Chapter 693 Demon Realm Next (Second!)

“Dead puppet?”

Wang Xian looked at Ao Yao in surprise, and asked in surprise.

“Yes, Dragon King, they can control the corpse, sacrifice the corpse, and make the corpse their own subordinates and weapons!”

Ao Yao replied.

“So, those two middle-aged monsters are from Jade Hand Immortal Sect and Shikui Dao!”

Wang Xian asked with blinking eyes.

“Yes, there are six fairy gods in this world, and each fairy gate has three!”

Ao Yao said solemnly.


A dignified look flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and the six immortals, if all of them were to be used, would have been able to kill them.

However, they are in the dark, and the enemy is in the light.

“How many islands are there in total here?”

Wang Xian looked into the distance and asked in a deep voice.

“There are a total of eight islands where humans live. The two largest islands in the center are the islands where the Immortal Gate of Jade Hand and the Immortal God Shikui live!”

Ao Yao reported to Wang Xianhui.

“So, the rest of the people live on the other six islands!”

The corners of Wang Xian’s mouth curled up slightly: “Go, let’s go over and take a look!”

“Dragon King, these are their clothes in this world. Both men and women will protect themselves very well!”

Ao Yao took out several black and blood-red clothes, which were similar to those of the middle-aged demon.

“The blood-red clothes represent the Jade Hand Immortal Gate, and the black clothes represent the corpse Kui Dao!”

“Just right!”

Wang Xian looked at the clothes and draped them directly on his body. Ao Qitian also wrapped a piece of clothing around himself, revealing only two eyes.


With a move, Wang Xian flew towards an island in front of him.

Next to him, Ao Jian and Ao Qitian left and right. As for the clan of treacherous monsters, they completely concealed their figures.

“It’s about the same as ancient times!”

Wang Xian all came to the edge of an island, looking forward, the ancient buildings.

The entire island is about thirty or forty miles in size, with a street in the center and shops around it.

There are not many people in the street, most of them are wearing blood red and black clothes, and only a few are wearing white clothes.

White means that the two immortal gates have not been added.

When he came to the street, he found that it was very quiet, and the people around seldom spoke.

Stepping on the black stone brick gives people an uncomfortable feeling.

Wang Xian looked at the surrounding shops, saw a weapon shop, gestured towards Ao Qitian and Ao Jian, and walked inside.

As soon as he entered the store, Wang Xian saw a woman in revealing clothes standing by the door.

The woman’s face was extremely pale and her face was beautiful, but Wang Xian couldn’t feel the slightest vitality from her body.

His face changed slightly, this was a puppet, a dead man.

“See for yourself what you want!”

At this moment, a cold voice came from inside.

“Veteran, have you built this young master’s weapon?”

At this moment, there was a arrogant voice outside, and the young man in blood-red clothes slightly raised his head and walked in. Behind him were two middle-aged people, exuding a strong evil spirit.

He was only dressed in a blood-red robe, his face was not obstructed at all, showing his specialness.

“Master Xue, the spirit weapon has been built for you!”

An old man inside stood up, with a smile on his face, took out a delicate box and placed it on the table.


Wang Xian looked at the box and narrowed his eyes slightly. The grade 12 material was actually grade 12 material.

The young man walked over and directly opened the box, and a black long sword was directly held in his hand.

“Not bad!”

A satisfied look appeared on the young man’s face: “It’s worthy of the hand of the grandmaster, here, one hundred pill-level blood coagulation pills!”

A jade bottle was thrown over, and the old man opened it and looked at it, with a delighted expression on his face: “Master Xue, after doing the last day of business today, we won’t do it!”

“Oh? Why don’t you do it, Yu Ding is about to appear, and the supply of fine weapons is in short supply!”

The young man looked at the old man curiously.

“Master Xue, after Yu Ding appeared, this blood clotting pill is worthless, and my materials are worthy!”

The old man said with a smile.


“When our Jiuding emerges, it will be when we are in the world of cholera. The Master Immortal, the young master of the blood slaying, should have the strength to join in!”

“That’s natural, Yu Ding is now in this world, and the deadly killing is shaking the sky, Jiejie, when the sky is high, we will fly!”

The young man and the old man talked unscrupulously, especially the blood-clothed young man, with a proud look on his face.

When Wang Xian heard their conversation, the red and blue light in his eyes scanned the surroundings.

A trace of shock and killing intent flashed past.

The spirit tools on the surrounding walls were all made using crude methods.

Level twelve materials to create level eleven weapons.

This is not the art of refining at all, but the art of ironing.

And in this weapon shop, there are more than a dozen level twelve spiritual weapons.

These are all 13-level materials. If you understand the formation method, you can create a fairy artifact.

And what made Wang Xian full of killing intent was the blood clotting pill in the jade bottle.

The so-called blood clotting pill is not a pill.

It is a pill made by condensing the flesh and blood of living beings and even humans with a special method.

Taking this blood clotting pill can naturally increase energy.

“No wonder there are not the slightest creatures in the ocean of the island. It turns out that all of them have been refined into blood clotting pills!”

“It’s really a crazy world!”

There was a trace of coldness in Wang Xian’s eyes, and with a wave of his arm, the door of the shop was directly closed.


The old man and the young man were taken aback, their eyes immediately turned to Wang Xian.

“Who told you to close the door!”

The young man snorted and slowly pulled out the spirit sword: “An ordinary disciple, who’s subordinate!”

Wang Xian slowly lifted his hat off and waved his arms at the two middle-aged people behind the young man.


A flame fell on the two of them, making them silent.

The youth and the old saw Wang Xian’s attack, their expressions changed: “Flame, fire attributes, who are you?”’


At this moment, the puppet woman who had been standing at the door suddenly pulled out a dagger from her hand and stabbed it fiercely.

With Dan-level attack power, this puppet is a Dan-level powerhouse.

Ao Jian pointed his finger, and a metal long sword directly shattered her head.

“Metallic, you are not people in our world!”

Seeing Ao Jian’s attack, the old man looked terrified.

Yuding world, there are no fire and metal cultivators, only magic and water attributes!

“Do you know these two people?”

Wang Xian stared at them coldly, and with a wave of his arm, two images of middle-aged strangers appeared in the void!

“This is!”

The two of them swept away their gazes, their faces suddenly became gloomy, and they stared at them with blinking gazes.

“Who is this?”

With a wave of his arm, Ao Qitian’s hair-filled palm directly pinched the necks of the young and old, and asked sternly.

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