Chapter 810 Domineering!


Nine whistles came from the sky.

At the time when the fighting spirits of the sacred doctors and sacred medicine fairy gates were full of fighting spirit, the two great fairy gate disciples were full of fighting spirits, vowing to destroy the dragon gate.

When the two immortal disciples and their families in the holy city were full of excitement.

When they are about to set off.

Nine terrifying roars came, and the voice was full of violent, full of coldness, and full of tyranny.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to shake.

Gathered around and prepared to follow the immortal gods who watched the battle, and the pupils of a famous immortal master suddenly shrank.

Everyone looked towards the east with shocked faces.

“This is?”

“Gosh, this… this…”

Each of the powerful infants and the hidden fairy gods suddenly showed shocked expressions on their faces, and their bodies trembled in the void.

The nine roars above the east gate of the Holy City of Holy Medicine, Holy Medicine, Immortal Gate also changed the expressions of everyone in the two immortal gates.

They looked forward with blinking eyes.

But because the voice is too far away, they can’t really see it at all.

However, in the next second, nine terrifying behemoths suddenly appeared in everyone’s sight.

Kujo was completely blue, with double horns on his head, and his body reached a terrifying 20 meters.

The body is three meters wide, each of its scales is the size of a human head, and it contains terrifying wind energy.

It has a hideous head, and its cyan eyes are full of coldness.

The nine terrifying creatures exude a prehistoric aura.

Just the momentum is definitely not comparable to ordinary immortals.

Seeing the faces of the nine terrifying creatures, everyone’s face changed.

“There are still people up there!”

At this moment, an infant-level powerhouse of the Holy Medicine Sacred Medicine Fairy Clan couldn’t help swallowing and spitting, and said loudly.

Someone up there!

Ten figures, ten figures standing on it.

A magic monkey holding a metal stick.

An old man with a turtle shell on his back.

A golden shrimp man with two huge tongs.

A beauty with a turquoise shell on the back and a stunning face.

A shrimp exuding terrifying thunder and lightning, a hand thunder hammer, and a hand thunder spear.

A middle-aged swordsman with a long sword in his hand.

However, in the middle of the nine terrifying creatures, a man and a woman were standing on it.

The man is naturally the Dragon King of Longmen, and the woman is the girlfriend of the Dragon King.

They were standing on the bodies of the nine horrors, and a horrible energy radiated from them.

Every force made the lower fairy palpitations, especially the aura from the Central Dragon King, which was frightening.

“Seventeen immortals, my goodness, they turned out to be seventeen immortals!”

“No, there should be an immortal god who is good at concealment in the void. According to the Tribe Clan, a white shadow who is good at concealment is also a fairy god!”

“That’s eighteen, among them there are so many weird fairy gods, and the fierce aura on their bodies is completely beyond the reach of ordinary fairy gods!”

Everyone looked at a famous dragon king with horror.

The scene in front of me was too unbelievable, one by one special fairy gods, the prestigious holy medicine holy medicine fairy gate.

“The swearing ceremony? Not bad, but you don’t need to come to my dragon gate, I will bring someone here myself!”

Wang Xian looked down at the people of the two immortal gates below, and said lightly.


When his words were finished, an unmatched coercion spread away.


On the side, Ao Qitian came directly from the 蛟. No, he should be called the 蛟 at this time. Although it is only a juvenile-level 蛟, it is scary enough.

Ao Qitian roared, his figure directly changed to about eight meters, holding the Sea God Needle in his hand, and the pressure also covered it.


The sound of thunder and lightning resounded through the void, and a thunder and lightning fell directly on Ao Qi’s body, and he flew aside from Jiao’s body like a thunder god.

“Any enemy who provokes the Dragon Palace, kill!”

Prime Minister Turtle leaped slightly, staring coldly at everyone in front of him to release the pressure.

The overwhelming coercion of all the fairy gods of the Dragon Palace members moved toward the front.


The aura of the nearly twenty immortal gods caused a huge change in the complexion of some powerful people ten kilometers around, and once again retreated towards the back.

“The Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate asked the Dragon King to send an immortal god to kill them, and then pay a sum of resources as a price for them not to destroy the Dragon Gate, but now, before they set off, the Dragon King leads a group of immortal gods. Come here, this force is too strong!”

Too strong, simply too strong!

This is the most terrifying force they have ever seen.

“How can it be!”

All the disciples of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate were completely stunned, cold sweat slowly appeared on their foreheads.

The fighting spirit and the murderous spirit just now disappeared completely, and he looked forward with horror on his face.

Seventeen immortals, seventeen in total, five more than them.

What frightened them most was that there were only a few of these seventeen immortal humans, and all the others were terrifying monsters.

The breath is extremely violent!

“Longmen Dragon King!”

Bian Jitu’s complexion was instantly embarrassing, he took a deep breath, stared at Wang Xian solemnly, and roared in a low voice.

“I am the Dragon King of Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian stared faintly at Bian Territory and opened his mouth slightly.

Three dragon balls appeared in the mouth, and each dragon ball contained terrifying energy.

The dragon ball hovered above his head, he raised his head slightly, and shouted: “Fight, today, I want to see who killed who!”

“Too great, their strength is so strong, so strong!”

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of an immortal god. He looked at the murderous crowd in front of the Dragon King, his eyes flickering.

He is scared!

When it comes to fighting, they are obviously at a disadvantage here!

Bian Territory’s complexion kept changing, the strength that the Dragon King burst out was comparable to him, and every creature of the other opponent was much stronger than the lower immortal!

They are really not rivals.

However, his expression receded quickly, and he took a deep breath: “I didn’t expect your Dragon Palace to be so powerful. The past grievances will be exposed. In the future, we will not be offended by the river!”

The voice of Bian Territory resounded all around, making all the disciples of the two immortal gates stiff, but then slowly lowering their heads, this was the best choice.

“Hehe, I want to reconcile now, but it’s a bit late!”

There was a trace of sarcasm on Wang Xian’s face.

“What do you want, Dragon King, don’t deceive people too much, even if your strength is stronger than us, but if you fight really hard, there will be fairy gods among you!”

Bian Territory roared towards Wang Xian with a cold face.

“Reconciliation? Want to negotiate terms!”

Hearing the sound coming from here, everyone staring at this side in the distance held their breath and stared with scorching eyes.

“Haha, what do I want? I want to destroy you!”

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