Chapter 755 The power of the immortal gods cannot be violated 2 (1/5)

Everyone stared at Wang Xian blankly, and at the cold ice soul stone beside him.

At this moment, the mood of Fairy Baihua was the most complicated, his eyes flickering at the slowly closing Ice Soul Stone.

Looking at the girl who disappeared from sight.

The girl lying in the ice rock.

Uncontrollably, there was a feeling of jealousy in her heart.

She thought that this unknown young man was here to pursue herself, wanting to gain her own favor.

Want to pursue her by taking out some valuable items.

But now it seems that everything the young man has done is not at all to please her, let alone gain her favor.

But for the girl.

As long as it is something you can use, even if it is a high price, I will get it for you.

Such a man, even her heart is moved.

Girls are all sentimental, and they are also very moved to see a young man giving so much to a girl who is not awake.

Bingyun saw Baihua Fairy and a few born fairy girls speak for him, his face was slightly embarrassed.

“Since this is your Hundred Flowers Fairy Gate, we can leave it alone, but we must take him away!”

“Yes, after all, we have a very good relationship between the natural fairy gate and the ice god fairy gate. Chuanyun, you can’t do it here, but we won’t be in charge of going out!”

The girl next to Bingyun Yun immediately agreed.

Fairy Baihua’s face slowly became a little embarrassed, and her mouth was not talking.

The disciples of Zhenwu Immortal Sect around him watched this scene, and they knew that this young man had been planted.

“Bring him out for me!”

Glacial Cloud stared at Wang Xian, his mouth slightly cocked.

“Leave it to us!”

Next to him, the middle-aged and a young man walked directly over, staring at Wang Xian coldly with a weapon in his hand: “Be good, it’s best to give up resisting, otherwise, ha ha…”

“How can there be so many people looking for death!”

Wang Xian looked at the two people walking towards him and waved his arms directly at them.

The movement in his hand was not fast, as if he was slapping a mosquito. There was no energy in it, and everyone could see the trajectory of his hand.

A trace of disdain appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged and young people, and they raised their arms to press them toward him.

However, at this moment, a burst of cyan energy suddenly radiated and attacked towards the position of the two people’s chests.


The two of them were taken aback, and immediately raised the spirit sword in their hands.

“not good!”

The expressions of the two changed, and their bodies were impacted by the powerful force to the position of the flowers behind.

“It’s careless!”

“Dare to resist and look for death!”

The faces of the two changed slightly, their bodies shook, and they were ready to attack Wang Xian.

“Swish swish!”

However, at this moment, the beautiful and enchanting flowers below moved instantly.

The gorgeous flowers were like devouring demons. Thousands of flowers grew to about a hundred meters in length. The two of them didn’t even react and were directly surrounded.


Two screams came, and then there was no more.

Thousands of gorgeous flowers returned to normal, accompanied by the disappearance of middle-aged and young people.

There is no blood, only a kind of strange beauty.

Wang Xian didn’t want to be too bloody, so that the two of them became soil directly.


“Damn it!”

“Dare to kill our disciple of the Ice God Fairy Sect!”

“kill him!”

In an instant, seeing this scene, the disciples of the ice gods in Glacier Cloud became furious, and the icy chill came from the surrounding area.

Three disciples of the Ice God Fairy Clan waved their arms, and the terrifying aura on one of the middle-aged people was shaking.

A series of terrifying ice swords attacked towards Wang Xian.

Wang Xian stood there faintly, opened his mouth slightly, and the Azure Dragon Ball instantly attacked the three ice gods.


The sword of ice in front of him collapsed and dissipated, and the three of them were knocked down in the sea of ​​flowers.

At this moment, the sea of ​​flowers once again turned into a sea of ​​terrifying flower monsters.

Three disciples of the Ice God Fairy Sect were submerged in an instant!

“Brother Binghai!”

“How can it be!”

The Ice God Fairy Gate and everyone for whom they were stunned, if the middle-aged youth who had just started to act were killed carelessly, they would still be able to accept it.

However, among the three Ice God Immortal Sect disciples who attacked next, the middle-aged one had the strength of the Infant Realm.

Among the disciples of the Ice God Fairy Gate, their potential and prestige are second only to Glacier Cloud, and they are still instantly killed.

This made everyone feel a little shocked.

“His strength!”

Bingyun’s pupils couldn’t help shrinking, staring at Wang Xian solemnly.

“It should be a half-step fairy god!”

“It’s definitely not easy to be able to come up with so many precious things, it should be a half step immortal god!”

“That cyan bead, if you guessed it correctly, it should be a thirteenth-level spiritual tool, a fairy artifact!”

The faces of everyone around him changed slightly, especially the girls from the natural fairy gate.

Wang Xian uses wood attributes, and he manipulates the sea of ​​flowers next to him to become scary flower monsters. They can sense a horrible energy.

Wang Xian’s face remained unchanged, and he slowly stepped forward. The Azure Dragon Ball slowly exuded a coercion, and the cyan light instantly covered the dozens of Ice God Fairy Sect disciples who had worked on Glacier Cloud.

Among them, the girl who was born in the fairy gate was also included.

“You…what are you going to do? I tell you, this is our natural immortal gate, you do it here, our Immortal Lord will not let you go!”

The girl saw the blue light covering herself, her face changed drastically, and her eyes were full of panic.

“This son, please stop, don’t hurt Senior Sister!”

Fairy Baihua also changed slightly, and said quickly.

With the strength of a half-step immortal god and a weapon of immortal gods, it was easy to destroy all of them.

“You dare to do it, huh? Do you dare to do it, our Lord Immortal will kill you!”

Bingyun’s face changed drastically, and he roared loudly.

“Why not dare!”

Wang Xian said coldly, the blue light was shining, and the complexion of all of them changed drastically.


At this moment, a strange sound came.

And hearing this voice, the girl next to Bingyun Yun seemed to see a savior, her face showing excitement and hideousness.

“Guji is here, haha, our Lord Immortal is here, you are over, you are over!”

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