Chapter 615: Wait For Me To Kill Them 1 (Second!)


Xiaoxiao saw the gazes of hundreds of thousands of people around, slightly shameful, fluttered his wings, and flew towards the peak.

However, when he approached the peak platform and glanced over a figure, the whole person was suddenly stunned.

“It turned out to be her? I didn’t expect that she turned out to be from Dahong Immortal Clan!”

However, at this time, when Wang Xian saw this girl, he frowned slightly, his face slightly ugly.

He had seen the girl, the disciple of the disciple of the saint.

“He… how could it be him… unexpectedly…”

And smiling, her face was stunned at the moment, she looked at Wang Xian dumbly: “Dragon King, I didn’t expect it to be… it was really him…”

“Smile, come over to me!”

At this time, a girl on the peak beckoned to her.

She flew to the peak platform somewhat mechanically, still staring at Wang Xian closely.

“Smile, what are you looking at?”

The girl asked her in surprise when she saw her look a little dull.

“Dragon King, she is the Dragon King, the Dragon King, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it!”

Laughing widened his eyes, staring at Wang Xian in surprise, and suddenly said loudly.


Her sudden behavior caused the rest of Tianjiao on the peak stage to turn around with surprise and smile astonished.

“What’s the matter with a smile?”

The girl held her shoulders and asked in surprise.

“Well, meet again!”

Wang Xian turned his head and looked at the smile, with a faint smile on his face.

Xiaoxiao’s face changed slightly, looking up and down at Wang Xian, ignoring the girl on the side, with surprise on her face: “I didn’t expect you to be alive!”

Wang Xian smiled and said confidently: “Who can kill me?”

“Smile, you know the Dragon King of Dahong Immortal Gate!”

The girl beside Xiaoxiao frowned and asked again when she saw that she ignored her.

Around, the rest of Tianjiao looked curiously.

“The Dragon King of Dahong Immortal Gate?”

Staring at Wang Xian with a smile, his eyes flickered and said: “He is not the Dragon King of Dahong Immortal Gate at all!”


The girl was taken aback, and all the arrogances around her were slightly surprised.

Wang Xian looked at her faintly, and didn’t stop it, he knew he couldn’t stop it either.

“He is the Dragon King of Dragon Gate, the Dragon King of Dragon Gate in the real world!”

Xiaoxiao stared at Wang Xian tightly, and said in a louder voice.


The surrounding arrogances were stunned, and their faces showed a look of stunned error.

“In the real world, the Dragon King of the Dragon Gate in the rivers and lakes. He founded Dragon Gate at the age of twenty. With the power of the Dragon Gate, he defeated Nie Wushuang, the strongest of the Righteous Alliance, and Qi Di, the strongest of the Magic Dao, and fought with them on the top of Mount Hua, and defeated our Yongchang. The formation of the world’s defense, entering our Yongchang, I thought he would die under the attack of the formation, but I didn’t expect to be alive.”

Xiaoxiao said with a little excitement, her face flushed and her eyes were full of complicated expressions.

There is shock and admiration!

“What? The Dragon King of the real world!”

A shocked roar came from Gwen who had just flown up.

All the arrogances around were also shocked: “Sister Xiaoxiao, you mean he is a person in the real world, this…this…how can he enter our Yongchang world!”

“It’s him, I absolutely didn’t admit it, it’s him, Dragon King, is it you!”

Xiaoxiao pointed to Wang Xian and asked loudly.

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly raised: “The real world, the Dragon King of Dragon Gate, please show me a lot!”

In the real world, the Dragon King of Dragon Gate, please show me a lot!

When Wang Xian finished speaking, the eyes of the arrogances widened, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

All of them turned around, staring at Wang Xian with vigilant faces.

“It turned out to be a person in the real world. I didn’t expect you to be a person in the real world!”

A famous Tianjiao stared at Wang Xian in shock, widened his eyes and roared in a low voice.

The outside world, the people outside!

“You turned out to be a person in the real world, why did you enter our three great fairy gates?”

Ao Shuwen stared at Wang Xian’s face and suddenly roared loudly.

His voice spread over more than ten kilometers in an instant, and all the hundreds of thousands of disciples around him could hear clearly.

“What’s the situation? What’s going on? What people in the real world?”

Hundreds of thousands of disciples around saw another change taking place on the peak platform, with a look of error on their faces.

Everyone stood up slightly confused and stared at the stage.

“If you accidentally enter this world, you will naturally have a reputation!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, and looked towards Xiaoxiao: “Little girl, you have disrupted my plan!”

“People in the real world, entering our three great fairy gates, entering the world of Yongchang, are unpredictable!”

Ao Shuwen stared at Wang Xian and roared loudly again, his voice spreading over more than ten kilometers in a radius again.

This time, everyone around him could hear clearly.

“People in reality, people in the real world? Brother Ao Shuwen is saying that Dragon King is a person in reality!”

“Isn’t it? The Dragon King of Dahong Immortal Gate turned out to be a person from the real world!”

A cry of exclamation came from below, and everyone’s faces were shocked.

The elders of the three great immortals also changed their complexions slightly, and flew towards the summit in an instant with a movement.

“Elder Wang is a person in the real world?”

The great elder of Dahongxianmen shouted directly with shocked expression.

“Boom boom boom!”

A famous elder instantly appeared around the peak platform, completely enclosing the entire peak platform, and they stared at Wang Xian closely.

Wang Xian saw fifty or sixty powerful infants, with a smile on his face, he arched his hands indifferently: “The Dragon Gate of the rivers and lakes, the Dragon King, lucky to meet!”

“Really people in the real world!”

Dahong Immortal Gate Great Elder’s eyes flashed with an unbelievable look.

The Dragon King turned out to be a person in the real world, a person who was such a genius and so enchanting turned out to be a person in the world of doomsday.

This makes them feel incredible!

In the real world, how can such a wicked person exist?

“It’s ill-intentioned. If you enter our Dahong Immortal Gate, it must be ill-intentioned and say, what is your purpose?”

An elder of Dahongxianmen’s eyes flickered and pointed to Wang Xian and asked.

“Coming from the real world, he must be unruly, kill him, kill him!”

Ao Shuwen directly affirmed loudly, and said murderously in his eyes.

“Yes, a realistic person, abolish his cultivation base, and ask what he has a conspiracy!”

Inside the Yongchang Immortal Gate, an elder flashed in his eyes, and said coldly.

“Just kill it!”

An elder of Zhanxiandao also spoke directly.

With your words and my words, this made the elders of the three immortal gates show hesitation on their faces, staring at him with twinkling eyes.

“The Feng Family, Ao Family, Dong Family, Liang Family… Ha ha, I came to assassinate me last time, it seems that I have not given you enough warning!”

Wang Xian glanced over several talking elders, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

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