Chapter 677 Dolphin Princess (First!)

The ocean is vast and rich in resources.

According to legend, there are immortal islands in the ocean, and immortals live in them.

From ancient times to the present, the ocean is full of mystery and color.

And one day before, a pink yacht in the ocean moved slowly aimlessly.

The melodious musical instruments sounded around, the sound lingered, and the sound of the sea was completely integrated, crisp and melodious.

At the top of the pink yacht, a girl in a white skirt stands on the second deck of the yacht.

In front of her, a beautiful guqin is floating.

The melodious music sounded from her guqin, and she looked around the yacht with a smile on her face.

There, hundreds of dolphins rolled with the yacht, and dolphins jumped out of the sea from time to time, looking in the direction of the girl.

“Since our lady rescued this group of dolphins from the orcas a few days ago, they have been following the lady, and the number has increased to several hundred.”

“Look, the pink dolphins, and the white ones, they are so cute and beautiful!”

“That is a pink-nosed dolphin, and the white one is a Chinese white dolphin. They are relatively rare dolphins in the world!”

“These dolphins also know how to be grateful and have been following the lady, and they also jump out to look at the lady from time to time. It’s so cute!”

In the lower position, four or five girls stood on the deck, staring at these dolphins with bright eyes.


At this moment, beside the yacht, a pink dolphin suddenly jumped out of the ocean.

The two-meter-sized dolphin suddenly jumped more than a dozen meters high and jumped towards the girl on the second floor.

“Ling Ling!”

Guqin’s voice stopped abruptly, and the girl looked at the pink-nosed dolphin jumping in surprise.

It jumped more than ten meters and came to the girl’s side.

The girl flicked her finger on the guqin, and a cloud of sea water appeared in front of her to wrap the pink-nosed dolphin and hover in mid-air.


The pink-nosed dolphin opened its mouth, and a special sound came from its mouth.

“Huh? What are you talking about? Are you taking me to a place?”

The girl looked at the pink-nosed dolphin in surprise, and reached out to touch her head.


The sound of the dolphin is ultrasound, but at this moment, it seems to be able to express something, very mysterious.

The girl was also very surprised. The dolphin jumped more than ten meters high, and it was very strange to talk to her.

“Follow you?”

The girl listened to the voice with a surprised look on her face.

The dolphin nodded cleverly, stirring his pectoral fins on both sides, wanting to come down!

The girl nodded, flicking her finger gently, and the dolphin fell into the sea.


Several pink-nosed dolphins and Chinese white dolphins in the sea raised their heads to look at her and swam to one side.

Hundreds of dolphins swim in front.

“Follow the dolphins!”

The girl’s nice voice spread below.

“It’s Miss!”

Below, several maids responded immediately, and the yacht began to turn around, following behind the group of dolphins.

“How can these dolphins be so smart, I can understand some of the sound waves they make, and what do they tell me to follow?”

The girl in the white skirt showed a surprised look, if Wang Xian was here, she would be able to recognize it.

Tang Yinxuan at Tianyinmen.

However, after Tianyinmen was destroyed, Tang Yinxuan returned home and no longer asked about the affairs of the rivers and lakes.

Even if there was a spiritual waterfall on the rivers and lakes, she did not enjoy this opportunity in the past.

Feeling boring, she brought a few maids to the sea to relax.

A few days ago, a group of dolphins was rescued from the mouth of a group of killer whales and their injuries were treated. The group of dolphins has been following it.

Moreover, to her amazement, this group of dolphins are very smart and even a little powerful.

Able to jump more than ten meters high, not weaker than a level four or five warrior.

“These beaches know Entubao, they are very simple and lovely, but I can live with them in the sea for a while!”

With a faint smile on Tang Yinxuan’s face, her hands were placed on the guqin, and the melodious sound of the guqin sounded again.


At this moment, the dolphins in the ocean seemed to respond, making Tang Yinxuan smile happily.

What I didn’t notice, however, was that when the group of dolphins were making sounds, the sea around them was going against the waves.

Dolphins are actually very smart creatures in the ocean. The dolphins in the Dragon Palace area have learned how to practice after a sermon.

Even some dolphins with good chances and peculiarities already possess some strength.

The entire ocean has undergone some changes after the Dragon King preached.


At this moment, Tang Yinxuan suddenly felt a surge of spiritual energy, she quickly raised her head and looked forward, her eyes full of surprise.

In the distant sky, white spiritual energy descended from the sky, like milky white energy, falling towards an island.

The entire island is completely covered by the gas, and even the surrounding sea area is covered by several kilometers.

The whole area is like a sea wonderland, a fairy island in the legend.

“This…this is the Reiki Waterfall, and there is a Reiki Waterfall here!”

Tang Yinxuan opened her mouth slightly, a look of shock on her delicate face.


At this time, the sound of the dolphin came, and several pink-nosed dolphins turned their heads to look at her.

“I’ll go first!”

Tang Yinxuan hesitated for a few seconds, leaped in her guqin figure, and flew towards the sea.


A dolphin showed his back, meaning obviously opinions.

Tang Yinxuan smiled, and fell on it: “Thank you, little cute!”


There was a happy sound from the dolphins under him, and hundreds of dolphins led Tang Yinxuan to swim below the Lingqi Waterfall.

As soon as they entered the area covered by the Reiki Waterfall, a group of dolphins jumped for joy.


At this time, Tang Yinxuan found that there were hundreds of dolphins around here.

Several pink-nosed dolphins and Chinese white dolphins are like their leaders, surrounded by a crowd of dolphins.


“Are you saying let me go with you?”


“Okay, then you take me down!”


Two pink-nosed dolphins swam to Tang Yinxuan’s side, and suddenly spit out a blister from the mouth, which surrounded her head.

“I don’t need you, I will do it myself!”

Tang Yinxuan smiled when she saw this situation. She had cultivated water attributes, and it would be fine if she entered the sea for two or three days.

Tang Yinxuan was also very happy to see hundreds of cute dolphins surrounding him.

With this simple creature, you can forget any troubles and unpleasantness! !

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