Chapter 732 I can’t afford to provoke it, let’s withdraw it (8/20)

Feng Mofengsha looked at the four people beside him with a slightly embarrassed expression, but the two of them looked at Wang Xian and Ao Jian with twinkling eyes, with strong vigilance and fear in their eyes.

Damn, that’s right, it’s them, it’s definitely them.

When they thought of something more than a year ago, a cold sweat appeared on their foreheads.

Seeing the young man staring at him with a playful face, they couldn’t help but twitch at the corners of their mouths!

“Brother Ming, Brother Lu, can’t afford to offend, let’s withdraw!”

The expressions of the two changed, and they gritted their teeth and said to the four people beside them.

This caused the four immortals of Mingwang Immortal Gate and Puppet Immortal Gate to be stunned, with a surprised look on their faces.

“Can’t afford to offend?”

Astonishment flashed in the eyes of the four of them, and their faces were slightly unsightly.

“Two brothers, Feng Mo Feng Sha, what are the specific reasons, you just tell me!”

An immortal god from the immortal door of the Ming Dynasty asked them with gleaming eyes.

“Ahem, as you all know, we are from Yuding World. The only world in Jiuding World without this world!”

Feng Mo said with a solemn face towards them.


The four nodded slowly.

In the world of Jiuding, the world of eight tripods is now present, but the world of Yuding is the only one missing, which has made the immortals curious for a long time.

But because the world of Yu Ding is in the ocean and is too far away from other worlds of Ding, the immortals do not know the specific reason.

Later, a disciple of Yu Ding World ran out and said that their Yu Ding World was annihilated and shocked all the immortals at that time.

According to the descriptions of those disciples, some strong immortal gods guessed that it might be the existence of horror in the ocean, or it might be the work of powerful gods on the European continent.

At this point, only Bading remains in the Jiuding world.

Compared with others, the four immortal gods of the Ming Dynasty Immortal Gate and Puppet Immortal Gate know more about them.

A year ago, when Shun Ding World had just appeared, they accidentally met Feng Mo Feng Sha and they had been living in their fairy gate.

Later he became the honorary elder of its immortal gate.

“You mean, the one who destroyed your Yuding world’s immortal gods, and what made you not present in this world is…”

A look of shock flashed in the eyes of a white shadow, and he couldn’t help exclaiming.

“Yes, it is him, we remember very clearly, he is the Dragon King, his strength is comparable to our original head, and another biological sword that can turn into a horror!”

“In addition to the two of them, there is a creature that can hide in the void. He is very terrifying. If he is not careful, he will directly attack and kill him!”

“In addition, he has an old man holding a tortoise shell, a magic monkey exuding a powerful devilish energy, and a terrifying creature exuding thunder and lightning!”

Feng Demon and Feng Sha said bitterly in their eyes full of terror.

In the world of Yu Ding, the two of them are the weakest. The two heads have reached the middle level, while the young demon and Hongying are also at the peak of the lower level. However, the two were silently assassinated.

From the perspective of the two elders, the Ming Dynasty Immortal Gate and Puppet Immortal Gate were far inferior to their Yuding World.

At the very least, they have no median cents.

A strong man who wiped out their Yuding world, now it is easy to destroy the Shunding world which is weaker than their Yuding world.

Now their behavior is looking for death.


The four of them were completely stunned. They looked at the youth who stood there and watched them playfully. For a moment, they felt their scalp numb.

“No wonder they dare to wait here so arrogantly!”

In an instant, a trace of cold sweat appeared on the foreheads of the four of them.

Their strength is much weaker than that of Yu Ding World, and even if the wind, devil and wind evil are not joined, a middle-ranked immortal can compete with them.

Not to mention, in addition to a middle-ranked immortal, he also has powerful subordinates.


The crowd couldn’t help swallowing and spitting.

“Why, you can’t fight anymore?”

The corners of Wang Xian’s mouth curled up slightly, and he asked them playfully.

He didn’t expect to meet Yu Ding’s two old men here.

“Ahem, this Dragon King, we have no grievances that cannot be solved. I think we should sit down and talk.”

Feng Mo coughed and said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

The four celestial gods of the Mingwang fairy gate and the puppet fairy gate stiffened and did not speak.

At this time, how dare they speak.

The opponent can destroy the Yu Ding world, which is nearly two or three times stronger than them, and it is not easy to destroy them Mingwang Immortal Gate and Puppet Immortal Gate.

As for the immortal disciples being killed, kill them if you kill them, and blame them for finding death on their own.

After all, they are going to provoke an immortal god, and the coercion of the immortal god is inviolable!

As for revenge, it is even more nonsense.

It is good to think of ways to prevent the other party from making trouble now.

Moreover, the fairy gods have a lifespan of five hundred, and they see too many life and death separations, and all the big things are important, and the immortal gate is the most important.

“Sit down and talk?”

Wang Xian smiled and glanced over the six of them.

This made their faces instantly tighten.

“Yes, I am not interested in fighting with you either!”

Wang Xian nodded slowly: “Everyone, come here!”

He moved directly into the room.

A group of six people looked at each other, their bodies moved to retract the weapons in front of them, and then they entered the villa below.

“Everyone please come in!”

When Sun Lingxiu and Lan Qingyue saw six immortals come in, they poured a cup of tea with smiles on their faces.

The six nodded with a smile, their faces a little weird.

They came to avenge the immortal disciples, and now they sit down and drink tea?

This f*ck!

It can only be said that a man can bend and stretch!

“Hello, Lord Dragon King!”

“Hehe, you won’t know each other if you don’t fight!”

Several people smiled and sat aside.

“Let me introduce myself first, Dragon King, Dragon Gate, goes to school in Jiangcheng, and I will ask you to take care of you in Jiangcheng in the future!”

Wang Xian gestured towards them with a smile on his face, and said with a smile.

“Don’t dare, although Jiangcheng is in our Shunding area, since you are here, Dragon King, we will also ask the disciples to withdraw immediately!”

An old man from the Immortal Clan of King Ming said with a slightly ugly face.

“There are only dozens of my Longmen disciples. You don’t want to be king or hegemony. It doesn’t matter whether you are in Jiangcheng or not, as long as you don’t provoke me!”

Wang Xian said lightly towards them.

“Don’t worry, we Mingwang Immortal Sect and Puppet Immortal Sect disciples will never disturb you, Dragon King in the future!”

“With your strength, Dragon King, we dare not offend!”

The two old men of the puppet fairy gate saw that Wang Xian was not too difficult to talk, but they still said bitterly.

“That’s good, I don’t want to be an enemy of you, there are some things I want to trouble you.”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

When he came back this time, it was true that he would not rule the king as he did in the past, but had some other things to deal with.

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