Chapter 795 The war begins 2

“Kill kill kill!”

“You leave first, let’s kill!”

Seven cities and seven Longmen Forging Workshops are located, except for one Longmen Forging Workshop in the Xia Ding area that was instantly wiped out.

In the rest of the place, a group of dragon people began to fight hard.

Most of the people sent by Wang Xian to guard the Longmen Forging Workshop were dragon people who had never died once.

Most of the more than 30 dragon men who had been conquered in the chaotic waters were sent out to guard.

But among them, there are also a few dragon people who were first subdued, who have already died once, but these are only a few!

The battle that broke out in an instant caused shocked expressions on the faces of all the immortal disciples who were about to enter the Longmen Forging Workshop.

“Quickly, go back, go back!”

“They are the powerhouses of the holy doctor and holy medicine immortal gate, all of them are in the infant realm. They are completely enemy of the dragon gate!”

“Send a dozen or so powerful infantry realms directly to attack the Longmen Forge, my God, the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate is starting to retaliate!”

A group of immortal disciples hurriedly retreated towards the back, watching with amazement as the dozen or so Infant Stages attacked the four Dragon Gate members.


However, what shocked everyone around was that none of the four Dragon Gate members escaped. Instead, they burst out with terrifying strength and fought away.

This made everyone gasp.

“Are the people of Longmen crazy? Instead of fleeing, they will fight directly. This is not a level at all. The number of people is so different!”

“Look at their attacks, Dragon Gate members are fighting for their lives!”

All the immortal disciples saw the Dragon Gate members fight to the death directly, and their faces showed shocked expressions.

A powerful person in the infant realm would not run away when he could have had the opportunity to escape. He was desperately fighting his opponent. This kind of meaningless attitude was rarely achieved.

Even when they knew that they would be beheaded if they didn’t run, few people dared to do so.

But the dragon people dare!

One is that they obey orders 100% and are not afraid of death.

The second is that they have a chance of resurrection.

Therefore, those dragon people who have never died, completely defied the attack and left.

“Haha, I dare to attack, it’s just looking for death. In the future, the rivers and lakes will have no place for your dragon gate to stand!”

A group of sage doctors and sage medicine immortal gate experts laughed coldly.

The four dragons did not have the slightest fluctuation on their faces, and they were dressed in a twelve-level spiritual weapon suit, fighting and killing!

This made the faces of the powerful people of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate slightly changed, and they besieged vigilantly.

The holy medicine holy medicine immortal gate is okay, and the face of the strong man of the sly thorn clan is very embarrassed.

Seven or eight infantile level treacherous thorns to destroy a shop is more than enough.

But the stab did not expect that the dragon people would fight back with a life-threatening fight.

Two powerful infants against one can be completely suppressed.

However, they are dragons, and they are in a twelve-level spiritual weapon suit, and two of them are fighting against one.

This gave the assassin’s face a shocked look.

However, what frightened them even more was that the opponent seemed not afraid of death at all, as long as it could severely injure the opponent, even if it was stabbed with a dagger, it would not evade.

They are fighting them with all their lives.

The faces of the immortal disciples who were watching around also showed horror on their faces.

“This Longmen powerhouse is too terrifying, they even gave up their lives to fight!”

Some immortal experts swallowed and spit, looking at them in horror.

The battle did not last very long, and the whole battle could be described as tragic.

There is death without life, there is real death without life!

Of the seven dragon people in the seven cities, only nine survived and eighteen died.

The Longmen Forging Workshop was safely guarded, only the forging workshop next to the Tangding area.

That’s also because during the battle, the natural immortal gate powerhouse was on the sidelines, protecting the entire forging workshop with thorns.

The remaining Longmen Forging Workshops became ruins.

This news spread quickly to the Internet, causing a sensation in the entire arena in an instant.

And in the ancient street of Jiangcheng, five minutes after the Longmen Forge was attacked, he also received a message from Mo Qinglong.

“Nine dragons survived, and all the others died in battle. All those who died were dragon men who had never died once, but only one of our forging workshops survived!”

Mo Qinglong reported to Wang Xianhui with an embarrassed expression.

None of them expected that after the end of the Tianjiao Grand Competition, the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate would dispatch fifty to sixty powerful men in the infant realm and even half a step of the Immortal God to avenge the Dragon Gate.

In the case of Longmen showing such power, he dared to launch a war.

“Is the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed with a deep chill, and asked in a cold voice, “How much has the pill spirit weapon lost?”

“Dragon King, this time not only the holy doctor and holy medicine immortal gate, but also the sly thorns. The sly thorns belong to the assassin clan, and the pill magic weapon has lost one-half!”

Mo Qinglong said in a deep voice.

“Eighteen dragon men were killed and six forging workshops destroyed. Very good!”

“Holy Medicine Immortal Gate, Holy Medicine Immortal Gate, and Stupid Clan!”

Wang Xian’s eyes showed crazy killing intent: “Ao Jian, you go to the Dragon Palace and let Prime Minister Turtle announce that the Dragon Palace is here!”

“Ao Yao, you also go back, and bring all your clan of treacherous monsters. In addition, Ao Jian also brings all the members of your Golden Swordfish clan in the infant stage!”

“Since they want to play, then we will play with them well, once the Jiujou breaks through…”

“Laozi cares about your fairy agreement!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Yaoxian, standing in front of Wang Xian with Ao Jian, said respectfully.

“Xiao Xian, is the Dragon Palace going to appear?”

Aside, Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the group of girls frowned slightly and asked in surprise.

The Dragon Palace is located in the ocean, even for Xianmen, it is also a place of miracles.

When there is no absolute power, he is not ready to make the Dragon Palace appear.

“In this world, in the war with the holy doctor, holy medicine, fairy gate, and the sly thorns, the Dragon Palace will appear in this world sooner or later, just right now!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered. Although it was said that the Jiu Tiao Yao hadn’t broken through yet, it was coming soon. It was time for the Dragon Palace to appear.

“Whether it is in the present world, we must let all the immortals know that we are not so easy to provoke. If we dare to provoke us, we will have to pay a heavy price!”

Several girls from Xiaoyu also said with frosty faces.

This time, the sage doctor, sacred medicine, the immortal gate and the clan of the thorns, destroyed six dragon forging workshops, and beheaded eighteen dragon men.

In addition, more than a hundred ordinary workers recruited in the shop were all killed.

This hatred will cost them an unimaginable price.

Ao Jian and Ao Yao left directly and flew towards the Dragon Palace.

When they come back again, there will be not only the two of them, but also the horror race of Dragon Palace.

Dragon Palace is here!

Like a fairy gate, unfold in front of the world!

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