Chapter 600: All Still Alive (Second!)

“Remuneration? How is it calculated?”

Wang Xian directly asked the five elders.

For Wang Xian, it was a great opportunity for Wang Xian to refine spirit weapons and pills for an immortal door.

If the reward is not bad, then he can not only rise to the realm of immortal gods, but also provide a large amount of medicine for the people in Longmen.

“Master Wang, your success rate in refining the fifth-level pill must have reached 70 to 80%, right? At the sixth level, it is at least 60%!”

The old man in the center continued to say to Wang Xian.

“Well, almost!”

Wang Xian nodded blankly.

“It’s amazing, and the Grand Master is nothing more than that!”

Even though the five of them were prepared, their faces were full of surprise.

“Three pill, eight for Xianmen, 1.5 for refining tools, how about helping Xianmen refining a large number of pill and spirit tools?”

The old man in the center hesitated and asked to Wang Xian.

“Three for eight?”

Wang Xian frowned. This remuneration can still make a lot of money for him, and the amount of Dahongxianmen refining is relatively large, which is absolutely appropriate.

But he couldn’t easily agree.

Three servings to eight, for the alchemy master, it is simply harsh, even impossible.

“Master Wang, we can prepare a set of water refining auxiliary spirit implements for you. This set of spirit implements is composed of five twelve-level water spirit orbs, which can greatly increase the success rate. Even with this set of spirit implements, you can try Refining a seven-level pill and a twelfth-level spiritual weapon!”

Seeing Wang Xian hesitating, the old man in the center spoke directly.

“Furthermore, besides that, when Yongchangding opens a month later, Master Wang can directly occupy an internal quota of our Dahong Immortal Gate!”

The old man once again promised a benefit.

“Five twelve-level spirit orbs? The beginning of Yongchangding?”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes, and asked in confusion, “Yongchangding is on, isn’t it?”

“Hehe, Master Wang may not know when he is young. There is space in the Yongchang Ding. It is a holy place for cultivation. The spiritual energy inside is dozens of times that of the outside. One day of practicing inside is worth one or two months outside. Yongchang Ding every five It is opened once every ten years, this time it is specially opened in advance.”

“We three immortals, each immortal door has only one reserved quota, and the remaining ten quotas need to be obtained by strength!”

The old man replied.

“Dozens of times the concentration of aura!”

A hint of surprise flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he nodded pretentiously: “Okay, I agree!”

“Okay if this is the case, when will Master Wang have time, I will ask my disciples to prepare a forging mountain specifically for the Master!”

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the five elders, and they immediately asked.

“In five days, I will refine the spirit tools in the store!”

Wang Xian said.

“Well, five days later, Master Wang will come directly to the main peak. Today we will announce that Dragon King Wangxian has been promoted to Dahongxianmen elder!”

The five old men said with a smile.

“Several elders, then I will leave first!”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and arched his hands towards them!


Several people nodded and watched Wang Xian leave.

“I really don’t know where such a wicked person came from?”

“Where can it come from? Did it fall from the sky? This dragon king is probably inherited, and coupled with his talent against the sky, he was accidentally injured and appeared in Fengyushan!”

“There is only this possibility. It is a good thing for us Dahong Immortal Sect. Let him refine alchemy, we can save a lot of materials!”

The five elders looked at Wang Xian’s figure and talked with a smile.

For the disciple Dragon King who suddenly emerged, Dahong Xianmen didn’t know his details, but they didn’t care.

Since he appeared in the world of Yongchang, he must be a person from the world of Yongchang.

People from the outside world can’t get in, even the gods, under the defense of the formation, if they want to break into Yongchang, they will almost die.

However, what they didn’t know was that the current formation defense was completely incomparable with before.

Yongchang Immortal Gate sits at the most central location in the world in Yongchang.

Dahong Immortal Gate is on the left, and Zhanxiandao is on the right.

The immortal gate of Yongchang is the strongest immortal gate among the three immortal gates. The strong immortal gods and disciples of the immortal gate are much better than Dahong and Zhanxian.

The whole fairy gate was red at a glance.

Located on the top of a volcano, dense fire trees grow, fire birds fly, and fire spirits dance, making it look like a holy land of flames.

At the highest peak of Yongchang Xianmen, the peak of nearly 10,000 meters sprays flames of a height of 100 meters.

This is the main peak of Yongchang Immortal Gate.

Above the main peak, towering buildings are like ancient flame temples, making them look solemn and glorious.

“The defense of the Yongchang World Formation is getting weaker and weaker. It seems that time is running out!”

In a temple on the main peak, a majestic middle-aged man stood in front of a bed, his figure in disillusionment, gleaming with red light.

Take a closer look, it is not an entity, but a ghost.

Even if it is a phantom, it still exudes a terrifying aura.

“Daddy, didn’t you say it will take another year or two?”

In the room, a young girl was standing next to the phantom, looking at the two people on the bed with curiosity, and whispered: “I didn’t expect that the two of them were not dead!”

In addition to the girl, there was an old man standing aside respectfully.

The old man was a little shocked and swept the two people on the bed without speaking.

“It won’t be so long, smile, you know them!”

The middle-aged virtual shadow asked the girl with a smile.

“Yes, why don’t you know, the head of the gangs and lakes outside the corpse demon palace, and the other is the head of the Donghua Sacred Door of the Right Path Alliance!”

The girl nodded: “The two of them are the leaders of the right way and the devil way.”

“Of course, if there is no such dragon king, they are the two most powerful people in the arena!”

The girl added another sentence.

“The leaders of the rivers and lakes? So it seems necessary to save them!”

The flames flickered on Xu Ying’s body, and he said in a deep voice.

“Daddy, their strength is placed in our Yongchang world, so they are just a master. If they want to save, they need a lot of seven-level pill, and this Demon Qidi is not a good person, do you want to save it? ”

The girl asked suspiciously towards the phantom.

“In Jiuding, although the people in the real world are weak and small, they are locals after all. We don’t use their power, but we can use them to quickly integrate into the real world, heal them, and establish an information channel for us in Yongchang. After we are completely present, we will save a lot of trouble!”

Xu Ying smiled, staring at the two people on the bed with twinkling eyes.

Two people who were almost dying, Nie Wushuang, the head of the Donghua Sect of the Righteous Path Alliance, and Emperor Qi of the Demon Path.

The old man on the side, the head of the saint’s disciple, and the young girl smiled.

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