Chapter 804

“The Holy Doctor, Holy Medicine, the Fairy Gate and the Cunning Thorn Clan have completely angered the Dragon King. Now the disciples of the two great immortal gates dare not go out of the city gate. The Cunning Thorn Clan is almost wiped out, and the Cunning Thorn Clan’s fairy gods have announced that the mountain has been sealed for ten years!”

“How many fairy gods are there under the Dragon King, how many infant level subordinates are there? One hundred? One hundred and fifty? Or more!”

“A single dragon gate forces the three immortal gates, even the Xuanyuan clan and Yuwen clan can hardly do it!”

On, the battle between Longmen and the Three Great Immortals was beyond the expectations of all immortal disciples, especially the strength displayed by Longmen, which horrified everyone.

Now the two immortal disciples dare not go out of the city, even if there are things that need to be dealt with, the immortals personally lead the team to prevent the Longmen strong from attacking.

This made the two great immortal disciples extremely frustrated.

“We obviously have the strength to destroy the Dragon Gate, but because of the limitations of the Immortal God Agreement, we are simply too frustrated. If the Immortal God can do it, we must make the Dragon Gate look good!”

“That’s right, the damn fairy god agreement has made us anxious, and our Lord Immortal god will destroy the dragon gate regardless of the agreement!”

The disciples of the two immortals vented on the Internet.

However, many other immortal disciples responded slightly mockingly below.

“Even if there is no Xianmen agreement, the immortal gods of your two immortal doors may not be the opponents of Longmen. They have nearly ten immortal gods, at least two middle-level gods, how about you? Only three middle-level gods, right? There is not much suppression!”

“Now the two immortal disciples can only brag and brag on the Internet, and they dare not even go out!”

Winners and losers, there will never be a shortage of people on the Internet who beat down dogs.

The replies of those immortal disciples caused the people of the two immortals to almost vomit blood after seeing it.

Time passed slowly, and half a month passed quickly.

“Try it, we can’t keep closing the city gate to see if there are any strong dragon gate guards outside!”

“It would be great if the fairy god could do it!”

In the early morning, several elders of the Holy Medicine Sage Medicine Immortal Gate said to the dozen young disciples in front of them.

The eyes of a dozen elders were full of fear, and they swallowed and spit: “It’s the elder!”

A dozen old men, each with gray hair, are disciples of the immortal door, and they have no life expectancy of several years at the same time.

Now I can only send them out to see if the Longmen powerhouse is still in ambush around.

Originally, the immortal god could scan the surroundings to see if there were any Longmen powerhouses in ambush nearby.

However, the appearance of the clan of treacherous monsters made the immortal gods also full of helplessness, and it was difficult for the immortal gods to find the Dragon Gate members who possessed the means of horror and concealment.

Therefore, only people can go out to explore, this is also the most helpless choice of the two immortals.

“Let’s go!”

A dozen elders walked outside, and they looked around with trepidation and walked forward.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, one figure flew over, and the terrifying sword light cut directly towards them.


However, the attack of the Golden Swordfish had not yet arrived, and a terrifying flame appeared directly in front of a dozen elders, forming a big flame hand.

Flame big hands directly wrapped a dozen people, protecting them and returning to the city gate.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying figures flew in the direction of the Golden Swordfish.

They have been flying for more than ten kilometers, and they stared coldly at the more than 20 golden swordfish standing there.


The expressions of the three fairy gods changed drastically. They waved their hands strongly to kill them directly, but the agreement of the fairy gods made their hearts full of jealousy.

They still dare not openly violate the Immortal God Agreement.


The three of them took a deep breath with embarrassed expressions, and headed directly into the fairy gate.


“It’s been half a month, the people from Longmen have been guarding us for half a month, damn damn it!”

On the plant-covered mountain peak, a fairy could no longer help but roar violently.

The faces of the remaining thirteen fairy gods were also very embarrassed.

They are not afraid of the strength of the Dragon Gate, but now they are forced to hide in the Fairy Gate.

Not to mention the immortal disciples, even their faces of immortals are very embarrassed.

“If there is no fairy god agreement, I will kill them!”

The heads of the two immortals were also extremely gloomy, roaring coldly.

“Wait, if they dare to block us for one month or two months, then we have to do it anyway!”

The muscles of the old man’s face full of fat in the center beat slightly, and he said fiercely.

“The immortal disciple can’t go out, so what should we do when we purchase supplies? No one dares to enter our holy city, and we dare not go out, but we have to deal with some things!”

An immortal said with a calm face.

“At present, we can only lead the team out personally!”

The head of the Holy Doctor Immortal Clan said with a gloomy face.

The other fairy gods nodded their heads with a solemn face, and that was the only way to go.

This has to be said to be a great irony.

“Dragon King, the holy doctor and holy medicine fairy gods have begun to lead the city out of the city. There have always been fairy gods guarding them. Our people dare not do it!”

Mo Qinglong came to Wang Xian’s side to report.

Three days have passed since the last temptation, and once someone comes out from the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate for these three days, there must be an immortal god to follow.

The Dragon Man and the Golden Swordfish dared not do it, because once they did it, the other fairy god could do it directly.

After all, the Fairy God Agreement is the Fairy God Agreement, and the power of the Fairy God is still inviolable!

“Do you know how many immortals?”

Wang Xian stood up slowly, played with the dagger in his hand, and said to the Demon Azure Dragon.

“There is only one, the lower fairy!”

Mo Qinglong replied.

“The next god? Where to go?”

A cold look flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he asked with a smile.

“A total of two fairy gods led the team, one to Xiacheng and the other to the Yuwen clan. It should be to purchase items!”

Moqinglonghui reports.

“The Yuwen clan!”

Wang Xian flicked the dagger in his hand lightly and made a clear sound.

The dagger is green, coated with a kind of venom, a thirteen-level fairy weapon, it can break the defense of the fairy god with half a step of the fairy god’s full strength!

“The Yuwen clan is thousands of kilometers away from the holy medicine holy medicine immortal gate. If you do it in the middle, the other immortals will not have time to rescue!”

“Ao Jian, Ao Yao!”

Wang Xian looked to the side and shouted directly.

“Dragon King!”

“Take everyone, go, let’s go, slaughter the gods!”

There was a look of excitement in Wang Xian’s eyes.

Ambush the gods, assassinate the gods, he had this idea when the holy medicine holy medicine immortal gate closed the city gate and could not come out.

The immortal god is very strong, even if it is a low-ranking immortal, he also possesses terrifying power.

However, twenty half-step celestial gods held the weapon of the celestial gods, and more than two hundred strong infantry realm, beheaded and killed one celestial god, it was more than enough!

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