Chapter 724 Longmen Banquet 1 (third!)



Feng Lingtian and Feng Jinqing swiftly flew into the main hall of Huangtianxian Gate, looked at their cyan figures standing there with their backs, and immediately shouted.

Feng Lingtian tightened his broken clothes tightly, slightly embarrassed.

“Ha ha!”

The middle-aged slowly turned around and looked at his son, with a slightly abusive look in his eyes, with a smile in his mouth.


Feng Lingtian looked at his father’s expression, his face flushed a little, and he walked over directly: “Father, lend me your Promise Cyan fan tomorrow!”

“What are you doing for it!”

The middle-aged still looked at him with a smile.

“Father, you didn’t see it!”

Feng Lingtian was slightly embarrassed, and gritted her teeth immediately: “That little witch, little witch, who has made me so embarrassed in the public, I will take a good lesson tomorrow and let him know how powerful her little master is!”

“Well, you are not her opponent to you!”

The middle-aged looked at his son and said with a smile.

His own son, he was never willing to fight once, but was taught twice by a little girl.

But the middle-aged didn’t care. After all, he was beaten by a girl because he was not good at learning.

Moreover, being beaten by a girl is not necessarily a bad thing for his future, and it can also make this kid keep a low profile.

“How come, father, you lend me your Promise Youth Fan, I can train her and let him know how good I am!”

Feng Lingtian clenched his fist, his face was full of fighting spirit for revenge.

“That girl has the strength of a half-step immortal god, and you are not her opponent with the Promise Cyan Fan!”

The middle-aged shook his head.

“What? How could this happen, she was still an infant a year ago!”

Feng Lingtian jumped up immediately, but his face changed drastically when he thought of his being easily abused today.


The middle-aged raised his head slightly and looked ahead: “With the energy emanating from her body, two or three half-step gods are not necessarily her opponents!”

“That girl, it shouldn’t be long before stepping into the realm of immortals!”

“I, I… Damn, isn’t it? She is about to step into the realm of immortals… this, she looks younger than me!”

Feng Lingtian suddenly numbed his scalp and the corners of his mouth trembled: “Doesn’t that mean that I will never be her opponent in the future, and I will always be abused!”

The middle-aged complexion also gradually became serious: “This girl is not easy, and the ten men who followed her are not easy, and I feel that around her, it seems that there are some strong people who are good at hiding guarding her. !”


Feng Lingtian couldn’t help swallowing and spitting, even Feng Jinqing on the side was shocked.

“That Dragon King is not easy. According to his past behavior, don’t be an enemy with him!”

The middle-aged said lightly.

Feng Jinqing nodded in agreement.

“Isn’t it that I really want to take her to play with us tomorrow?”

Feng Lingtian was crying, and when he thought of her, he felt as if he was beating with a whip, and couldn’t help shaking.

“Ha ha!”

The middle-aged smiled, and his body slowly disappeared.


Feng Lingtian cried out in grief.

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Lingtian had no choice but to bite the bullet and head to the restaurant where Xiaoyu lived like an aggrieved little wife.

Don’t dare not come, knowing that she is so terrifying that she is even about to be promoted to the realm of immortal gods, he has now changed from wanting to resist to to please the little witch, so that she will not beat herself in the future.

As a result, the people of Huangtiancheng saw that in the early morning, their prince was standing beside a young girl with a smile like a little milk dog, taking her to eat various delicacies.

This surprised everyone in Huang Tiancheng.

But thinking of what happened last night, the expressions on everyone’s faces are wonderful.

Their prince has really become a little slave.

And while Xiaoyu was playing in Huangtianxianmen, Jiangcheng also had a big event.

This incident caught everyone in Jiangcheng by surprise.

Jiangcheng is no longer the same Jiangcheng before.

Some changes have also taken place in Jiangcheng’s aristocratic family.

After Jiuding appeared, all the warriors on the rivers and lakes basically joined the immortal gate.

Once a large part of Huangtianxian gate joined, but some weak Huangtianxian gate did not accept it.

Most of Jiang Cheng’s family strengths are relatively weak, and they are not qualified to join the Huangtian Immortal Gate.

Therefore, after other immortal gates appeared, some joined the Mingwang immortal gate, some joined the puppet fairy gate, and some other immortal gates.

After each tripod appeared, after four or five months of disputes, one tripod acquiesced in occupying one area.

This caused Jiangcheng to belong to Huang Ding’s sphere of influence, and those Jiangcheng families who had joined other immortal gates moved directly and moved to other cities.

There are also aristocratic warriors from other places who moved to Jiangcheng because they joined the Mingwang Immortal Gate and Puppet Immortal Gate.

In short, the current Jiangcheng is no longer the previous Jiangcheng.

However, there are still many Jiangcheng worlds that were still in this Jiangcheng.

This morning, an invitation was sent to all the families.

When they saw the three words Longmen Yan, many warriors showed shocked expressions on their faces.

“Longmen Banquet, the Dragon King is back?”

“The Dragon King is back, the king of Jianghu, the king of Jiangcheng is back!”

Everyone was stunned, looking at the invitation in their hands.

They are all warriors who have seen the rise and dominance of the Dragon Gate, and they have seen the domineering and invincible dragon king.

“What is the Dragon King’s banquet for Jiangcheng’s family and warriors? What is it going to do? Announcing his return and swearing on Jiangcheng’s sovereignty!”

“The Dragon King is back, let people prepare immediately, and pass by on time today, and the once king is back!”

“Now here is the world of the Mingwang fairy gate and the puppet fairy gate. What does this dragon king want to do? Does it want to compete with the Mingwang fairy gate and the puppet fairy gate? It’s just a whimsical!”

“The once king, after all, is the once king, it has become a thing of the past. What kind of waves does this dragon king want to make?”

“I have to admit that the former Dragon Gate was overwhelmed by the Dragon King and the entire rivers and lakes couldn’t breathe, but now, compared with the fairy gate, it is too far behind!”

The eyes of the family warriors who received the invitations flickered.

In today’s world where the fairy gate is king, there are probably not many who can recognize the dragon king of the dragon gate.

Even, many warriors dismissed it.

At this time, in the temporary base of Puppet Xianmen Jiangcheng, about ten puppet Xianmen disciples stood in a room with desperate faces.

Around, several elders were sitting there with a gloomy look on their faces.

In their territory, someone dared to abolish ten of their disciples!

Damn it!

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