Chapter 619 Return (First!)

“I am the dragon king of the real world. When Yongchang is born, I remind you to keep a low profile and don’t mess with me!”

“Feng Family, Ao Family, Dong Family, Liang Family… People from your family, come and die!”

Wang Xian’s voice resounded across a radius of tens of kilometers, and his eyes swept across everyone coldly.


At the moment he spoke, a terrifying wave of water surged over the entire water area, and the power of that ruining the world made the faces of the disciples and elders of the three major immortal gates look scared.

Hong Yan stared at Wang Xian and Ao Jian coldly, he didn’t dare to do anything.

There are hundreds of thousands of disciples around, most of whom have not reached the innate realm. If he starts to attack with them, hundreds of thousands of disciples will die in an instant.

This is the foundation of Yongchang World, and he dare not destroy it.

As for the surroundings, everyone was full of sorrow, afraid to speak, staring at the two Wang Xian Ao Jian in the sky with horror, full of fear!

“Feng Family, Ao Family, Dong Family, Liang Family…come out!”

Wang Xian’s faint voice came again, his eyes swept, and no one responded.


With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, the terrifying water rushed directly towards the elders of Zhanxiandao.

“Do not…!”

The expressions of the twenty-odd elders of Zhanxiandao changed drastically, and they fled into the distance in horror.


However, that unmatched terrifying force directly fell on the five elders.

In an instant, annihilated!

Under the terrifying cascade of water rushing into the field, their bodies were completely unable to withstand the terrifying attacks of the immortal gods.

“If I don’t come out again, then I can only kill everyone!”

Wang Xian faintly scanned everyone, and said with cold eyes.

“no no…”

Wang Xian’s words made everyone’s faces look horrified.

Fairy gods, now they are facing fairies!

And there are still two fairy gods, wanting to kill them, it is simply between waving their hands!

“You guys come out quickly, don’t hurt others!”

An elder from Yongchang Immortal Gate shouted with embarrassment.

In this situation, it is clear that the Dragon King wants to kill the people of these families.

Since you angered God, then you have to pay the price!

“No no, don’t kill us, don’t kill us!”

At this time, the Feng Family, Ao Family, and a dozen other families, seeing everyone’s eyes gathered, a look of despair appeared on their faces.

In any case, they did not expect that they would still be beheaded when Lord Hong Yan appeared.

The faces of more than a dozen families showed desperate expressions, and they actually provoke the fairy gods.

This is a fairy!


At this moment, the entire sky was suddenly rendered with fiery red light, which formed a sharp contrast with the blue waters in a radius of ten kilometers.

In the sky above the water, two figures stood in the void like the sun.

“Yaoyang, sun eclipse!”

Hong Yan raised his head, looked at the two figures appearing in the two sky, and faintly shouted.

Two immortals of Yongchang Immortal Gate appeared again.

“Master Yaoyang and Master Yang Eclipse are here, and there are two fairy gods again. We are saved and saved. There are three fairy gods on our side. The Dragon King and Ao Jian, absolutely dare not do anything!”

“Three fairy gods against two, the Dragon King will be unlucky, and the fairy gods of our Yongchang world will come over later, and the Dragon King and Ao Jian will fall to us!”

“The Dragon King and that Ao Jian both have to die!”

When the people of the dozen or so families saw the appearance of the two fairy gods, a look of excitement flashed in their eyes.

There are two more adults here, they don’t have to die!


The two stood in the void staring at Wang Xian and Ao Jian, their eyes were slightly solemn.

“This Dragon King, let it go, don’t make it too stiff!”

A figure stared at Wang Xian and said coldly.

“Haha, I’ll stop after killing someone!”

When Wang Xian saw the arrival of the two immortals, he laughed and waved his arm.

Within the big waterfall water rushing wave, waves of terrifying water rushed towards a personal attack.

Just now, through the eyes of some people, he was able to confirm who belonged to the dozen or so families!

“What? No no, Lord Yaoyang, Lord Yang, save us, save us…”

The disciples of the dozen or so families showed despair on their faces, crying out for help in horror.

Seeing the dragon king continue to attack, the two figures frowned, with a trace of embarrassment on their faces.

They can’t stop it, they can’t stop it.

Around, hundreds of thousands of disciples watched this scene with horror.

Two fairy gods came again, and the Dragon King even dared to make a move. This was simply provoking their entire world of Yongchang!

“Haha, it’s been almost two months since I came to Yongchang, and it’s time to go back, everyone in Yongchang, see you in the real world!”

After the water rushed, Wang Xian laughed again, his eyes swept across the three immortals.


He snorted towards Ao Jian, and the two quickly turned into phantoms and flew towards the east at a terrifying speed.

“Remember my warning, enter the real world, keep a low profile!”

In the sky, the voice of the Dragon King sounded again.

The rushing waves of the big waterfall disappear!

The desperate breath disappeared.

“They went to the East!”

“The formation defense there is the weakest, it seems that they want to go out!”

“Attacking with the current formation will cause them serious injuries at most, and it will not kill them!”

The voices of the three immortals from Yongchang Immortal Gate sounded, and Hong Yan and the three of them stared at the direction they disappeared with a little embarrassment on their faces.

“The formation is broken, they are out!”

After dozens of seconds of silence, the sparks in Hong Yan’s eyes slowly disappeared, and he said in a deep voice.

Yaoyang and Yangsha were slightly silent, and their eyes swept towards the disciples below.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, each figure arrived at a terrifying speed.

“What’s the matter? A fairy-level attack power came from here just now!”

“Hong Yan, what happened!”

The three figures appeared in the void, frowning and asking suspiciously.

“The two fairy gods outside, one named Dragon King and the other named Ao Jian, killed some people!”

Hong Yan said with blinking eyes, and waved to smile!

“Uncle Yan!”

Xiaoxiao flew over and shouted in a low voice.

“Fairies in the real world? Fairies in the real world?”

The three people showed shocked expressions on their faces, and asked in surprise.

“Hello, uncles, those two people should have been promoted to be immortals with us!”

Xiaoxiao bowed towards the immortals, and said respectfully, his eyes filled with wonder.

“Huh? Promoted to be an immortal god with us?”

The immortals were stunned, looked at and smiled.


He smiled and nodded: “I saw him when I went to the real world. His name is Wang Xian. He should be 21 years old this year. He has been up for a very short time and built the real world’s sacred gate in a short period of time!”

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