#745 of the city (1/5)

“Who dares to block the gate of our city?”

“Isn’t it Huangtian Fairy Gate? Fuck you, let’s go, let’s kill them!”

“Dare to block the gate of our city, no matter who it is, give them a good look!”

I was angry. Starting today, we saw a Hunyuan immortal disciple, so we killed one!

As long as he is a bloody person, he is very angry when he hears this sentence.

Especially for the immortal disciples, the high immortal door is now blocked by someone at the door of the house, dare to come out and kill one!

This is simply the most direct insult to their Hunyuan Xianmen.

One by one Hunyuan Immortal Clan disciples rushed towards the door, holding weapons in their hands, murderous!

“Swish swish!”

Soon, the city gate was densely packed with thousands of people, and many Dan realm experts and innate masters flew directly with swords and stood in the air.

They looked at the fifty people standing five hundred meters away from the gate of the city, with a gloomy look on their faces.

More than fifty people lined up with their hands behind, staring at their gates with an invincible aura.

This posture and behavior is the greatest contempt for the entire Hunyuan Immortal Gate!

“Huh, damn it, more than fifty people are blocking the gate of our city, we kill them!”

A Tianjiao of Hunyuan Immortal Clan stared at the Demon Azure Dragon and the crowd with an angry face, and shouted loudly.

“Kill, kill them!”

“Hang these damn guys on the wall to announce the world and provoke the end of our Hunyuan Fairy Gate!”

An excited Hunyuan immortal disciple shouted loudly.

“Go, follow me!”

A young man who was dazzled by anger moved his body, preparing to attack the Demon Azure Dragon.

“Get out!”

An old man shouted and stopped the young man directly!

“Elder, do we just watch them arrogantly in front of us?”

The young man said angrily.

“Stop, no one can go out!”

The old man moved his body and looked at the corpse embedded in the city wall with an embarrassing expression on his face.

He moved his body and took the corpse out and held it in his hands.

“That is, Deacon Wen!”

Some Hunyuan immortal disciples who had just arrived were slightly surprised, with shocked expressions on their faces.

“No matter which force you are, dare to kill our Hunyuan immortal disciple, dare to block here, we will kill you!”

Elder Hun Yuan Xianmen sullen his face and shouted angrily!

“Don’t talk about these useless things, today you Hunyuan Xianmen disciples as long as you dare to make a move, we will let you lose here, and come out if you have the courage, Hunyuan Xianmen, haha!”

Mo Qinglong hugged his hands with some sarcasm, and said with a disdainful face.

The voice spread over more than ten kilometers in Fangyuan again.

This made the eyes of the Hunyuan Immortal Clan disciples standing on the city gate split!

Naked mockery!

I was blocked at the door of my house!

However, they can only watch now!

“The elders must kill them, and must kill all of them!”

A disciple roared angrily.

“No one is forbidden to go out, don’t worry, none of them can go!”

The old man’s eyes were cold, he raised his head and looked forward, and found that another group of people was coming.

“It’s from the Huangtian Fairy Clan!”

An exclamation came from the side, and in the distance, in their sight, more than forty people from Huangtianxianmen flew over here.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, a gathering bell came from behind the immortal gate.

“No one should go out!”

The old man moved and flew directly towards the immortal gate.


At this time, Elder Feng rushed over with a group of Huangtianxianmen assassination teams and couldn’t help sighing when he saw more than fifty people standing there lined up.

This kind of courage is not something ordinary people can do.

“Brother Demon!”

Elder Feng hesitated and came to Mo Qinglong’s side and shouted.

After all, the two sides are now allies!

“Well, Elder Feng, I’m still going to let my disciples find you. Could you please give us a piece of information about Hunyuan Xianmen Tianjiao disciples, elder deacons, and preferably information about their residence. We will use it in the next few days! ”

Mo Qinglong looked at Elder Feng and said.

“Okay, we all have these materials!”

Elder Feng naturally knew the purpose of the Demon Azure Dragon, and looked at the crowd next to him: “Brother Demon, let’s be with you too!”


Mo Qinglong nodded.

Elder Feng was slightly embarrassed, after all, the power gap between the two sides was too great.

Especially those who are strong in the half-step infant state and the pill state of Huang Tianxianmen, it is even more embarrassing.

How do they say they are also a strong man, and they also have a certain position in the fairy gate, and they are here now.

They always feel like a fox and a tiger!


This is, a young man glanced at the powerful men beside him, and then looked towards the city gate.

He rolled his eyes, and jumped over a group of dragons with his head slightly raised.

“The little thieves in front, Laozi are already blocked at your door, why don’t you dare to come out?”

“His grandmother, a bunch of trash things, dare to attack our prince, and even dare to attack our prince’s friends, why are you fucking damn it now!”

“Trash thing, what are you doing standing on the gate of the city? Are you angry? Then come out, a bunch of cowards, a bunch of cocks!”

Scold the street!

No, it should be cursing the city!

A strong man in the Dan realm, his voice can reach more than ten kilometers.

Those words of humiliation immediately caused everyone on the wall to explode.

Damn, don’t talk about Ducheng, now I’m scolded.

Moreover, he was still a strong man in the Dan realm, yelling.

A roar is spread all over half of Hunyuan City, this f*ck!

“Fuck, ah, Laozi is going to kill them!”

An angry, burly middle-aged figure could no longer help but attacked directly at the young man shouting in his throat.

In an instant, a dragon man moved.


Beside the city gate, when everyone did not react, the middle-aged man was directly slapped on the ground by the terrifying dragon claw.

The terrifying attack instantly killed the middle-aged man on the spot!

The young man who had just scolded the city saw this scene and couldn’t help but shrink his head, followed by a trace of excitement in his eyes.

“Yell, there is finally someone who has a seed. This is the real man. I would rather die than be humiliated!”

“Look at a group of tortoises with shrunken heads, rubbish waste, men in vain, and the immortal gates of Yuanyuan. From now on, they will be called the shrunken turtles fairy gate!”

As the young man said, he walked to the side of the middle-aged corpse and placed it in the center under the city gate.

He pointed to the corpse and shouted loudly: “Look, this is the hero, your great hero, look at yourself, turtles, don’t be ashamed!”

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