Chapter 696 Turning the sky upside down 3 (Fifth!)


At the bottom of the sea, a terrifying aura exuded, which was directly blocked by Ao Jian and Ao Qitian and Wang Xian on the side.

Ao Yao, sitting on the bottom of the ground, exudes light power, and his whole body is milky white.

The treacherous demon after cultivating the Light Dragon Transformation is more terrifying than ever.

Unlike Sun Lingxiu, because he is a doctor, Sun Lingxiu is more powerful in bright treatment.

The wicked demon clan uses the concealment of light to the extreme.

The 1.5-meter-long Ao Yao’s arm shone with light, gradually covering it with white scales.

On the paws, dots of white light flickered, making the paws look very penetrating!


Suddenly, Ao Yao’s body disappeared from their sight, even if it was Wang Xian and the others, they couldn’t sense the existence of creatures there.

When Wang Xian moved his arm, a water sword fell there, and the water sword fell directly on the bottom of the sea.


“Dragon King!”

At this time, Ao Yao’s body emerged, appearing in a side position.

He was dressed in a white leather coat, completely concealing his figure, the dim light energy, he could not see his true face at all.

The force is very high.

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed: “Ao Yao, it seems that your concealment has increased a lot. How sure is it to assassinate a fairy god of the same level!”

“Thirty percent, sure about thirty percent!”

Ao Yao hesitated and said.

“Is it 30%?”

Wang Xian frowned slightly.

“When I attack, I will show my body shape, and when I want to assassinate a person, there must be killing intent or killing intent. The immortal god level can sense it. Once I hit the opponent without serious damage, basically You can’t kill the opponent!”

Ao Yao replied.

“Yes, 30%, it’s already very scary!”

Wang Xian nodded. Immortal gods are not so easy to kill. There is a 30% chance that it is already a very scary thing.

No matter how strong the hiding is, if the strong immortal god is prepared, it will be able to reflect it.

Moreover, in a special way, Ao Yao can still be forced to manifest itself.

“Thirty percent is enough!”

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes. He didn’t want Ao Yao to assassinate the fairy alone.

Instead, Ao Yao unexpectedly assassinated them during their siege.

This can make the success rate reach 70% or even 90%.

“It’s dawn, the world will start to boil!”

Wang Xian looked up at the sky, the heavy rain was still falling, but the sky was already bright.

However, at this moment, there are two islands in the center of Yuding World.

The two islands are not very big, with two peaks about 100 meters above them.

Black trees grow on the entire island, and black strange birds are flying in the sky.

“More than a thousand slaying members have been selected. Next, Lord Immortal will train them individually and teach them an assassination technique!”

“I really envy them. As a powerful organization jointly established by our two immortal gates, Nether Killer will surely become famous in the future, and it will be a powerful force in the world!”

“Hehe, we are also very good to follow Lord Immortal God!”

“Killing is the most exciting thing. It’s too boring to be next to Lord Immortal God. I like the face of the weak begging for mercy and horrified under me, Jie Jie!”

Two figures appeared in the sky. They stood on two five-meter-sized black strange birds and came to the top of a small island.

This is an uninhabited island. To be precise, all the people who once lived on this island have been beheaded.

The small island is located in the middle of the six islands.

“Huh? What about people? What about the members of Nether Killer? Why haven’t they come yet?”

“It’s nine o’clock now, but we asked them to wait here at eight o’clock!”

The two old men standing on the black strange bird showed sullen expressions on their faces.

They are the celebrities who are following Lord Immortal God, how dare these people who slay in the dark defy them?

“No, it’s impossible that all the members of the slaying will not come. Did we notify the wrong time yesterday?”

An old man frowned slightly.

“The time is not wrong, let’s go to Lianshang Island to see!”

The other old man made a calm face and pointed in one direction, and the black strange bird sitting down immediately flew over.

An old man next to him also followed closely behind.

When they came to the sky above Lianshang Island, their eyes swept down, everything is as usual.

Some pedestrians on the street…

“Huh, right…”

The old man swept his eyes and found that weapons shops and pill shops were closed.

“Ah, it’s not good, Lord Moqian, they were killed!”

At this moment, from the central location, an exclamation came, resounding half of the island.


The expressions of the two old men changed drastically, and their figures moved directly towards the location of the medicine garden.

When they saw the five old men lying in the room, their faces showed embarrassment.

“A fatal blow, how can they be killed by a single blow with their strength, unless someone they are more familiar with has a chance!”

An old man saw the scars of the corpse on the ground and the puppet lying on the side.

There is no sign of struggling or fighting, his face is embarrassed and analyzed.

He turned his head and stared fiercely at the middle-aged man on the side.

“My lord, it’s not me. I want to enter the medicine garden to sort out the spirit grass, but they agree that the villain is not qualified to go in without the master of Moqian. After shouting for a long time without answering, the villain knocks on the door, and the door opens directly. arrive…”

The middle-aged man said with trepidation, his face full of sweat.

Seeing the middle-aged look, the two old men already had judgment in their hearts.

With the immortal gods ordering the prohibition of killing, no one dares to offend the immortal gods’ majesty.

“Go to the pharmacy!”

An old man’s heart moved and he flew directly to the sky above the medicine garden. When he saw the empty medicine garden inside, his face suddenly became embarrassed.

“Someone came to snatch the medicine garden. It’s really bold and looking for death!”

The old man shouted angrily.

“It’s not good, the treasurer of Qianqifang was killed!”

At this moment, a panicked voice suddenly came from the street not far away.

The old man’s expression changed, only then did he think of the fact that all the members of Nether Killer had not been there, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.


The two old men moved and flew directly towards the street.

“Who, who killed my father!”

Suddenly, another angry voice came, making the faces of the two old men suddenly embarrassed.

“Let’s go to the shop first!”

The two old men looked at each other and immediately came to the sky above the shop.

The people passing by below looked inside with amazement.

The two old men entered directly and saw an old man lying on the ground, with a child puppet beside him.

All the artifacts in the shop have disappeared!

“No one should move the body, don’t enter it!”

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