Chapter 734

It’s quiet!

In the entire hall of the main peak of the Immortal Gate of King Ming, a group of immortal experts were completely stunned, their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Can’t afford to offend?

Their headmaster actually said that the other party is an existence they can’t provoke at all.

This made everyone’s faces a look of horror.

“Pass the order!”

The two celestial gods of Ming Wang’s immortal gate didn’t want to stay here too much.

After all, this is a very embarrassing thing.

The two of them moved and disappeared, leaving behind a group of stunned immortal experts.

“Sir, they even said that Longmen is an existence that our immortal door cannot provoke!”

An old man’s eyes flickered, and he muttered.

The headmaster said that it was not something they could provoke, which meant that it was not something they could provoke from Mingwang Immortal Gate and Puppet Immortal Gate.

They know that there are currently six fairy gods in their two immortal gates!

The six immortals dare not provoke each other?

What is the existence of the other party?

“How powerful is this Dragon King Dragon King, especially, the head of the dragon said that we should go there to forge spiritual weapons, how terrifying the other party is, that made us Lord Immortal lower our heads!”

An elder said with an ugly expression.

You can understand that the opponent is very strong without provoking, but the Lord Immortal God actually said that he could go to the opponent to refine the alchemy. Behind this indirect propaganda, it was that Lord Immortal God was completely suppressed by the opponent.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to promote an enemy’s alchemy shop?

“Let’s pass the order, since the master has said that, then the other party is definitely not our offend, don’t make us immortal door suffer a strong enemy!”

The bald old man sighed slowly: “To blame, Lao Bai and the others are bad luck. They provoke the gods and are directly beheaded, and the time is also dead!”


A group of immortal experts nodded slightly, and dispersed towards the surroundings.

An opponent that the headmaster dare not provoke, it is possible to destroy their immortal gate.

This Dragon Gate Dragon King, this former arena forces, simply shocked them.

The same goes for the puppet fairy gate.

For a moment, all the strong men of the two immortals fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, that night, a news came that shocked all the disciples in Shun Ding’s world.

“All the disciples of the puppet fairy gate of the Ming king’s immortal gate are forbidden to provoke the Jiangcheng Dragon Gate members and the Dragon King in the future, and those who violate the rules will be dealt with!”

“In addition, Longmen Dragon King opened a forging shop in the ancient street. It is more suitable. You can go there to refine spiritual weapons and pill!”

When this order was issued, the entire world of Shun Ding was shaken.

There was an incredible look on everyone’s faces.

Everyone’s eyes are dull!

Tonight, all the immortal disciples angrily vowed to destroy the dragon gate and the dragon king, but at the end the immortal gods gave the order directly!

What does this mean? They can’t provoke the Dragon Gate, and they can’t provoke the Dragon King.

It even ordered that as long as someone dared to provoke the Dragon Gate and the Dragon King, the door rules will deal with it and the law enforcement team will sanction it!

He even advertised the opponent’s forging shop!


Even if the elite disciples of the fairy gate were killed, and the elders of the half-step fairy gods were killed, the fairy gods still gave such orders.

Everyone’s anger was instantly poured into a basin of cold water.

Those immortal disciples who were about to whip the corpse shut their mouths.

Those disciples who vowed to take revenge also shut up.

When Jiangcheng’s martial artists received this news, their eyes widened and their faces were full of shock.

Their backer, the immortal gate they joined, bowed their heads to the Dragon King.

Although Jiangcheng will still be the domain of their immortal gate in the future, the king here has been changed.

It is still the king who used to be.

The Dragon King is still the Dragon King!

Overnight, Jiangcheng changed the sky!

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Xian came to the school to be a student leisurely.

In the school, a famous student respectfully yelled a voice leader and a classmate Wang Xian.

Even after the disciples of the immortal gates met Wang Xian, they cried out the Dragon King with some horror!

This made the rest of the students stunned.

The immortal disciples aloft, never put them in their eyes.

Now after meeting Wang Xian, he greeted him more respectfully than them.

“Boss, you are like a bunker, Xianmen bowed our heads, and let us Xianmen bow our heads!”

Wang Dahai stared at Wang Xian in shock and roared loudly.

“Ming Wang Xianmen knows our relationship, so there is no trouble for you. If they make you feel embarrassed, let me know!”

Wang Xian smiled and said to Wang Dahai.

“No, no, now Xianmen is because our relationship is better, and it allows me to maintain a good relationship with you, and also gives a lot of rewards, hehehe!”

Wang Dahai said happily.

“That’s good.”

Wang Xian smiled and chatted with Wang Dahai.

And a group of dragon people entered the arena and began to inquire about the news one by one.

The appearance of the fairy gate made the information of the Zhitian group almost completely useless. It was very difficult for the Zhitian group to break into the fairy gate.

Therefore, only a group of dragon people can pass in person.

The dragon man has been able to be on his own, and he does not need to do everything himself.

Just wait for the result!

Sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, smile and watch the situation arise!

“Dragon King, Yipin Pavilion has been transformed into a forging workshop and has been completed!”

When school was over in the afternoon, Mo Qinglong came to Wang Xian’s side and said to him.

“So fast? It was remodeled in one day!”

Wang Xian asked in surprise.

“Dragon King, we asked the disciples of Puppet Immortal Sect to help transform, they are very fast in this regard!”

Mo Qinglong said towards Wang Xian.

“Oh, let’s go, let’s go and see, if it is remodeled, it will open in two days!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

Refining alchemy through refining tools is the fastest way to obtain resources. As long as his forging workshop is publicized, it will be faster than grabbing money in the future!

And at this moment, in the area of ​​Huangding World.

There are three immortal gates in Huangding World, Huangtian Immortal Gate, Hunyuan Immortal Gate and Shangjiu Immortal Gate.

The three celestial gates, Huangtian celestial gate and Hunyuan celestial gate have been in hostility.

The Upper Nine Immortal Gate belongs to a neutral force.

The strength of the three immortals is evenly matched.

The Huangtian Immortal Gate has a middle-ranked immortal, the Hunyuan Immortal Gate has three lower-ranked immortals, and the Upper Nine Immortal Gate also has three lower-ranked immortals.

In general, the strength of the three immortals is not too different, and it is basically impossible to swallow or destroy the other side.

“Breakthrough, haha, finally broke through!”

In a mountain peak of Hunyuan Immortal Gate, the golden peak looks unusually dazzling.

An old man with a disheveled roar with excitement on his face.

The old man’s body was a stream of golden liquid flowing around his body, and the terrifying energy was completely restrained.

“Congratulations to the Supreme Elder for the breakthrough!”

Next to him, a middle-aged old man looked at the old man with excitement.

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