Chapter 728 Dragon King Banquet 5 (4/20)

After Deacon Zhang’s words were finished, the ten youths standing beside him stared at Wang Xian with hatred, with murderous intent in their eyes.

The ten young people made the white-haired middle-aged seven people aside slightly curious. They turned their heads and looked over, their eyes filled with surprise.

Abolished, the ten disciples of the puppet fairy gate were actually abolished!

“Hehe, ten disciples of your puppet fairy gate are making trouble in my restaurant. If I don’t abolish him, who else?”

Wang Xian swept across them and said lightly.

“Ha ha!”

When Deacon Zhang heard Wang Xian’s words, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly, “Then you know, they are disciples of my puppet immortal door, dare to abolish our immortal disciple in our domain, I think you are looking for death! ”

“If it is discarded, it will be discarded, so what!”

A faint disdain appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he looked at the old man plainly.

“Deacon Zhang, he… Just now, one of our disciples was directly abolished by him and threw them down from the window, and there was also a disciple of Ming Wang Xianmen!”

A middle-aged man walked by the side of the old man, his eyes scanned Wang Xian, and a look of hatred flashed in his eyes.

“Yes, Elder Ming, one of our disciples was thrown out, and we…we have nothing to do, please call the shots for us!”

An old man who had joined the Immortal Gate of the King of Ming Dynasty immediately came to the front of the white-haired middle-aged man and said with an angry face.

“Yes, before the immortal gate appeared, he coerced the whole world. We dare not say anything. Now we want us to surrender to him and ask Elder Ming to call the shots for us!”

“Let Deacon Zhang call the shots for us!”

Suddenly, dozens of Jiangcheng warriors hurriedly came to the side of Deacon Zhang and Elder Ming and said loudly.

“Damn fellow, dare to dominate our realm, father, we should get rid of them!”

Obviously Feng stared at Wang Xian with murderous in his eyes when he heard the words of a group of warriors.

“I don’t think they need to exist anymore!”

Deacon Zhang on the side saw Wang Xian’s contemptuous expression, and his eyes also showed killing intent.

“Boy, don’t be too arrogant!”

The white-haired middle-aged man took two steps forward faintly: “Leave aside other things for now.”

He pointed his finger at the obvious wind: “He is my son, you insulted my son a bit too far!”

Obviously, Feng held his head slightly and walked slowly towards Wang Xian, staring at him with an angry face.

Mu Zidao and several other young men and women walked towards Wang Xian slowly.

“It’s a bit too late, you can teach our ordinary disciples from the fairy door, but some of the core disciples are beyond the bottom line!”

The thin young man held his arms around him, looking up and down at Wang Xian and the dragons behind him, looking down.

“This is the Dragon King, he is handsome, hehe!”

The girl next to the thin young man held a mobile phone in her hand and looked at it with a smile on her face: “If you join our Ming Wang Xianmen, it will be pretty good too!”

“Immediately kneel down and apologize until we accept it, otherwise, the matter will not end so easily!”

Mu Zidao they walked to a position two meters in front of Wang Xian, pointed at him, and said coldly.

Wang Xian felt a little speechless when he heard what they said, and said slightly mockingly at the corner of his mouth: “Join your fairy gate?”

The surrounding Jiangcheng warriors were slightly taken aback when they heard Mu Zidao’s obvious wind and their words, followed their thoughts, and looked at each other.

“Longmen Dragon King provokes the disciples of Ming Wang Xianmen to attract Xianmen’s attention!”

“The dragon king held this dragon gate banquet to attract the attention of the immortal gate!”

“He wants to join Xianmen!”

A group of Jiangcheng warriors glanced at each other, basically affirmed in their hearts.

Attract the attention of the two immortal gates, the Mingwang fairy gate and the puppet fairy gate will find the strength of the dragon gate to invite the dragon gate to join them.

Actively applying to join and being invited to join are two concepts, the latter can gain greater benefits!

“Unexpectedly, the Dragon King of Dragon Gate would want to join the Fairy Gate through this method, no wonder he dared to abolish the disciples of the Fairy Gate, because the value of the Dragon Gate far exceeds them, and the Fairy Gate will not blame the Dragon King for this!”

Some Jiangcheng warriors looked a little embarrassed. They didn’t expect that the Longmen Banquet actually meant this time.

“Now, immediately, kneel down and apologize to me. After the apology, everything is easy to say, otherwise!”

Obviously Feng also pointed at Wang Xian and said coldly.

The young people on the side looked at them with smiles, their mouths slightly cocked.

“Kneel down and apologize, it’s really interesting, really, narcissism!”

Wang Xian smiled across the white-haired youth standing aside with his hands behind his back, and the six youths who surrounded him.

“I am holding this banquet today to tell you that my Dragon King is back!”

The smile on Wang Xian’s face slowly disappeared, and his tone was flat: “In addition, in Jiangcheng, don’t provoke me or bother me!”



When Wang Xian finished speaking, the atmosphere of the entire banquet hall changed instantly.

Murderous aura in the air instantly!

The members of the Dragon Gate behind Wang Xian instantly attacked the six youths of the Ming Wang Xianmen.

The sudden eruption made the faces of the six people who were caught off guard showed a look of horror.

“Puff puff puff!”


The sound of four daggers penetrating, two terrifying clashes.

Everyone was completely stunned, watching this scene with horror on their faces.

The four core disciples of Ming Wang Xianmen were directly penetrated by the dagger, and the other two thin youths and girls survived the catastrophe when they reached the infant stage.

However, the two have been hit hard.

The obvious Feng, who pointed at Wang Xian, froze, and his eyes were full of fear with an arrogant face. He looked down at his chest.

Some are unbelievable, some are desperate!

“You… how dare you?”

Obviously Feng’s expression was a little distorted, and the three young people on the side looked desperate and couldn’t believe it.

They dare to kill themselves!

“I want you to die!”

Next to him, the white-haired middle-aged man who was looking at him coldly saw his son and saw the core disciple of Xianmen being directly penetrated by a dagger, his face changed drastically.

He roared, his hair stood up, and the dazzling white light filled the whole banquet hall.

Around, all Jiangcheng world warriors were horrified and trembling.

What the hell is this?

The Dragon King is not going to join the fairy gate, but…but today he wants to warn everyone, including those in the fairy gate.

Provoke my fate!


At this moment, a penetrating sound came.

Everyone quickly turned their heads and stared at them in horror.

A white shadow appeared behind Elder Ming, and the arm of the shadow directly penetrated Elder Ming’s chest.

Around, the dazzling white light quickly dimmed, and the white shadow behind him disappeared.

Elder Ming opened his eyes wide and looked down at the position of his chest.

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