Chapter 631 Endless Wood and Nirvana (third more!)


In a luxurious villa in Guangxi Province, a woman sighed slightly, and a guqin was placed in front of him, watching the 30 or so Longmen disciples leaving with a horrible aura, a little lost.

“Daughter, thank you, thank you for avoiding this crisis, thank you for knowing the Dragon King!”

On the side, Tang Jiuchao, the richest man in Guangxi Province, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with some shock.

“Tianyinmen was destroyed!”

Tang Yinxuan stared at the guqin in his hand with a complex face, full of sadness.

“The weak and the strong eat, look at Yinxuan!”

Tang Jiuchao slowly said: “Tianyinmen participated in the eradication of the Dragon Gate. Now that the Dragon King returns, he will naturally use his own way to heal his body, and the weak will feed on the strong!”

“Fortunately, you didn’t participate in it, and you didn’t have much to do with you. The middle-aged man knew you, so he let you go!”

Tang Yinxuan smiled bitterly, shook her head slowly, and gently played a sad song.


When Ao Jian took a group of dragon people to avenge, Wang Xian took Xiaoyu and the six girls, took all the corpses, and drove towards the Dragon Palace.

“Xiao Xian, how is Shu Qing now?”

Seeing Wang Xian coming out of Guan Shuqing’s room, a group of women immediately gathered around and asked with concern.

“I will save him!”

Wang Xian took a deep breath, squeezing a smile and said to them.

Shuqing’s injury was much heavier than he thought.

The flame spear directly penetrated her heart. If he hadn’t come in time, protected by a powerful dragon, and because she had the Suzaku bloodline, I’m afraid Shuqing would have died!

But even now, the situation is still not optimistic, and it is very difficult for Wang Xian to restore her.

However, Wang Xian was confident that she would recover.

“Brother, we must save my sister-in-law!”

Xiaoyu took Wang Xian’s arm and said to him.

“Well, don’t worry!”

Wang Xian touched Xiaoyu’s head: “This time, I didn’t protect you!”

“We can’t let you protect us all the time!”

Lan Qingyue looked at Wang Xian and muttered.

She had inherited the top bloodline of the universe and possessed Youyu Zhou’s strongest ability to feed Kun, but because of her slack in her cultivation, her strength was so weak.

If she works hard and encounters this kind of crisis, she can deal with it alone.

“It’s me who is not good, if I practice hard…”

“Qingyue, I didn’t protect you!”

Wang Xian embraced her and said softly: “This kind of thing won’t happen again in the future!”

As he said, he looked at Sun Lingxiu and Ajiaya with a smile on his face.

“Xiaoxian, Sister Lingxiu and Sister Ajiaya are all very nice. Thanks to them this time, we are also very happy together!”

Lan Qingyue put away her emotions, held Wang Xian’s arm, and said softly.

See the truth in adversity!

This time, for the six girls, they had to fight each other for their lives to survive.

Ajiaya, who had been ostracized by them, did not flinch, and Sun Lingxiu, who had always been unknown, did not flinch. This made Lan Qingyue and Guan Shuqing very, very moved!

It is a good thing to have sisters who can be in trouble together like this.

Therefore, when they fought desperately together, Lan Qingyue and Guan Shuqing had already let go of those obsessions in their hearts.

Wang Xian was stunned when he heard Lan Qingyue’s words, followed by a smile, and gently stretched out his arms to hug the two girls in his arms.

A Jiaya and Sun Lingxiu stiffened slightly, followed by a smile on their faces.

“Hehe, good, after Shuqing sister-in-law is done, everything will be complete!”

Xiaoyu watched this scene happily, holding his master’s arm.

“Xiaoxian, where are we going?”

Ajiaya stared at Wang Xian curiously, and asked him.

“You’ll know when you get there, don’t be surprised then!”

Wang Xian smiled at Ajiaya.


At this moment, a water column several hundred meters high suddenly rose in front, and a terrifying behemoth swam towards this side!

The monster in the water is about fifty meters in size, and it swims towards this side at a terrifying speed.

“What monster?”

A Jiaya’s face changed slightly, and she stared at the ocean outside vigilantly.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s Xiaolan!”

Lan Qingyue came to the deck, and slowly paid the kun that was cultivated by the blue whale to the surface of the water, revealing a huge figure.

Now Xiaolan’s figure has reached fifty meters, and it won’t be long before he can advance to the twelfth level.

“Let’s go, let’s go down!”

Wang Xian stopped the yacht, held Guan Shuqing and said to the girls.

A Jiaya followed Wang Xian to the deck with curiosity and surprise, and immediately jumped into the sea.

Diving downwards, when she saw the magnificent Dragon Palace on the bottom of the sea, she had an incredible look on her wide-eyed face.

Like when Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the others arrived for the first time, Ajiaya stared and opened her mouth slightly.

Looking at Ajiaya, who was tall and dressed in red with high heels, Wang Xian felt a little hot in his heart.

Immediately after he turned his head, he looked at Sun Lingxiu and Lan Qingyue.

After entering the world of Yongchang for nearly two months, he was already hungry and thirsty.

If it weren’t for Shuqing’s accident, Wang Xian would have immediately dragged them into the huge dragon bed.

After shaking some thoughts, he entered the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian held Guan Shuqing and walked towards the position of the dragon chair.

When he came to the front, Wang Xian’s heart moved, and the branches of the soul-returning tree in the space ring flew out and flew directly toward the ancestor tree.

On the returning soul branch, tiny soul fruits grew in an instant.

Wang Xian breathed a sigh of relief, ready to walk towards Longchi’s position holding Guan Shuqing.

He wanted to see if the dragon blood in the dragon pond could restore Shuqing!


However, before Wang Xian walked towards the back, there was a trembling sound above the ancestral tree, and a stream of fire suddenly flew towards him.


Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head quickly.

“This is endless wood!”

Wang Xian was stunned, staring closely at the red branch on the ancestral tree.

It is red with red glow, and there seems to be rubies flowing on it.

It was an endless wood, a treasure that Wang Xian obtained in the Fire God Temple, which penetrated his body directly into the Dragon Palace at that time.

Wang Xian didn’t know what function the ancestor tree had, but the soul-returning tree could grow on it.

Only the horrible soul-returning ability of the soul-returning tree made Wang Xian feel that this ancestral tree is extraordinary, and the inexhaustible wood that can be integrated with the ancestral tree must be a very precious existence.

Huo Liu flew towards him and directly landed on Zhongguan Shuqing’s body in his arms.

The flames flowed toward the place where her heart ruptured, and the fiery red energy entered the heart like blood.

Astonishment appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he looked at him with surprise!

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