Chapter 683: Slaughter the Immortals and Slaughter Gods (Second!)

“Dragon King, the strength of this big snake should be close to that of a middle-ranked immortal, and Ao Qitian alone cannot win it.”

In the ocean, Prime Minister Turtle watched Ao Qitian’s battle with the snake, his eyes flickering and said.

“Dragon King, let me go, if I join forces with Ao Qitian, we will definitely be able to kill him!”

Ao Jian, who was standing on the side, asked Wang Xian for his orders.


Wang Xian nodded slowly and looked at the top of the island: “I hope the two fairy gods don’t do anything, otherwise…”

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.


At this moment, the Ao sword on the side moved, and the long sword in his hand stabbed at the big snake several kilometers away. A thousand-meter horrible metal sword pierced the void and attacked instantly.


The big snake who was fighting with Ao Qitian saw the terrifying metal edge that came in an instant, and his face changed slightly.

With a wave of his arm, the sea water below instantly condensed a defensive water shield.

However, unprepared, the terrifying Jianmang still made him vomit blood!

“There is another fairy god level existence!”

The big snake vomited blood and his face instantly sank.

“Today, I will take your blood as a memorial service!”

Ao Jiandi’s figure appeared on Ao Qitian’s side, without the slightest expression on his face.

“Two fairy gods, which power are you!”

The sea behind Da Snake rose to a height of 100 meters, and was motionless behind him, attacking and defending at any time, scanning Ao Jian and Ao Qitian with a calm face.

“The force that takes your life!”

Ao Jian said coldly, the long sword in his hand trembled, and behind the big snake, a kilometer long sword attacked him without making a sound.

Da Snake’s face changed drastically, and a demon monkey had already made him feel a bit tricky, and now there was another fairy god who was no weaker than the demon monkey.

When are there so many immortals? To know the fairy gods of the entire subcontinent, there are no less than the number of hands!

“We have no grievances and no grudges. If you want to cultivate on the bottom of the sea, I will let you do it!”

Da Snake waved his hands, and the whole person was surrounded by the azure blue water, which was 100 meters thick!

“Kill me more than a hundred dolphins. Today, I will take the blood of your fairy god to come to pay memorial service!”

A golden metal sword appeared behind Ao Jian, densely packed long swords covering a radius of one thousand meters.

“What? Killed you more than a hundred dolphins?”

When Da Snake heard him, his eyes widened, and his face was embarrassed and roared.

More than a hundred dolphins?

That’s just more than a hundred dolphins, you fucking will kill a god.

Even if the snake lived for more than two hundred years, it was the first time he heard such a ridiculous thing.

To fight against the gods for more than a hundred dolphins?

Around, the red-masked old man and the two-headed woman with bright plums watching the play were also slightly astonished!

“Yes, kill our people and die!”


Thousands of swords are sent together!

Ao Qitian roared, with a violent aura, raised the metal stick in his hand, carrying the magic energy, and slammed it directly.

Da Snake’s face changed drastically, and with a wave of his hands, he held up a thousand-meter defense.

“A bunch of lunatics, Laozi won’t play with you anymore!”

Da Snake’s face changed wildly, and when he moved his figure, he was about to flee away.

“Can you escape!”

Ao Qitian roared, his body moved, and he passed a scary wave trace, his body was in front of the big snake, and his blood-red eyes were staring at him.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, a long sword pierced towards the snake’s chest silently.



“Damn it!”

Da Snake’s face changed drastically. He looked down and saw the hole in his chest that had been pierced without interest, his face was extremely gloomy!

The flesh and blood on his body squirmed, and the wound quickly recovered.

“The big snake can’t escape!”

“If we don’t do it, the serpent may fall!”

Yanmei’s two-headed woman and the old man in the red mask looked at each other, her eyes flickering.

“Snake, give me the Nine Spirit Snake Gallbladder you cultivated, and I can save your life!”

Yanmei’s two-headed woman glanced at each other with a sly smile on her face.

“I want all the sites of your Yin Snake Group!”

The old man in the red mask also said with a smile on his face.


Da Snake’s face changed drastically, gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

“Haha, okay, two people, it’s for our face, let’s forget about this matter!”

The old man in the red mask showed a smile on his face, his body was shocked, and the overwhelming aura burst out in an instant.

In the sky, those clouds turned into fiery red directly, containing terrifying flames!

“We have saved the life of the serpent. So, your more than one hundred dolphins, if they die, they will die!”

The face of Yanmei’s two-headed woman began to blur, and the almost collapsing island below hung directly.

The islands of several kilometers in size were directly controlled by her, the powerhouse of the fairy god level, really ruined the world!

“Sure enough, let’s do it!”

In the ocean, Wang Xian standing on the Kun heard the other two foreign immortals move their hands, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

“Dragon King, old minister, come and move your body!”

Prime Minister Tortoise smiled, and stretched out his hand to take the tortoise shell off his back.

An earth-yellow light shone on the turtle shell.

“In that case, all three will stay!”

Wang Xian’s eyes were cold and his figure moved.


A dragon chant came from Wang Xian’s mouth, and the dragon chant exuded terrifying majesty.

The tortoise shell in the hands of Prime Minister Tortoise radiated light, and he attacked the two-headed woman directly.

“Boom boom boom!”

Standing in the sky, the red-masked old man and the two-headed woman with red masks exuding a horrible aura were all released, staring at Ao Jian and Ao Qitian threateningly.

However, there was a force that frightened them, and their faces changed slightly.

“There are fairy gods!”


The faces of the two changed drastically.

“Crazy lunatic, just killed you more than a hundred dolphins, you have dispatched four immortals, what kind of power are you!”

Yanmei double-headed women let out a sharp roar and made a sharp noise.

“Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian rushed out of the water, opened his mouth, and attacked the red masked old man with a blue water sword.


At the same time, the tortoise shell of Prime Minister tortoise exudes a rich earthy yellow light, and the island suspended in mid-air for a radius of five kilometers collapses directly, and the mud on it attacks towards the two-headed woman with plum blossoms.

“You lunatics, get out of here!”

Yanmei’s two-headed woman moved her body, opened her two sides, and waved her arms to directly disperse the island.

“Boom boom boom!”

And in the sky, on the fiery red clouds, a terrifying fireball directly fell, facing the azure blue water sword!

“Laozi’s men just killed you more than a hundred dolphins, don’t deceive others too much!”

The snake saw a total of four immortals, with a hideous look on his face, and roared violently.

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