Chapter 779


Life and death battle!

Life and death battle between Longmen and Holy Medicine Fairy Gate, Holy Medicine Fairy Gate!

The dialogue between the Dragon King and the head of the Immortal Sect of Holy Medicine completely caused all the disciples of the Immortal Sect around to boil.

“The young disciple’s life and death battle, is this going to be a complete fight? How can this dragon gate and the holy medicine fairy gate and the holy doctor fairy gate have such hatred!”

“It is said that the Dragon King destroyed the clansmen of the two immortal gates in the real world in the past!”

“The Dragon King is irrational. The Holy Medicine Immortal Gate and the Holy Medicine Immortal Gate have been passed down for thousands of years, and they have unfathomable foundations. On the bright side, they already have two middle-ranked immortals, eight lower-ranked immortals, and tens of millions of disciples, Longmen How can it be compared with the Holy Medicine Fairy Gate and the Holy Doctor Fairy Gate!”

“This is the dignity of the immortal god. If the Dragon King does not express his position, I am afraid that the disciples of the Holy Medicine Xianmen and the Holy Medicine Xianmen will continue to provoke, and then Longmen will be ashamed!”

“I heard that the Holy Medicine Fairy Gate and the Holy Doctor Fairy Gate have taken out many long-preserved pill for the sake of this world. The disciples under the age of forty, the strongest in the infant stage, reach more than a dozen, and the strongest disciple of the two immortals, Huagujiang I heard that I have reached the realm of a half-step fairy god!”

A group of immortal disciples talked in a low voice, with expressions of amazement on their faces.

Longmen vs. the two great immortal gates of the holy doctor and holy medicine, this is a big deal in the arena, especially the battle of life and death, endless battle.

“Haha, in the arena, my Dragon King has never been afraid of anyone. I hope that one of us will survive in the near future!”

When Wang Xian heard the arrogant laugh of the head of the Holy Medicine Immortal Sect, he also laughed, staring at them without fear.


Hearing Wang Xian’s words, the faces of all the gods of the two immortal gates of the holy doctor and holy medicine also became gloomy.

“I hope the Dragon King will remember today’s words!”

Crazy killing intent appeared in their eyes, staring at Wang Xian coldly.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian stared at them without showing weakness, his eyes were also cold.

What are the fears of the two immortal gates!


All the immortal disciples around took a breath of air-conditioning. Even if the immortal gods did not fight together, this tit-for-tat momentum still made everyone feel scalp numb and frightened in their hearts!

“This Dragon King, as expected, is still the same as recorded in the materials!”

The two elders of the Xuanyuan clan and the Yuwen clan looked at each other.

All the other immortals also shook their heads slightly, exactly the same as recorded in the materials.

No matter who the opponent is, this Dragon Gate Dragon King will never bow his head as long as he provokes him.

Many people are still very afraid of this kind of power.

However, the two immortal gates of the Holy Medicine and Holy Doctor are not among them, and all the immortals are full of jealousy and even fear for these two closely related immortal gates.

Even the Xuanyuan clan dare not say not to put them in their eyes.

The combined strength of these two immortal gates is definitely much more terrifying than the one on the surface.

“Xu Yuanjia from Zhenwu Immortal Academy!”

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and a disciple of Zhenwu Immortal Academy moved and flew directly onto the ring.

He arched his hands towards the surroundings, and followed his gaze coldly at the clan of thorns.

“Someone who is treacherous can dare to fight with me, hope, don’t be persuaded!”

“Zhenwu Immortal Court has a contradiction with the sly thorns clan. When they first appeared in this world, there was a conflict between the two parties, which triggered the battle of the immortals!”

“The Dragon Gate and the Holy Medicine Holy Doctor Xianmen opened their heads, and the next real battle is about to begin!”

