into were even more terrifying.


When the two Jiao saw the middle-aged fairy gods consume their lives to attack, their expressions remained unchanged, and a gust of wind blew.

At the same time, there were large tracts of clouds and mist.

Clouds and mists instantly filled a ten-kilometer radius.

The two dragons moved directly into the clouds and mist.

Shenlong sees the head but not the end!

The face of the middle-aged fairy changed drastically, and the branches of his arms swayed in the clouds.


Over time, his attacks became weaker and weaker, and his vitality became less and less.

The attack that consumes life is destined to not last long.

“Swish swish!”

Just when the middle-aged fairy gods fell into weakness, the sharp wind needles were like horrible hidden weapons, directly penetrating toward the middle-aged fairy gods.


A cry of grief and indignation came, and the body of the middle-aged fairy god fell towards the ground at a terrifying speed.

The fourth fairy god fell!

So far, there are only eight sage doctors and sacred medicine immortal gates.

Next, they will fall more quickly.


The battle that resounded through the world was spreading around from a height of 10,000 meters, and the whole China, the whole rivers and lakes, were all heard clearly.

Even the terrifying energy from here has spread far, far.

Among the 30 immortals fighting, there were two high-ranking immortals. This momentum shook the world.

The entire sky, like the end of the world, any random attack falling on the ground can cause a sea of ​​fire and a crack.


At this moment, a famous immortal god rushed over, and the elders of the Xuanyuan clan and Yuwen clan also all arrived.

The immortal gods of the two immortal gates watched the battle in the sky from a distance, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Their eyes swept across the battlefield, and it became clear instantly.

“Is this the power of the Dragon Palace? It’s too powerful, the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine has killed four immortals!”

“Eighteen immortals and eight are completely crushed. The two immortal gates are about to die!”

“The strength of the Dragon King is really invincible, and the Dragon Palace should be the most powerful existence in the rivers and lakes!”

A famous immortal god looked at the battle ahead, his pupils couldn’t help shrinking, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

This group of fairy gods in Dragon Palace is really invincible.

The Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan saw the two immortal gates so miserable, his expression changed drastically.

The relationship between them and the two immortal gates is relatively friendly, and they have discussed a series of cooperation not long ago.

Now that the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate is about to be destroyed, his face is a bit ugly.

“Brother Xuanyuan, shall we stop?”

The Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan showed a hesitant look, and said to the Supreme Elder of the Xuanyuan clan on the side.

All the immortal gates of the Xuanyuan clan were slightly silent after hearing it, and did not answer, they did not want to intervene.

Intervening now is obviously offending the Dragon Palace. With the character of the Dragon King, the two are destined to create a gap or even hatred.

“Dragon King, I think this battle is fine, you have to be forgiven and forgive, you also killed their five immortals, let them pay some price, let’s stop there!”

The Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan saw that the Xuanyuan clan did not respond, took a deep breath, and said to Wang Xian.

“What? Does the Yuwen clan want to intervene?”

“Is this going to?”

The voice of the Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan caused all the surrounding immortals and strong men to be slightly surprised, and quickly looked over here.

“Brother Yuwen, help us through this crisis.”

Bian Territory heard the voice of the Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan, regardless of his identity, directly appealed for help.

The four immortals were beheaded in just ten minutes, and he was really scared.

“Do you dare to intervene?”

Wang Xian turned his head and stared at him coldly.


At this moment, a scream suddenly came, and a terrifying flame suddenly rushed into the sky.

Unparalleled coercion, suppression of heaven and earth!

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