Chapter 699 Turning the sky upside down 6 (third more!)


The corpse of the demon boy fell towards the sea and landed on the bottom of the sea.

When Wang Xian moved into the ocean, the surrounding wicked monsters disappeared, and Ao Qitian and Ao Jian entered the ocean closely.

“Unfortunately, it’s not one of those two middle-aged strangers!”

Standing on the bottom of the sea, Wang Xian looked at the corpse, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

“But don’t worry. With Ao Yao there, the ambush and assassination can be almost 100% successful, even if the opponent is a middle-ranked fairy!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, the space ring in the hand of the demon boy flew into his hand.

“There are so many treasures.”

Wang Xian was a little surprised, a blood-red dagger, three in total, plus the two thrown out just now, five in total.

All five are thirteen-level daggers, extremely sharp.

After colliding with their spirit swords just now, a gap appeared directly on his five spirit swords.

In addition to the five thirteen-level daggers, there are also many metal materials, all of which are thirteenth-level.

There are very few medicinal herbs, only some healing herbs.

In this world, it is obvious that there are more materials for spirit artifacts, and various spirit grasses are relatively rare.

There is no pill, and there is no alchemist in this world.

“Go, let’s change positions.”

Wang Xian put the corpse into the space ring, and said to Ao Jian and Ao Qitian.


Ao Jian and Ao Qitian nodded.

“I’m afraid they will know the disappearance of the demon boy soon. I don’t know when it will happen…”

Wang Xian murmured, with a cold color in his eyes.

The disappearance of an immortal god will definitely make them feel terrified.

After all, the death of a thousand infants is not as good as the fall of a fairy god.

“Next, they should act together, and another assassination will be a bit troublesome. Then, before they find it, kill one!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and he looked around.

“Time is pressing. The most obvious thing is the position on the left. There is a fairy among the black strange birds in the sky. Unfortunately, it is not the two middle-aged monsters, but it is a waste of time to find the two middle-aged monsters. , And there may be accidents!”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows slightly, and flew towards the left with a movement.

It stopped when it was ten kilometers away from the immortal god.

Immortal-level induction is very scary, and can sense some abnormal movements within a radius of ten kilometers, unless it is hidden in advance.

But there are tens of thousands of black strange birds in the sky, and the chance of being discovered is a little high.

“Stay in ambush in the place she has searched. With the vigilance of the people in Yuding World, after learning that the monster boy was killed, they will definitely choose the safest route to go back!”

“And the road she walked just now is definitely the safest path in her opinion. There is only a 50% chance of an ambush when she comes back, but you can give it a try!”

Wang Xian’s eyes swept across the area where the evil woman passed by in the sky, and slowly came to the bottom of the sea, waiting quietly.

Waiting for the woman to return.

He was not sure whether the woman would follow this path, but he could only take a gamble.

Yu Ding’s world is not very big. At the speed of the immortal gods, once he is discovered by hands, it may take less than a minute, and all the immortals will rush over.

Within a minute, Wang Xian was sure to assassinate one fairy god, but he would definitely be locked in by the other four gods.

At present, with the strength of two middle-aged people, even if it is four to four, they don’t have the slightest winning percentage.

The two middle-aged gods are middle-level gods, and Ao Jian and Ao Qitian can barely contend with them when they are united. Obviously, Ao Yao can’t deal with the two.

In the case of four to four, they are likely to be beheaded.

He can’t take risks, he will only do it with perfect preparation.

“You are ready around, once you enter our range, open the formation, if you are a little far away from us, give up!”

Wang Xian reminded the wicked monsters around him.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The four wicked monsters holding the jade plate of formation nodded, came to the surface of the sea, and waited quietly.

“A fairy god level existence, trying to kill one is too hard!”

Wang Xian sighed slightly, standing in the ocean converging his mind.

Time slowly passed, and a group of fairy gods in all directions were searching carefully.

Their search range is very wide and very fast, with puppets and black strange birds, they can search a range of nearly 20 kilometers in a single time.

“You can find any clues!”

Two hours later, there was a voice from the north, and the voice resounded throughout the world of Yu Ding.



A cold and charming voice sounded, and they frowned and scanned the surroundings.

Yu Ding World said it was not big enough, but it was not too small, even if they were fairy gods, it would be more difficult to search every corner.

“Young demon, how about you!”

At this time, at the end of Yuding World in the north, Xuejian frowned and shouted again when he heard the response from the less demon.

His voice resounded in the entire Yu Ding world again.

The Snow Demon and the Evil Enchantress also raised their eyebrows, and stood where they were with their eyes gleaming.

“Young demon!”

For more than ten seconds, there was still no reply, which caused Blood Arrow to be taken aback for a moment, growl in a low voice, and shout again.

“No, let’s go back to the island first!”

Still did not respond, Xue Yao’s face changed suddenly and shouted loudly.


The evil woman also felt a numb scalp.

Young Demon unexpectedly lost contact, and lost contact, the result is very likely to be killed.

“The old pervert Young Demon is stronger than my strength!”

The evil woman’s eyes flickered, and her eyes were full of vigilance.

When she moved, she returned to the original path at a terrifying speed, and she didn’t even bring the black grotesque around her.


With a wave of her arm, the human skull staff appeared directly in her hand, and the magic energy around her body condensed into a powerful defense.

With her vigilance, she didn’t set foot in an area that hadn’t been searched just now, but returned on the same path.


When Wang Xian heard the sound, he held his mind and saw the evil woman with a vigilant face, even laying a defense around him, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

“Really vigilant, but also because of your vigilance, it cost you your life!”

Wang Xian quietly looked at the woman who was flying over, and said softly, “Do it!”


For an instant, the figure of the woman appeared above them.

At this moment, the hidden formation was opened instantly.

Wang Xian and Ao Jian and Ao Qitian attacked at the same time.

All things are in an instant.

The terrifying attack of the three of them changed the face of the woman in the sky.

“Oops, they are ambushing me, come here quickly!”

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