Zhenwu Immortal Court has hatred with the Guiding Clan, Yongchang Immortal Gate has contradictions with Ji Clan, and faintly, the Immortal Gate of Yongchang area conflicts with the Immortal Gate of Jiding area.

The life-and-death battle between Wang Xian and the head of the Holy Medicine Xianmen was a battle.

Fierce battles began, and the entire Tianjiao Dabi was more intense than expected, and still tragic.

The victorious fairy disciple cheered, mocked, and provoke.

The failed immortal door can only look at it with embarrassment.

“This is not a big match between Tianjiao disciples at all, but a game between immortals and gods!”

On the stage, Sun Lingxiu frowned as he watched the battles below.

“Yes, immortals are forbidden to take action, and they must always resolve grievances from other places!”

Wang Xian nodded, he could understand now that the so-called Tianjiao disciple contest was a competition between immortals.

At first he was thinking about not letting the Longmen disciple take action, but now it seems… hehe!

Now that it is done, it will make them extremely regretful and let them know the end.

The game has been going on, and the smell of gunpowder at the beginning has gradually subsided.

Some immortal disciples who had no hatred came on the court and competed for 21 places.

Those who can come out to fight, the lowest strength is also the infant stage.

The disciples of the Dan realm and the half-step Dan realm have no information on playing at all.

The real Tianjiao duel, the core disciples of Xianmen fight against each other.

“It is almost certain now. The Xuanyuan clan has four in the top 21, the Yuwen clan has two, the mad beast immortal door has three, and the holy medicine holy doctor immortal door has reached four. The powerful immortal door is indeed more occupied. Many, many weaker immortal disciples have not been able to enter the top 21!”

“The first place is almost certainly produced by these great immortals!”

“Tomorrow Longmen will have a life-and-death battle with the holy doctor and holy medicine Xianmen. I really look forward to it!”

The sun was slowly setting, and the surrounding immortal disciples were talking quietly, and the number of 21 places was almost certain.

In one day of fighting, three immortal disciples died in the battle, which was very fierce.

Some immortal gates are also full of gunpowder, and the fight is very fierce, but what everyone looks forward to most is the life-and-death battle between Longmen and the Holy Medicine Sacred Doctor Xianmen tomorrow.

“Twenty-one places have been created, and the finals will be competed in the next two days. Today’s competition is over!”

“Everyone can take a sightseeing tour in Xuanyuan City. It will still be this time tomorrow!”

The Supreme Elder of the Xuanyuan clan slowly stood up and turned towards everyone.


A famous fairy stood up and flew directly towards their respective mountain peaks, with the rest of the disciples following closely behind.

“A disciple of Longmen, don’t be a turtle!”

“Haha, in the first battle tomorrow, my Huagujiang will lead our two immortal disciples and kill all of you!”

At this moment, the disciple of the Holy Medicine Sage Medicine Immortal Clan laughed, and directly followed the Immortal God and flew towards the distance.

“Hmph, you will cry tomorrow!”

Xiaoyu couldn’t help shouting.

“This is interesting now!”

“Holy Medicine, Holy Doctor Immortal Gate is completely in the upper hand now, it is estimated that the Dragon Gate will be suspended tomorrow!”

“Hua Gujiang of the Holy Medicine and Sage Doctor Xianmen spoke in person. Among the young disciples, Hua Gujiang was ranked in the top five, and on the contrary, there was no one in Longmen.

Seeing this scene, a crowd of immortal disciples around were talking quietly.

“Hua Gujiang? Huh, it’s really looking for death, Xiao Yu alone can destroy all the elite disciples of their two immortal gates!”

At the position of the Huangtian Immortal Gate, Feng Lingtian said with a disdain after seeing this scene.

Ling Xiao on the side nodded slowly and frowned.

“A Xiaoyu among the disciples can crush all disciples of the Holy Medicine Sage Doctor Xianmen, but the combat effectiveness of the fairy god level is much worse than the Dragon Gate, and there may be huge troubles in the future!”

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