Chapter 771


A huge creature suddenly appeared on the sea in front of Wang Xian.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the creature that had been killed with a stunned expression on their faces.

“This this…”

Suddenly, the pupils of Cheng Qingcheng, the young patriarch of Lei Clan, and Fengyan Xianmen couldn’t help shrinking, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

“Watermarked horned beast, watermarked horned beast!”

The two immortal men had numb scalp, staring at this huge creature with shocked faces.


The Lei Beast, who was sitting down by the Lei Clan’s young patriarch, lay down on his body and roared in horror.

Even if this creature has been beheaded, the terrifying coercion still makes Thunder Beast tremble, and its eyes are full of fear.


Immediately following, under everyone’s shocked eyes, a woman in red emerged from the bottom of the sea.

There was a flame beating at the center of the woman’s eyebrows, and a faint flame flashed past her.

Perfect appearance, with an aura of dominion over the world.

This momentum is very strong, as if a nine-day goddess descended on the world.

Especially the flame at the center of the eyebrows, full of majesty, like the third eye.

It’s not at all comparable to that of Cheng Qingcheng’s red dot on the center of his eyebrows.

The flame on the center of the woman’s eyebrows flickered and disappeared slowly.


Guan Shuqing took control of her body again, looking at Wang Xian, with a smile on her face.

The moment of coercion turned into a moment of smile, this change in temperament made everyone’s heart moved.

“Little Fairy!”

Guan Shuqing looked at Wang Xian on the side, smiled and walked over to stretch out his arm, and glanced at the newly appeared drifting snow.

“Well, it’s okay!”

Wang Xian looked at Guan Shuqing and asked her.

“It’s okay, look, I also killed a creature in the water, and my strength has reached the level of a fairy god!”

Guan Shuqing pointed to the monster corpse on the side and said with a smile.


Wang Xian nodded. When Feng Luan took possession of the body, he could burst out the terrifying power of the upper immortal, killing an ordinary immortal creature with ease.


However, the words of Guan Shuqing and Wang Xian made everyone around him gasp.

Especially the crowd of Fengyan Immortal Sect and Lei Clan, they were a little unsure at first, but now after hearing it with their own ears, their eyes widened.

Watermarked horned beasts, they know, the lowest watermarked horned beast possesses the terrifying power of a half-step fairy god.

From the terrifying coercion of the water-stripe horned beast in front of them, they guessed that there was a great possibility that it was a fairy god-level existence.

But they are not sure, nor can they believe it.

Now that I heard it with my own ears, one by one couldn’t help swallowing and spitting.

Being able to slay a fairy god-level watermarked horned beast, the strength is at least a middle-ranked fairy, a middle-ranked fairy! !

This is the median fairy!

Is that girl a middle-ranked fairy?

This makes everyone feel stunned!

But what is the strength of the young man held by that girl.

“A creature of the fairy god level!”

Around, the other immortal disciples let out a low growl, their eyes filled with terror and fear.

Wang Xian looked at the water-marked horned beast, waved his arm, and put it directly into the space ring.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the youth above the Thunder Beast.

For a moment, the young patriarch of the Lei clan’s scalp was numb, his face looked a little embarrassed, and his heart was a little nervous.

The people around also quickly looked over.

Just now, this mysterious young man told the Lei Clan’s Young Patriarch not to pester the girl next to him, but the Lei Clan’s Young Patriarch said that he was not qualified to point fingers!

And now, a goddess of a middle-ranked fairy is nestling beside the young man.

Coupled with the respectful appearance of the arrogances and beauties, he is very likely to be a fairy.

Speaking to an immortal god like this is simply looking for death!

The young patriarch of the Lei Clan was a little nervous under everyone’s eyes, especially under Wang Xian’s gaze, his heart beating violently.

“It’s forbidden to take action by the powerhouse of the immortal god level, and this is our Ji Ding area!”

He gritted his teeth and stared at Wang Xian, and said embarrassingly.

When the people around saw the Lei Clan’s Young Patriarch holding on to his death, they also secretly said that they were spineless.

As he said, the immortal god level is forbidden to use hands, especially here is in the area of ​​the thunder clan, the area of ​​Ji Ding.

The young patriarch of the Lei Clan, as the most outstanding disciple of the contemporary Lei family, without provoking the immortal god, the immortal god has nothing to do with him!

Wang Xian looked at him and smiled, and ripples appeared under his feet.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, a group of dragons who had been on the bottom of the sea moved directly out of the position on the bottom of the sea.

Ten dragons, ten strong men at the infant level.

When they appeared, the Lei Clan’s young patriarch’s face changed drastically.

“What do you want to do?”

He stared at Wang Xian and roared loudly.

“Certainly, right? Then cut them all off!”

Wang Xian looked at the young patriarch of the Lei Clan, and said indifferently in his eyes.

When everyone around heard Wang Xian’s words, their expressions changed slightly.

The immortal god forbids hands, but it doesn’t mean that his subordinates can’t do them. These ten powerful men in the infant realm are enough to make the Lei clan people into desperation.


However, at this moment, when the crowd thought that the ten strong men who emerged from the bottom of the sea were ready to do it.

Behind the Lei Clan’s young patriarch, a figure radiating white light suddenly appeared.

Four extreme white rays of light flashed across the figure, and followed the terrifying power heavily on the thunder beast.


Lei Beast let out a miserable cry, and his huge body slowly lay on the surface of the water, sinking downward.

The Lei Clan’s Young Patriarch on the Thunder Beast also fell towards the bottom of the sea in horror.

“Young Patriarch!”

The faces of the surrounding Lei Clan disciples changed dramatically, and they quickly picked up the body of Patriarch Lei Shao.

“This…you won’t die if you don’t die!”

“Really, I dared to be mad at the fairy gods, and even said that I was not qualified to point fingers and feet, and later I didn’t apologize. Now my limbs are cut off, this life is over!”

“There are species and there are species, but if you provoke the gods in advance, you don’t have to apologize. This is just looking for death!”

“The limbs were cut off, I guess the Lei Clan might not care about this matter, ha ha, I have always heard that the Lei Clan’s young patriarch is extremely arrogant, but today he knows the arrogant end!”

The crowd around saw the face of Patriarch Lei, whose limbs had been beheaded, with a gloating look on his face.

Riding a pair of thunder beasts, looking down at everyone high above.

At the beginning, he said that the Immortal Lord was not qualified to compare with him, but now people can abolish your limbs with the touch of their fingers.

This is the end of madness!

The Lei Clan disciple looked at Patriarch Lei’s face with a dull and desperate face, and his expression was extremely embarrassing.

But they didn’t dare to say anything at all, even if it was to avenge them, even after the Thunder Clan knew about it, it was very likely that they would not be able to stop it directly.

Because the girl next to him is a middle-ranked immortal, that young man is probably also a middle-ranked immortal, or even higher!

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