Chapter 788

“Suppression, this suppression is a bit obvious!”

“The Longmen disciple’s attack is terrifying. The golden long swords are endless, and they can accurately strike every direction. It’s terrifying!”

“The young swordsman in the battle is like a cold machine, his attack is simply too sharp, just now he suppressed too much when he fought the holy medicine holy medicine Xianmen, I didn’t see anything, now it’s too strong!”

“Fortunately, Yu Wenhua did not agree to a life-and-death battle just now, otherwise he has no chance of victory at all!”

A group of immortal disciples watched the battle on the ring below.

This battle was a bit beyond the expectations of many people. Yuwenhua was originally a tianjiao who was qualified to compete for the first place in this session, but now he has no power to fight back in the hands of a young swordsman.

It can only resist attacks from time to time with the powerful defense of the earth attribute.

As an immortal disciple of this status, each of them also has his own hole cards. Yuwenhua’s hole cards are a means of defense, a very terrifying means of defense.

But under the attack of the Golden Swordfish, there is no possibility of winning at all.

All the immortal disciples can see it, let alone a famous immortal god!

On the ring, Yu Wenhua’s face was extremely pale, and his arms trembled slightly after his attacks. On the contrary, the golden swordfish standing in the void launched a series of powerful attacks without expression.

On the surrounding platforms, the Tianjiao of the immortals standing in front looked at the attack of the Golden Swordfish, and their faces were extremely solemn.

Even Xuanyuan Fengyi of the Xuanyuan clan and a burly young man from the Beast Fairy Gate looked at them with twinkling eyes.

Even if they are facing this terrifying young swordsman, they are not sure of winning, and they may even lose!

This makes all the faces of Xianmen Tianjiao look ugly.


At this moment, at the position below, a crack appeared in Yu Wenhua’s defense, making his face pale.

“You are not my opponent!”

The Golden Swordfish glanced at the split defense, and did not continue to attack. With a movement, it flew directly towards the position of the Longmen platform.


Yu Wenhua panted heavily, and his pale face slowly eased.

He didn’t speak, let alone utter cruel words, his body moved, and he flew towards the platform of the Yuwen clan.

He could feel that there was a big gap between himself and the young Longmen swordsman.

He is not an opponent, not an opponent at all, this is completely the suppression of strength!

“The Longmen disciple is really a talented person, our Yuwen clan surrendered, the second-level formation, the Ming and Qing formations!”

The Supreme Elder of the Yuwen clan did not have the slightest expression on his face. With a wave of his arm, the four formation compasses flew towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian smiled faintly, his gaze swept across the Formation Compass, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Ming and Qing Arrays: Second Array

Qingshen, Mingshen.

This is a more partial auxiliary formation, and the effect is somewhat similar to that of Longchang’s ability to enhance comprehension.

But the effect is dozens of times worse than the ability in the dragon field.

But after all, it is a secondary formation.

Wang Xian smiled, sat there and scanned all the immortal gates, and continued to say faintly: “The Longmen disciples will not participate in this Tianjiao competition!”

“Since Longmen is not participating, let’s continue!”

The Supreme Elder of the Xuanyuan clan glanced at Wang Xian and said towards all the immortal gates.

The big competition continued. Forty-one Tianjiao disciples competed for 21 places.

But in the next game, many immortal disciples felt that the Tianjiao Taibi was too moist this time.

Because Longmen did not participate.

The five powerful young disciples of the half-step immortal gods in Longmen must occupy five seats.

And according to the half-step fairy god young swordsman who shot, those swordsmen in the infant realm will definitely not be weak.

Many disciples even speculated that those young disciples in the infant stage should be able to reach the top 21 in strength.

However, the Dragon King did not let the Longmen disciples participate!

The first Tianjiao Competition was held for three days.

When the last day was over, Tianjiao was ranked.

First place: Xuanyuan Fengyi!

Second place: Beast Day!

Third place: Yuwenhua!

Fourth place: Wan Qingyun!


Ranked one by one, the Xuanyuan clan is the first, the beast fairy disciple is the second, the Yuwen clan is the third, and the Zhenwuxianyuan is the fourth…

As soon as this information was published, it immediately detonated the whole arena.

In the past two days, the Tianjiao Grand Competition has caused a great sensation on

Ten Tianjiao of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate were all beheaded by the Longmen disciples!

Yu Wenhua was defeated by the Longmen disciple!

These two news caused a sensation on the entire Jianghu network the next day, and stunned all the immortal disciples.

When it was rumored on the Internet that two terrifying fairy gods in Longmen brought twenty young disciples, they were shocked to all the warriors.

Especially the disciples and family members of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate, and those who support the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate.

On the third day, after the Tianjiao Competition was over, the ranking was settled, and it was a sensation for the whole arena.

“The first Tianjiao Competition is over. Looking at the rankings is really mixed. If all the Longmen disciples are on the court, I don’t know what the situation is!”

“This year’s Tianjiao is too much water, Xuanyuan Fengyi’s swordsmanship is very strong, but if the young swordsman of Longmen is the first to play, I don’t know who will get it!”

“No one would have thought that the Dragon Gate could come up with such a terrifying background under the pressure of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Sect. This time the Holy Medicine Sage Medicine Immortal Gate was too miserable, and all the Tianjiao disciples were completely killed!”

“This time, there are three Tianjiao big than poor people, the holy doctor and holy medicine fairy gate, Yu Wenyue, and Hua fairy, all looking for death one by one. Now they have been taught by Longmen, they deserve it!”

The topics were hotly discussed on the Jianghu Internet, and the performance of Longmen surprised all the Xianmen disciples.

And the fairy gate of the holy medicine holy medicine became a joke and the object of ridicule in this Tianjiao competition.

He started to provoke others, and ended up being abused. This time the Tianjiao Competition, the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate became the biggest loser.

And Longmen, the reputation jumped.

Powerful disciples, at least five immortals, terrifying background.

Even if there are no ordinary disciples, Longmen’s strength can rank up to about five among all immortal doors.

However, on the Jianghu Internet, many disciples of the holy doctor and holy medicine immortal door clamored that Longmen would pay a heavy price.

Everyone looked at the remarks made by the two immortal disciples, and they were slightly solemn.

The strength displayed by the two immortal gates of the Holy Medicine and Holy Medicine is much stronger than the strength displayed by the Longmen.

And in the Fairy of the Immortal Sect disciples, the two heads of the Immortal Sect also made a clear statement that Longmen waited.

Possibly, these two immortals will retaliate at any time.

And after the Fairy Disciple Competition, another matter that has attracted much attention in the arena.

Longmen will hold an auction meeting!

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