Chapter 743: Blocking the Immortal Gate and Assassinating 2 (19/20)

“Block the fairy gate!”


Ling Xiao and Huang Tian, ​​who were standing on the side, were stunned, their eyes widened, and they looked at the Demon Azure Dragon in amazement.

What is Blocking the Fairy Gate?

It is a group of powerful people who surround the door of other people’s immortal gates, and the other people come out to kill one by one!

This damn tells you clearly, I want to fuck you, you can come out and do it with us.

If you dare not come out, okay, then you guys don’t come out.

They don’t care if they don’t come out, we will assassinate.

This is an upright bullying, an upright insult, and an upright insult to kill you!

The assassination teams of the Huangtianxianmen were stunned.

You are going to block a fairy gate, a fairy gate in the world of Jiuding, how can it be so awesome?

Now they Hunyuan Xianmen attacked and killed their prince, the son of their master.

At most, they set up an assassination team to take revenge by assassination.

Because even if the Hunyuan Immortal Gate had killed fifteen top powerhouses, they still had a power that could not be ignored.

Together, their Huangtianxianmen will also suffer heavy losses.

But now this group of people are going to directly block the fairy gate, which is too mad!

But feeling the power of this group of people, they pursed their lips and fell silent again.

More than fifty powerful infants.

This power is more than the strong infant realm of their Huangtian Immortal Clan.

Especially, besides the five people on this bright face, according to the voice in the void, he has five subordinates.

These five subordinates may be around them, they can’t sense it, even their head did not find their specific location.

Horrible assassin, born assassin!

This force, after the death of fifteen strong men at Hunyuan Immortal Gate, does have the qualifications to block the Immortal Gate.

And that terrifying assassin also has the strength to enter the fairy gate to assassinate the Hunyuan fairy gate disciple!

“Head Ling, our eldest princess troubles you all to take care of it!”

Ao Jian said to Ling Xiao, followed by the movements of the crowd, and flew directly towards the position of Hunyuan Immortal Gate.

Looking at the crowds flying away, Ling Xiao’s eyes flickered.

“Really domineering and domineering!”

Elder Feng stared at the crowds of people who were flying away, and said with a shocked expression on his face.

“They are very strong, the middle-aged creature like a sharp sword and the terrifying creature in the void. Together, they are no weaker than me!”

Ling Xiao said with a slight sigh, he even felt a panic when Ao Yao just appeared.

Taking advantage of the situation, the opponent is likely to assassinate him.

“Head, then we…”

Elder Feng looked at the crowd in front of him with some embarrassment.

Ten Infant Realm and 30 Dan Realm, this is already a very powerful force.

But compared with the crowd just now, they are simply weak.

They are also preparing for a secret attack, while others are openly blocking the immortal gate.

Two are not a level at all.

“They are theirs, we are ours!”

Ling Xiao said slowly.

“It’s the head!”

Elder Feng knows the meaning of the head, his son was assassinated, and the result was not as many as a girl who was injured.

How should I put it, there is a feeling of embarrassment and loss, which made him feel the feeling of his son in front of the girl.

Ling Xiao shook his head.

“Let’s go over and see, losers can’t lose!”

Elder Feng moved his body, leading a group of assassination teams to fly towards the position of Hunyuan Immortal Gate.

Hunyuan Fairy Gate is located in a valley.

The entrance of the valley is the entrance of Hunyuan City of Hunyuan Immortal Gate.

Extending all the way to the back, it is the Hunyuan Immortal Gate.

Hunyuan City has a population of two to three million people in the entire area with a radius of 50 kilometers, of which 80% are children and family members of Hunyuan Immortal Gate!

On both sides of Hunyuan City are huge mountain peaks, creating a super city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The Hunyuan City Gate is 20 meters high and forty to fifty meters wide. It looks very spectacular from a distance.

After Huangtianxianmen sounded the alarm bell, Hunyuanxianmen not far away also sounded the alarm bell.

They can’t guarantee that Ling Xiao will lose heart and start a war between two immortals.

Therefore, the entire Hunyuan Immortal Gate is in a state of alert.

On the city wall above Hunyuan Immortal Gate, a group of Hunyuan city guards stood on it and inspected.

“Hunyuan Immortal Gate has only one door exit, and there may be a secret passage, but we can just block it here!”

The sun was shining brightly, and from a distance, more than fifty figures could be seen walking towards Hunyuan City with evil aura.

The gate of Hunyuan City was not closed because there was no need to close it.

Although Huangtian Immortal Gate and Hunyuan Immortal Gate had already torn their skins, Hunyuan City belonged to the realm of immortal gods. Once someone dared to break in, the immortal gods could slay the invaders.

At the door of Hunyuan Xianmen, a truck was walking towards the outside, with the word Hunyuan written on it.

Obviously, this is the vehicle that Hunyuan Xianmen went to purchase outside.

“Hunyuan Immortal Gate has only this one gate, we can just block it here!”

Mo Qinglong looked around for a moment, with a cold expression on his face.

“Don’t do anything about the creepy demon for the time being, first block it outside the city, then go to the city to kill, and finally kill inside the fairy gate!”

Ao Jian’s figure stopped: “Me and the creepy monster will not show up!”

“You don’t need to show up, Master Ao Jian and You Demon, just leave it to our Longmen disciples. Immortal gods can’t come out. A Hunyuan immortal door, our Longmen disciples haven’t paid attention to it yet!”

Mo Qinglong said confidently.

Mo Qinglong is now half a step in the strength of the immortal god, and all the rest are the existence of the peak of the infant stage.

The cultivation under the Spiritual Qi waterfall, coupled with the one-year cultivation under the star guide, their strength far exceeds that of ordinary infants.

And because of the blood of the dragon, although their combat power can’t reach the half-step immortal god, they can also resist five or six against a half-step immortal god.

“The guy in front, stand in the middle and look for death, get out of here!”

The truck was driving on the road and saw a crowd of Moqinglong walking in the middle of the road. A middle-aged man stretched out his head and yelled at them.

“Hunyuan immortal door person?”

Mo Qinglong asked faintly.

“Yes, let Laozi get out of the way quickly, don’t look for death!”

The middle-aged roared directly as the car was driving at an unabated speed.

“That’s right!”

Mo Qinglong and the crowd were expressionless.

“Fuck, who are these guys?”

The middle-aged face in the car showed a trace of anger: “Drive me. Since they won’t let go, they will run into Laozi directly and kill these guys!”

Dare to block the path of their Hunyuan Immortal Gate and look for death!

“It’s the warning period now, it won’t be the person from the Huangtian Immortal Clan!”

The driver was slightly stunned and asked.

“It’s not the clothes of the fairy clansmen of Huang Tian. I don’t know where the people from the real world are looking for death. If they hit me over, I can’t believe they won’t let go!”


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