Chapter 762 The Empress (3/5)

Guan Shuqing’s eyebrows flickered with a red bird pattern.

Feng Luan took over for the body, and for an instant, the empress of the extraordinary world was stunned.

He has been practicing since he was born, becoming an empress at the age of fifteen and an empress in her thirties.

With a lifetime of majesty, no man in the entire continent could be worthy of him.

Moreover, Feng Luan, who has a cold personality, noble body, and suffocating majesty, has no love for men and women at all.

In the entire continent, few men dared to look at her directly.

The majesty of the female emperor made all men feel ashamed in front of her.

But now, he was lying under a man, and he was still a weak man like an ant.

This made Feng Luan’s eyes flashed with coldness and murderous aura.

The coercion of the female emperor slowly condensed.

“Hey, come up baby, hehehe!”

However, at this moment, a frivolous voice came, and the man moved violently following the man.

In an instant, the majesty of the empress was overwhelmed, and her face was extremely red.

But this feeling made her…

For a moment, Feng Luan’s expression changed drastically.

Wang Xian didn’t know that the comfort under his body was already occupied by another soul at this time. He was ready to let go of the suffering of lovesickness for more than a year.

Five minutes later, Feng Luan’s mind was overwhelmed, and she closed her eyes tightly.

One hour…two hours…

In the end, the two lay on the bed, and Wang Xian was in a very happy mood.

“Shuqing, you don’t know, you want to kill me for more than a year, and today you finally wake up!”

Wang Xian stretched out his hand and hugged Guan Shuqing, but suddenly, he frowned slightly.

Guan Shuqing in front of her suddenly gave her a very strange feeling, and the flames gleaming between her eyebrows gave her a special majesty.

Seeing her eyes, Wang Xian was startled, and his face changed drastically: “You are not comfortable!”

Feng Luan’s face changed when she heard Wang Xian’s words. She didn’t know how to talk to the man in front of her at all, frowning tightly.

“who are you?”

Wang Xian looked very embarrassed, staring at her and asked.

“I am that drop of Suzaku blood!”

Feng Luan’s face was calm.

“How about Shuqing? What do you think of her?”

Wang Xian’s face changed suddenly, revealing an icy expression.

“Xiaoxian, Xiaoxian!”

Suddenly, the flame around her eyebrows slowly disappeared, and Guan Shuqing’s flustered voice came.

Wang Xian was stunned and a little dazed. Looking at her eyes, he knew that it was Guan Shuqing this time.

“Shuqing, are you okay?”

He asked quickly.

“Xiaoxian, there seems to be another person on my body. Just now… when we were just now, I suddenly returned to my body, and another soul occupied my body!”

Guan Shuqing said to Wang Xian in a panic.

When Wang Xian heard her, his scalp was numb.

“Shuqing, can you contact her!”

Wang Xian said with embarrassment.

Anyone who suddenly has a soul in his body will feel horrified.

“She is the soul in the Suzaku Essence that you absorbed at the beginning. See if you can contact her!”

Wang Xian said with a calm face towards Guan Shuqing.


Guan Shuqing heard Wang Xian’s words, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and tried slightly.

Seeing Guan Shuqing with trembling eyebrows, Wang Xian felt a little uncomfortable.

There was a ray of soul in that Suzaku’s essence, which he had not thought of.


After a few minutes, Guan Shuqing breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

“How about it?”

“Xiaoxian, I contacted her. She said that her name was Fengluan. She was the female emperor of the Phoenix dynasty from the Transcendent Continent. She was attacked and damaged during Nirvana. She escaped with a drop of blood and was absorbed by me. Then it became like this. Said that after being strong in the future, he will be able to reshape his body!”

As Guan Shuqing said, his expression kept changing.


Wang Xian’s face changed, and he took a deep breath: “Who controls your physical body now!”

“It’s a little uncertain, sometimes it may be me, sometimes it may be her, but now we can all sense things outside!”

Guan Shuqing’s face was a bit bad and said.

“She is sure that she is strong enough to reshape her body?”

Wang Xian frowned and said.

“She said yes, as long as there is a drop of blood and enough energy, she can be reborn!”

Guan Shuqing nodded.

“Damn, fortunately she is a woman, if it’s a man, she will find a way to kill her!”

Wang Xian’s expression eased a little, as long as it is a female, as long as it doesn’t endanger Guan Shuqing’s life, it will be easy to solve.

If it’s a man, then Wang Xian is a real dog.

Just like this situation, I suddenly changed my soul, if it is a man, it would be sour…

Guan Shuqing’s expression was also a little weird, and she naturally knew what had happened just now.

“Hey, I didn’t expect to have such a trouble, please don’t worry, I will solve it for you as soon as possible!”

Wang Xian shook his head and sighed.

“Well, Xiaoxian, I feel that I am very strong now!”

Guan Shuqing nodded, although she said that there was an extra soul in her body, but there was no harm, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

“Go to sleep, take a good rest!”

Wang Xian kissed Shuqing and hugged it in his arms.

Guan Shuqing also hugged her slowly.

“Go away!”

But at this moment, a voice came from the cold with a majesty, and Wang Xian instantly felt a powerful force pushing towards him.


Wang Xian couldn’t help but cursed, staring at Guan Shuqing with embarrassment.

At this time, a flame appeared again between Guan Shuqing’s eyebrows.

Her temperament changed drastically, her eyes were full of majesty, staring at Wang Xian without any emotion.

“This is my wife’s body!”

Wang Xian looked embarrassed.

“Get out!”

With a wave of Feng Luan’s arm, there was a flame that directly grabbed Wang Xian’s arm and threw it out of the bed.

Wang Xian’s face changed suddenly, and his body was thrown out without any resistance.

“Higher Immortal!”

Wang Xian’s face was extremely embarrassing, Shu Qing had shown the strength just now, at most a middle-ranked fairy, and this woman could burst out of the upper-ranked fairy’s strength.

“Flame Gate!”

With a wave of Feng Luan’s arm, the area around the bed was instantly surrounded by flames, forming a curtain-like thing.


When Wang Xian saw this scene, his face instantly turned black.

Feng Luan on the bed breathed slightly, and slowly closed his eyes.

Wang Xian stood outside with no clothes, looked helplessly, and he was not her opponent.

Shaking his head, he waved his arm and a wooden bed appeared, lying helplessly on it.

“Little Fairy!”

However, in the middle of the night, a familiar voice suddenly came out.

Wang Xian got up immediately, got directly into the bed, and then hugged Guan Shuqing.

Seeing this scene, Guan Shuqing couldn’t help but smile!

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