Chapter 752: What Do You Need? (3/5)

Baihuaye is placed on a stone platform on the countertop.

A special flower grows on the stone platform, the flower is like a palm, held on it.

“Everyone, the first drop of Hundred Flower Liquid, everyone can take out their own items to trade, and those who are selected will trade!”

Baihua Fairy tapped lightly, and a flower on the stone platform became longer and located in the front.

Wearing a skirt of hundreds of flowers, slender hands, two beautiful butterflies, exquisite face, the third best color, absolutely deserved.

“Two seven-level grasses and one!”

“One pill of six-level elixirs Zhilan Dan!”

“Eleven-level wooden attribute scepter!”

“Ten Qing blue and white seeds!”


Just after Baihuaxianmen finished speaking, a middle-aged young man directly took out his belongings and shouted loudly.

The girls next to Baihua Fairy looked at each item with happily faces.

Baihuaye is a special item, comparable to the six-level top-level pill, but its particularity, even for the strong in the infant realm, has some effects, so it is very precious.

“Ten level wood spirit orb!”

The thin young man beside Wang Xian also shouted loudly.

When he called out the Wooden Lingzhu, a group of girls looked over with bright eyes, and Baihua Fairy also looked over, but unfortunately, a faint disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Wooden spirit orbs are very useful for them, but unfortunately the level is too low!

“Two pieces of eleventh-level wooden attribute spirit tools!”

Wang Xian glanced at the surrounding objects, and directly took out two wooden attribute scepters.

Wang Xian currently has the most spirit tools, and there are more than 20 wood-attribute spirit tools, of which there are also five or six twelve-level wood-attribute spirit tools.

All of these were obtained by killing the disciples of the Holy Medicine Fairy Gate of the Holy Medicine Fairy Gate.


The people around saw that Wang Xian took out two pieces of eleventh-level wooden attribute spirit tools and looked at them in surprise.

Compared with spirit implements, pill medicine is more precious.

Baihuaye can be comparable to an eleventh-level spiritual weapon at most, and Wang Xian has taken out two, which is considered a loss!

“Well, the first drop of Hundred Flower Liquid belongs to this young man!”

Fairy Baihua looked at Wang Xian and said with a smile, with a wave of his arm, Baihuaye flew directly towards him!

Wang Xian also threw the spirit weapon over and caught the Baihuaye!

“Brothers are really real people who don’t show their faces, there is a local tyrant, and two eleventh-level spiritual instruments are exchanged for Hundred Flower Liquid, tusk!”

The thin young man on the side looked at Wang Xian and said with sigh and envy.

Wang Xian smiled, opened the jade bottle directly, and smelled it in front of his nose.

Suddenly, there was a scent that made him quiet, which seemed to have a soothing and elevating effect on the soul.

With a move of Wang Xian’s arm, he placed the crystal box behind him on the stone table in front of him!

After gently opening it for half a meter, Wang Xian gently poured the Baihuaye into Guan Shuqing’s mouth!


The thin young man on the side watched Wang Xian open the crystal box, and when he saw Guan Shuqing inside, his face showed a look of astonishment.

Seeing Wang Xian pouring Baihuaye directly into her mouth, her eyes widened.

“Also…I really am the one in my heart!”

The thin young man murmured in shock.

Directly pour the Baihuaye exchanged for two pieces of eleventh-level spiritual weapons into his mouth, it is extremely luxurious!

Wang Xian stared closely at Guan Shuqing’s expression, and saw her red face slowly returning to normal, her breathing became more stable, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

“Useful, really useful!”

He breathed a sigh of relief, as useful as it is!

“I want the second bottle of Hundred Flower Liquid, a twelfth-level wood-attribute spiritual tool. This spiritual tool is not an ordinary spiritual tool, but a wooden hairpin. Wearing it on the Baihua Fairy is its best destination!”

At this moment, the second bottle of Hundred Flower Liquid began to be exchanged, and a young man’s body voice sounded.

“Twelfth-level wood attribute spirit tool, my god, glacier cloud is the blood!”

“In exchange for the twelfth-level spiritual weapon, it is simply a big loss. Glacier Yun, a drunkard, doesn’t mean to drink, obviously to please Fairy Baihua!”

“Tsk tusk, I have always heard that Glacier Cloud loves Baihua Fairy, and now it seems to be well-deserved!”

“Lang Cai Nv appearance, Brother Bing is the most outstanding disciple of our Ice God Fairy Clan, worthy of Bai Hua Fairy!”

The people around saw the items taken out by Glacier Cloud, and consciously put away their items, not fighting for this drop of Hundred Flower Liquid!

The girl sitting next to Bingyunyun saw him looking at his junior sister admiringly, with a look of jealousy in her eyes, and her face was embarrassed.

Fairy Baihua frowned as he watched him holding the twelfth-level spiritual tool, and then said: “Master Bingzi’s twelfth-level spiritual tool is too expensive, the little girl will give you two drops of Hundred Flower Liquid!”

Bingyun saw her giving two drops to herself, but her face was a little ugly, and she shook her head slowly: “Well, then, just as the fairy said!”

“and many more!”

At this moment, Wang Xian slowly stood up, and said directly: “A twelve-level wood-attribute magic tool, plus an 11-level wood-attribute magic tool!”

“Damn, isn’t it?”

“Crazy crazy, isn’t he going to pursue Fairy Baihua?”

“It’s the same young man just now!”

A twelfth-level spiritual implement and an eleventh-level spiritual implement, in exchange for two drops of Baihua Liquid, this is simply a loss.

No one would make such a stupid transaction!

It is no exaggeration to say that these two spirit weapons can be exchanged for at least six or seven drops!

“Which immortal gate is he? It’s not the Ice God Immortal Gate, nor does it seem to belong to our Zhenwu Immortal Academy!”

“Isn’t it the rich second generation who came to chase Baihua Fairy?”

Some people stared at Wang Xian suspiciously.

He bought the first drop of Baihuaye and others didn’t pay much attention, but this time the bid was simply too extravagant.

Even more luxurious than glacier clouds.

Fairy Baihua was also stunned, staring at Wang Xian with a stunned heart.

He’s not really pursuing himself, is he?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to buy your own Baihuaye at such a price?

Thinking of this, Fairy Baihua couldn’t help but look at Wangxian.

In terms of appearance, it is not inferior to the glacier cloud, and there is a kind of plain temperament on the body, which is very unattractive, but very attractive.

“This son, are you sure you want to exchange two spiritual weapons for two drops of Baihua Liquid?”

Fairy Baihua asked Wang Xian slightly curiously.

She was just curious in her heart, but she didn’t have too many thoughts.


Wang Xian nodded. Baihuaye is very useful for comforting feelings. He didn’t put one or two spiritual tools in his eyes.

Glacier Yun frowned and stared at Wang Xian, then raised his brows.

“Since this young man wants to exchange two drops of Hundred Flower Liquid at such a price, I will give it to you, and let Fairy Baihua earn more, hehe, I want the following!”

He smiled and said, the appearance of thinking for Fairy Baihua can indeed make Fairy Baihua feel good.

Fairy Baihua nodded slowly, after all, this was a deal, not directly to himself, so there was no reason to refuse.


Fairy Baihua directly threw two drops of Baihua liquid, and Wang Xian also threw the spirit weapon over.

“Then give me the two drops of Hundred Flower Liquid, Hundred Flower Fairy!”

Bingyun said with a faint smile on his face.

“Good!” Fairy Baihua nodded.

“Wait a minute, I want the remaining seven drops of Hundred Flower Liquid, what do you need?”

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