Chapter 617 Wait for me to kill them 3 (Fourth!)

Hundreds of thousands of disciples around looked at the chaos in the obliterated area in the center, and muttered.

“Dead, those two guys are dead!”

All the arrogances hid from a distance of a thousand meters, and Gwen’s expression eased.

Being defeated by Ao Jian’s two moves made him very embarrassed, but seeing that Ao Jian killed the four elders and Ao Shuwen with one move just now, a trace of fear flashed in his heart.

Too strong, even more terrifying than when you shoot yourself!

“Will it die?”

Xiaoxiao stared at the following position tightly: “This dragon king is still the same as the real world, very arrogant, and doesn’t put anyone in his eyes!”

“That is the real world, but here is our Yongchang, what kind of dragon king, it is a dragon, he has to lie here!”

Jin Jian stared down, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

“Yes, I dare to kill our people in Yongchang World, damn it!”

There was also a trace of hideous excitement on Gwen’s face. After the death of Ao Jian and this Dragon King, he was still the most powerful Tianjiao in the world of Yongchang, the first of the three immortal disciples!


However, at this moment, at the center of the explosion, a terrifying golden long sword slashed directly towards the front.

The golden long sword has a pale golden color, gradually turning into rich gold, the long sword reaches a kilometer, and it cuts directly toward the front.

“What? Not dead yet, hide, hide!”

The elders of the surrounding three immortal gates saw the sudden appearance of the terrifying sword face change, and hurriedly shouted loudly.

“Do not!”

However, in this instant, the golden long sword had already been cut, a scream and several elders who hadn’t even screamed directly fell towards the ground.

“It’s a terrifying attack. His strength is at least a half-step immortal god. Kill, do it all!”

The three elders of the immortal gates changed their expressions and roared loudly.

“I didn’t want to kill people, but if that’s the case, then kill them happily, haha, Yongchang World, so what!”

Wang Xian glanced over the elder Xianmen who attacked again, with a wild smile on his face.


Ao Jian, who was on his side, moved.

“No dust,




No trace,

ruthless! ”

A voice without the slightest emotion came, and Ao Jian’s long sword slashed across, and instantly penetrated one of the terrorist attacks that came towards them.

The terrifying golden long sword passed through the six elders strangely.


The six elders made no sound, and fell directly to the ground.

“What? How is this possible!”

An elder opened his eyes wide, and couldn’t help shouting in horror.

Six swords killed six elders.

“The Relentless Sword, his Relentless Sword has been greatly improved!”

The great elder of Slashing Immortal Dao shouted loudly in horror.

“Attack together!”

In a short moment, ten elders were killed by Ao Jian, which made the faces of all the elders of the Three Great Immortal Gates look terrified.

If he continues to attack again, wouldn’t it be that their group of elders are not enough to kill.

Moreover, what frightened them was that the Dragon King had never done anything.

If according to Xiaoxiao, Ao Jian is just a subordinate of Dragon King.

“This this…”

All Tianjiao felt their scalp numb when they saw this scene, and killed the four elders with one sword.

Followed by the Six Relentless Swords to kill six elders.

However, the attacks of the elders fell on the dragon king, directly resisted by the water energy around him.

The strength of the two people horrified them.

If they confronted it, wouldn’t they be beheaded every minute!

The Tianjiao couldn’t help but retreat back again.

“Great Flame Art!”

“Sword burst!”

“Relentless Sword!”

The terrifying energy attacks on the elders of the three immortal gates were directly released, and their terrifying combat skills attacked with the power of destroying the world.

How horrible it would be to attack more than fifty strong infants, and the entire sky began to change color.

The air bursts!


Wang Xian looked at the attack and smiled faintly, and five long swords appeared around him.

Every sword is a twelve-level spiritual weapon.

The long sword rotates, and a phantom of Jianyue appears, covering him slowly rotating.

“Broken Sword!”

Seeing the attack, Ao Jian’s expression didn’t change the slightest, and he waved the long sword in his hand.

A broken sword appeared around, directly facing the terrifying energy that was attacking him.


The sound of the explosion came, but what embarrassed everyone was that the dazzling blue and golden light still exudes fiery light.

“Sword of Return!”

Ao Jian’s eyes were cold, and he gave a soft drink, a long sword directly condensed in the void.

“No, their strength is too terrifying, avoid his long sword!”

The great elder of Slashing Immortal Dao roared loudly!

The expressions of all the elders around him changed drastically.

“Two people fight more than 60 elders and kill eleven. Is this possible?”

“Oh my god, all the elders are actually weak, how can they be so strong!”

“How can two people in a real world of doomsday be so powerful!”

The hundreds of thousands of disciples below looked at the terrifying battle in the sky with shocked faces.

According to the information from Yongchang Immortal Gate, aren’t the real-world warriors all rubbish?

But in the scene before him, how do you feel that the warriors in the real world are wild beasts!


At this time, they saw Ao Jian’s long sword attacking a famous elder again.

The ruthless sword, which is called the strongest swordsmanship by Zhanxian Dao, once shot, the strong will fall!

“Dare to kill in my Yongchang, you can convict!”


Suddenly, a voice resembling a Hong Zhong in the void rang from a distance.

A dazzling flame fell directly on the metal long sword.

The long sword collapsed instantly!

“Head of Hongyan!”

“Master Hong Yan!”

A group of elders from the three immortal gates heard this voice, a trace of excitement flashed in their eyes, and they quickly shouted respectfully.


A figure appeared in front of everyone like a teleportation.

The phantom gradually solidified, a middle-aged man wearing a flaming red armor.

The faint warmth like the sun shines from his body, and his body exudes a faint light, which makes people look as sacred as a child of the sun!

He stared at Wang Xian and Ao Jian with indifferent eyes.

Hong Yan, the powerhouse of the fairyland!

“Head, these two outsiders have killed more than a dozen of our elders, and half a month ago he assassinated 15 infant masters!”

An elder from Yongchang Immortal Gate stared at Wang Xian and the others angrily.

“Master Hong Yan, people from the real world have no good intentions to join us in Slashing Immortal Dao. Please Master Hong Yan to help us clear the door!”

An elder Zhanxiandao immediately bowed and said.

“Well, beheading so many powerful people in Yongchang, we are guilty to death!”

Hong Yan nodded faintly, and stretched out a finger.

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