Chapter 748 Panic Assassination (4/5)

In the middle of the night, four or five hours.

For a sleeping person, four or five hours is very short, but for a strong infant, four or five hours is enough to do a lot of things!

In Hunyuan City, a silent voice walked throughout Hunyuan City.

And what was brought was a corpse.

Five hundred meters outside Hunyuan City, hundreds of people stood on the road.


At this moment, a corpse suddenly fell to the ground with a sound,


“The eleventh one, this is an elder of Hunyuan Immortal Clan!”

A group of strong men from Huangtianxianmen looked at the corpse thrown on the ground, inhaling a breath of cold air, and a trace of panic appeared in their eyes.

Yes, it is fear.

Even if the corpse is their enemy, they still feel terrified.

Looking at the city ahead, it looked like a beast that devoured people.

That terrifying invisible and shadowless creature quietly attacked and killed eleven powerful infants in Hunyuan Immortal Gate in the city of Nuo Da in just two or three hours.

This is a strong person at the infant level!

“If you are an enemy of this kind of existence, you may not know how you died!”

The members of the Huangtianxianmen felt some scalp tingling.

“Fortunately, we are not a hostile relationship, Longmen, it is really terrifying!”

Elder Feng said to Demon Qinglong with his eyes flickering.

“Hehe, it will be bright in a while, give Hunyuan Xianmen a big gift!”

The Mo Qinglong smiled faintly, there are more than one hundred such terrifying creatures in the Dragon Palace!

“If Hunyuan Immortal Sect sees these corpses, I am afraid it will be desperate!”

Elder Feng could already think of the reaction of everyone in Hunyuan Immortal Gate, and looked forward with some expectation.

The sky gradually brightened.

In front of the crowd of Mo Qinglong, there were a total of seventeen corpses.

Among them, 14 of the powerful infants, and three corpses of the outstanding Tianjiao disciples of Hunyuan Immortal Sect!

“Hang on the mountain on the right!”

Mo Qinglong looked around, waved his arm, and carried a corpse to the mountain on the left.

There is a more conspicuous place, even in Hunyuan City, you can see it if you look closely.

He believed that this great gift was enough to make the entire Hunyuan Immortal Gate boil!

“Children of Tortoise Fairy with their heads shrunk, get up, don’t get huddled in the tortoise shell!”

The sun had just risen, and a roar of roar spread towards Hunyuan City.

“Asshole, these damn guys, I fuck him%…%…%¥@%”

“Isn’t it your rubbish who scolded you yesterday, Laozi didn’t go out, and you didn’t dare to come in, but you can still scold you by scolding!”

“Go on, damn it, we greet their 18th generation ancestors today!”

A violent swearing sound quickly came from Hunyuan Immortal Gate, and a famous immortal disciple flew directly to the city gate, ready to swear!

“Give you a great gift, please look at the mountain on the right, hahaha!”

The voice of young people laughed!

“I will give your grandma a head, and if you have the courage to enter our Hunyuan City, I promise…cough cough cough cough…”

An irritable young man directly sprayed loudly at the person, but when he looked up to the mountain on the right, the whole person was suddenly shocked.

His eyes widened, his teeth began to tremble, and his face was full of fear.

Dozens of young people around also looked at him suspiciously, but in an instant, it was like ice spring pouring into his heart, making them feel very short of breath.

“Huh, it’s impossible, this can’t be!”

“You…you have entered the city, you…no no, this is impossible, it must be fake, it must be fake!”

Seeing the corpse on the mountain peak, dozens of young people almost collapsed directly, shouting loudly one by one.

“Haha, do you say we dare not enter the city? Do you know the people above!”

Seeing their expressions, the youth showed excitement on their faces.

The two immortals have fought for hundreds of years, and now Hunyuan Immortal Gate has suffered heavy losses, which is what they are most happy to see in Huangtian Immortal Gate.

Seeing their panic and horror, the young man was very excited.

“It’s not good, the elders and deacons have an accident!”

At this time, dozens of young people had completely ignored the young people’s ridicule.

They yelled loudly towards the city in panic, their voices trembled a little.

Dead, all fourteen elders and deacons were killed overnight.

In addition to the fourteen infants, there are Hunyuan Immortal Sect’s most outstanding disciples today.

This filled their hearts with panic.

They even entered Hunyuan City last night and killed their elders and deacons.

What frightened them most was that no one found out, and no fighting took place.

What kind of existence is it that killed so many powerful men overnight.

The panic scream immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Hunyuan City.

All Hunyuan Xianmen disciples were taken aback.

“Something happened, what happened?”

“what happened!”

A strong man who had reached the Dan realm flew over in shock.

“Look there, look there!”

A young man pointed at the mountain on the right with a horrified expression on his face.

The corpse hung on it chilled their hearts.


When everyone looked at it, they suddenly felt their scalp numb!

“How is this possible? They entered our Hunyuan City?”

“There was no fight last night. How could it be? How could a group of elders and deacons be assassinated? They exist in the infant realm!”

“Who is it? Could it be that the immortal god acted assassinated last night? No, no, the immortal god acted, our lord immortal god should be able to sense it!”

A crowd of Hunyuan Xianmen disciples widened their eyes and shouted with shocked faces.

“Report to Lord Immortal God immediately!”

A strong man in the pill realm moved, and flew towards the immortal gate with a face of panic.

“Something happened, something happened!”

More and more immortal disciples in Hunyuan City heard the screams of horror and came here. When they saw the corpse on the mountain, their bodies were numb.

Panic quickly spread towards Hunyuan City.

In one night, such an immortal expert died unexpectedly, and he still didn’t know how the other party did it.

This made them feel horrified. If the other party came to assassinate them, their bodies would have been hung on the wall!

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, three powerful immortals with a terrifying aura flew over here instantly.

“You guys are looking for death!”

A stern roar resounded throughout Hunyuan City.


When the three fairy gods of Hunyuan Immortal Gate saw the corpse on the mountain peak, their faces showed furious expressions.

Seventeen corpses, fourteen elders and deacons, once again cut off most of the power of Hunyuan Immortal Gate.

Now the entire fairy gate, there are only more than ten powerful infants.

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